Sofala Obt 2nd Birthday Ride Report

Home Forums Ride Reports Sofala Obt 2nd Birthday Ride Report

This topic contains 229 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Craig Hatton 14 years, 9 months ago.

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    Muc-off wrote:

    Guys and Gal,

    From a sponsors point of view I just wanted to say thank you to the whole crew involved in this group and thank you for the support you have given our company!

    Attending this event was amazing it made me want to make sure that our company remains as a long term sponsor to the site as the value we get from the whole crew is amazing! You are all an amazing bunch of people to know and have supporting our products!

    As a rider the ride was great! I love TBs Loam its like nothing I have ever seen before that counts as loam, You are all mad and I would love to be invited on more rides so feel free to pm me and let me know if you have any rides coming up!

    until then keep it clean

    and thanks from Mic-Off From Muc-Off

    From the Admin team, it was an absolute pleasure to have site sponsors on the ride. We do our best to promote the products and they get more exposure when you guys turn up for a ride. We thank you for your continued support and you are always welcome on any OBT ride.

    And you bike looks awesome too Mic. (when it’s not covered in MUC) :laugh:



    Mick D

    busting to see some pictures. :unsure: :dry:


    micknmeld wrote:

    busting to see some pictures. :unsure: :dry:

    you reckon YOU cant wait to see them mick…. :laugh: :laugh:

    at least you have the memories. ;)

    its like reading a novel, i love the different views and accounts of it all. man, i wish i was there :(

    sob :(

    more photos pleeease :woohoo:


    Sunday morning

    As we rode out of the camp site the fog sat low in the valley and we disappeared into its cover. The road was dusty and the mist was thick so it coated you and your goggles in a brown paste. The air was cool and the speeds were reasonably quick and I felt about as warm as I had in the river earlier in the morning. You could see that it was going to burn off but that was going to take a while. The road broke to twin track and as we stared to climb the sky started to clear and soon we busted through into the blue.
    We stopped at a great lookout and gave the goggles one more clean and then it was on again. The trails were a mix of twin and some singles and the group was flowing well. We came across some good challenges with some bog holes and some snotty climbs. Just before we hit the pines Justo got a flat and this gave us the chance to sit down and eat another few kg’s of Jerky.
    From here we hit the pine forest and there were some really fun sections. The way the light filtered through the canopy gave a strobe effect and it meant you really had to concentrate because the double track was fast but lined with some big pines that would show no mercy should you screw up. Mixed with this was some fun singletrack that was awesome to ride as a group. We then sessioned Dan’s hill for a while and there was a sighting of the purple hippo but that cannot be confirmed by any photographic evidence.
    We moved on from the pines and back into the native eucalypt and the ground started to get rougher and rougher. Before long it was only rock with patches of rock spread over rock. We stopped to regroup and TB must have sensed that I was getting beaten up and asked me how I was enjoying the “Western loam”. It was brutal to say the least. I was enjoying the challenge but it was hard work and you had to concentrate to avoid having your front end stolen away. Benji managed a flat which is not surprising considering the speed he was carrying through the coral and this gave us one more rest before the trail finally started to soften. By soften I mean sun baked and dusty but compared the rock fest we had just come through it felt like “Home sweet Loam”.
    We had a few more K’s to kill and it was back to burger heaven at Capertee. It was almost 2pm so we made it as quick a stop as is possible to fill and feed 30 + bikes and bellies before our final session for the weekend.

    To be continued



    Craig Hatton

    Hi All
    I have spent the night sorting out footage from this weekend, and will chop into smaller mini movies and try to post tomorrow. You know how long it took me to learn how to do std pics so it might take me a while to get movies sorted, but there will be some up tomorrow.(what is the best length movie to load up, 30 sec, 1 min, 2 min???)




    ditto hatto, my biggest issue is the time it takes to upload to youtube now if only I could find a better way to do it.. Heaps of pics but will be culling a lot out.



    This is actually Kram, pc is down so i’m stealing Stex’s while he’s not home :P

    Just wanted to say thanks to all who helped me out after my little moment. The banter kept me in good spirits, the first aid was great and the help to get me to the road and hospital terrific.

