some people dont get it

This topic contains 10 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  alan 12 years, 2 months ago.

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    craig evans

    the family was at the fire works and new years eve celebrations in orange last nite enjoying what was a good nite till on the way home when we were over taken by the fireys to find out that some people up the road from us decided to let there own fire works off which started a bushfire and putting us and other locals on evacuation warning, there were 3 choppers and atleast 12 heavy machines trying to contain it the best they could as the country was to rough for normal vecheals, iv later found out 1 firefighter has been serverly hurt ,a thanx must go out to these guys who put there lives on the line for us ,we havnt been evac so we are lucky this time


    Adam Rodgers

    I don’t know about up your way but it was a total fire ban down this way today

    What idiots they must be 👿

    Good to here the fireys stopped it and hope the injured guy gets well soon :)




    F…. Fireworks i am over them here, ive got an absolute skitz dog from them she was ok until a neighbour let of some industrial size shit in my dead end years back. The dog was hiding in the television cabinet on new years eve then i let her go under the stair case to go under the frame work.

    Ranting done, hope your place is ok Wolfie and the cops fine them.

    and happy new year. :laugh:
    wonder if we pay carbon tax on fireworks?


    Adrian Lee

    Illegal fireworks must be easy to come by these days,they were going off everywhere around my neighborhood.


    They are easy to get hold of. There are regular visits from a vendor in a van who travels up to Sydney from Canberra (where they are legal) and sells to anyone who wants them. He takes orders apparently. And no, I don’t buy them!
    Canberra – our nations capital, parliament, legal fireworks, legal porn. Go figure.
    Cheers Budge B)



    i love fire works but its the wrong time of the year should be letting them of on the queens birthday long weekend as oldfarts like me did kids these days are missing out due to softcock do gooder pollies


    craig evans

    all good ere twobanger just lots of smoke, its great if in a controlled function [ summertime] but the problem is its the idiots that just dont think about the damages it could do to others like now in summer ,but if you go back to when we were kids we seemed to had more brains then then what they do now


    Kent Duncan

    Still got them up here, only for sale and use on one day per year (July 1st, Territory Day).

    You can imagine how many get let off before after that day though, these are the idiots that will get them banned.

    It will happen, only a matter of time………..


    I was listening to 2GZ at work and they were asking people what their plans were for new years eve in Orange. One fella said he was lighting a bonfire in his back yard!!!! The DJ didn’t even notice what he said. I bet thats who started the fire in Orange.


    Dwayne O

    Peanuts :angry:

    Lives and property at risk for the sake of a few crackers and a bucket load of grog !!!

    Glad to hear it worked out ok Wolfie ,,,


    craig evans

    thanx eagle if it in a proper organization its fine ,they had every precaution for any thing that mite rize, but these people would rather have there own party with fireworks that cost $$$ and run the risk of ruining peoples lives and income without any thought for safey of others,and it was only a gold coin for entry which all went to charity, from what iv heard today the bloke that was involved in the fireworks/fire is in hospital with 1/3 degree burns

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