Sofala Obt 2nd Birthday Ride Report

Home Forums Ride Reports Sofala Obt 2nd Birthday Ride Report

This topic contains 229 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Craig Hatton 14 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #177433


    Hi Kram

    Good to see that you have made it home, hope you are not in to much pain, get well soon mate.



    Clive Carre

    Hi All,
    Thank you for a great weekend of riding,I had a ball I’m still smiling.Big thanks to TB Mal,Chris for all your hard work also to our support team Bubba,Tiny,Lotsa you did a bonza job boys.
    Glad to hear Kram is on the mend and back home with his family all the best mate.thanks to Jack links jerky great stuff and Whipps,I would also like to apologize to anybody that was behind me on sunday on the downhills as I was abit slow due to a little off on one of the hills and damaged my left wing.Thanks to Crash for his 3 attempts to straighten my finger !!!.
    But most of all to all the old bulls that made me so welcome, Boulder was dead right your all a great bunch of people,where we riding next I’m in. 😆
    Cheers Fish


    Thankyou kind sir for your compliments!!!
    If you listen you will hear one of my rear suspension bottom outs of the weekend as I jump the rut right in the beginning of the video.
    I am keen to do more riding like that or even a bit more gnarly. Its what I bought the vstrom for…
    Looking forward to next ride already

    Trailboss wrote:

    Thats a big arse bike to ride that quick up there

    I tip my hat to you sir

    Now you can teach boony (a fellow Suzuki rider like you) how to ride a rut :laugh: Thats awesome Scott




    Sounds like a great ride,,,

    somebody should have taken a camera or something,so we not so fortunate ones can have a look at some pitcures of the weekend shenegins. :)




    Boony wrote:

    Sounds like a great ride,,,

    somebody should have taken a camera or something,so we not so fortunate ones can have a look at some pitcures of the weekend shenegins. :)


    I am hearing you Boony I didnt jack up the front :blink: I want pictures as well. Come on Hatto, king Crash and Chris please hurry up



    Mick D

    Hey Fish did you have a broken hand??????? :(

    Damn it :angry: Here’s me thinking I was getting faster on down hills, because I actually over took some one going down hill. And now you burst my bubble and tell me you were riding with a broken hand??? :blush:



    Sunday arvo

    We geared up and left burger heaven (Capertee servo) for the last time and headed down the road to embark on the final session of the weekend. 30+ dirt bikes were such a sight that some local had pulled the video camera out to film us riding through town. It may have been the sheer number of bikes or maybe word was out that TB likes to do wheelies.
    We had left the rocks behind and we hit some good sections of singletrack which had me grinning through the dust. Sunday afternoon brought some great sections of trail. We had singletrack, buffed double with water bars and some bog holes. The pace was solid and it was obvious that everyone was digging deep and keeping the throttle turned right through the afternoon. I was feeling good considering my idea of a ride is a 40k hot lap and then a bucket of home brew yet we were approaching the 400k mark.
    TB and Mal continued to push hard up front and every time you pulled cornerman duty there were stories of near misses. Mick stopped and didn’t light a ciggie so I knew something was wrong. He had managed to bottom his BRP and had taken a huge gouge out of his bash plate. Somehow he had hung on and survived what could have been a nasty get off! We continued to keep the hammer down and hit a section of sweet singletrack. I came into it behind LC4 Skin and we gave it our best shot. In reality it probably resembled two boxers late in the 15th round. We did what we could but by now the fatigue was setting in. Considering I was coming off two nights with bugger all sleep and enough beer to fuel a high school formal I was feeling ok but was not in my best form but that was not going to stop me enjoying every last bit of the ride.
    We arrived at what can best be described as a swamp and Chicken was already bogged. For a 7 foot man to be up to his waist in mud you know it is soft so as I approached the bog I was expecting my bike to completely disappear but somehow I found the firm line and got through. The stores of roosting that came later and the shots show just how wet it was. If you want diversity of trails then this was it. We had ridden sand, rock and now through a swamp. The sun was sinking and we continued to hammer out the k’s. We came out on a fire road and I was left waiting with TB, Mal, Ollie, Mick, Moose and Burple. It was a fitting crew to be with and as we waited for more to join us it became obvious that there was an issue. We feared it was an injury as it could not have been a slow tyre change as Ollie was with us.
    It was getting close to dark so TB and Mal decided to go back and look. They were not gone long when I heard the unmistakable throb of the big Honda flying back down the dirt road. He waved us on but did not back off at all as he hit the next left at a speed that my bike is not capable of and even if it was I would not be doing anything but a straight line at that speed. As we looked on he backed it in and under a darkening sky, his pipe shot a flame and he was gone. Pure gold!
    It was time to turn on the headlights but my bike was so dirty all it did was shine back at me and it gave no light forward at all. I would have given it a quick wash but my Camelback had been empty for the last three hours. Moments before the last rays of day faded we arrived back at the cars and started the load up. I only had one bag, my bike and me to load so it did not take long but I had forgotten the vital milk crate that I need to step up into the back of my Hilux. Katgirl had helped me out on the Saturday morning but she was gone so as I looked around for a make shift step King Crash had already jumped into the back and was ready to drag my bike in. Just goes to show why he was chosen as OB of the year.
    Thanks go to Salina and the boys for putting up with us on Friday. Mal and TB for linking up 400k’s of Aussie bush and planning a B route as well. Tiny, Bubba and Lotsa for your massive effort. I could list individuals from here but at some point I either rode, sat cornerman, or laughed with each and everyone on the ride at some point during the weekend and to single anyone out seems unfair as each and everyone on the ride deserves my thanks.

    Cheer OBT





    Mick D

    Great narration of the ride STM, kinda makes you feel like you were actually there. :laugh:

    That Whipps bashplate on my bike certainly has a savage scarp and dint in it, money well spent,without it, there would have been some serious carnage to my engine case and frame.


    Craig Hatton

    This is a test



    Hatto wrote:

    This is a test

    Test result




    Craig Hatton

    Ok so I thinks i have had some success,
    I will try and get them into some order and post

    cheers Hatto


    Craig Hatton



    Great report fellas,

    Looks like an awsome ride.

    Hope the wrist is better Kram140 looks like it would kill and youve got my vote for posing for the pic too,must have been difficult.

    Hows the Vstrom on the climb, i gotta show a bloke at work that rides around coffee shops and thinks he’s an adventurer becuase he has a gps mount on his bars.

    Hope i can make the next one.

    And great idea with the clutch lever never thought of that,must have been unlucky to snap that off under the bark buster Justo.

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