    A really big thank you to Donna and Mal for everything. Donna drove like a legend to get me to hospital and then stayed with me until the ambos took me to Orange. I wont forget the kindness shown by both of you.

    The ride from my point of view was a cracker….just ended a little early :blush: next time I’m driving the support vehicle. I was only coming along for the beers and banter anyway :woohoo:

    Sorry to cause you some grief STM. It’s merely a flesh wound ;) I think watching it was just as bad as living it by the sounds of it.

    Dr reckons I’ll be out of action for 3-6 months depending on what happens during the healing process. That means I’ll be back in the saddle for next year’s Anniversary ride and I’ll try not to stuff it up for everyone.

    Thanks again to everyone who helped out




    Mick D

    Good onya Kram,Glad you are home safe.It was a somewhat sombre trip home without our Little Hippy mate in the back keeping us amused. ;) I have been trying to ring you, to see what we were to do with your gear/car but I have worked out since that the phone, she no work at your house.


    STEX wrote:

    This is actually Kram, pc is down so i’m stealing Stex’s while he’s not home :P

    Just wanted to say thanks to all who helped me out after my little moment. The banter kept me in good spirits, the first aid was great and the help to get me to the road and hospital terrific.

    A really big thank you to Donna and Mal for everything. Donna drove like a legend to get me to hospital and then stayed with me until the ambos took me to Orange. I wont forget the kindness shown by both of you.

    The ride from my point of view was a cracker….just ended a little early :blush: next time I’m driving the support vehicle. I was only coming along for the beers and banter anyway :woohoo:

    Sorry to cause you some grief STM. It’s merely a flesh wound ;) I think watching it was just as bad as living it by the sounds of it.

    Dr reckons I’ll be out of action for 3-6 months depending on what happens during the healing process. That means I’ll be back in the saddle for next year’s Anniversary ride and I’ll try not to stuff it up for everyone.

    Thanks again to everyone who helped out



    Hi Mate

    I am glad to hear you are safely home and can now rest up and get it fixed. Hopefully it is closer to 3 months than 6 and that it heals up with no future issues.

    All the best on a speedy recovery mate.



    Good to hear your home and doing ok Mate, I guess you will have to make do with after ride get togethers for a while. If you can’t do the ride, at least join in the drinks and banter afterwards to get your fix. :)



    singletrackmind wrote:

    To be continued


    Come on Scott where is the rest of this report, the corner wait the ride home in the near dark




    Hey Kram glad your home. My sister rang last night checking on you. You wanted that ramp right or wrong didnt you, but who told you we were giving it to the biggest crash? Would have bet my house on King Crash winning it, I see he went out early with the bend over the log thing on the power line track. But you up staged his arse :laugh: Although it will work out cheaper in the long run to buy a ramp I think :P

    When you can travel come and see my new bike, mate its a beauty 310 husky :) Every arvo to keep the battery charged I go and start it, the second it starts I hold it pinned on the limiter for 3 minutes to get the oil pressure up and warm the engine, they seem pretty tough these things :laugh:

    I will be up in July and can bring it up then if you wish as I think it will need and oil change between the battery charge runs every arvo and the 12 enduros I have entered with it before then :laugh:

    Get better ya hippy bastard



    Dwayne O

    Hi there Hippy Kram :laugh:

    Good to hear you are on the mend mate,,,, Sounds like you really did yourself up :blink:
    Speedy recovery man ;)

    Ps, TB forgot to mention that despite the High revvin` battery charges & Enduro`s on the Husky,,,
    It will be returned as slippery as one of Boony`s “DOG ON LINO” as it will be most likely thoroughly drenched in “BIKESHINE”
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    EAGLE`02 wrote:

    It will be returned as slippery as one of Boony`s “DOG ON LINO” as it will be most likely thoroughly drenched in “BIKESHINE”
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    You are kidding Beagle you plot chucker I dont need to wash it I dont even put the stand down I just drop it when I am finished ITS NOT MINE :laugh: its my sponsored ride :P



    Trailboss wrote:

    singletrackmind wrote:

    To be continued


    Come on Scott where is the rest of this report, the corner wait the ride home in the near dark


    I will type up the fourth and final installment tonight.


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