South Coast 20/21/22 March

Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides South Coast 20/21/22 March

This topic contains 147 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Adrian Gale 9 years, 12 months ago.

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    Adrian Gale
    Burns1 wrote:
    GaleyKTM300 wrote:
    Does anyone have a bunk going begging for Friday and Saturday night? If not I will be swagging with the Murphs.

    Hi Galey,

    With Peg out, we have a bed for you if you want it.


    Thanks Bernie. I will bunk in your cabin. See you Friday morning.


    Matt Baker

    Well we are only a few days away from the start of this ride and it looks like everyone has their transport and accommodation sorted out.

    A few have pulled out at the last minute so there are still some spots available if you want to bring a friend.

    Please re read page 1 of this thread for the essential info.

    Looks like the weather will be on our side too with some showers and cool temps predicted.

    Any more questions just post in here or give me a message.

    mike wrote:
    My trip starts tomorrow morning with a 4.5hr drive down to Jackos where we might even be able to squeeze in a loop on his property followed by a home made curry :woohoo: and a few beers :P .

    Thursday we swing by STMs at Coffs and carry on to an o/n stop in Sydney where we might even manage a secret loop that Scotty knows :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: followed by a few more beers :P :P

    A few hours drive on Friday morning and were there :woohoo: :woohoo:

    What a road trip
    B) B)

    It will be a ripper trip mate. Look forward to catching up on Thursday. Our Sydney stopover is sorted. Mum has the slow cooker on the simmer and mentioned something about a mini keg!
    Good woman :laugh:
    Ps Dad cleaned the pool and tells me the secret single is buffed.



    Mike Wyeth


    singletrackmind wrote:
    mike wrote:
    My trip starts tomorrow morning with a 4.5hr drive down to Jackos where we might even be able to squeeze in a loop on his property followed by a home made curry :woohoo: and a few beers :P .

    Thursday we swing by STMs at Coffs and carry on to an o/n stop in Sydney where we might even manage a secret loop that Scotty knows :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: followed by a few more beers :P :P

    A few hours drive on Friday morning and were there :woohoo: :woohoo:

    What a road trip
    B) B)

    It will be a ripper trip mate. Look forward to catching up on Thursday. Our Sydney stopover is sorted. Mum has the slow cooker on the simmer and mentioned something about a mini keg!
    Good woman :laugh:
    Ps Dad cleaned the pool and tells me the secret single is buffed.


    Sounds like we are getting spoilt


    Hats off to the north coast boys, especially you Mike :blink:
    That’s dedication, right there B)
    Catchya’s Friday night


    Matt Baker

    When driving down the coast for this ride I would suggest going through Gerringong and Gerroa, there are shit loads of road works the Berry way.



    Hey LC,
    I am coming down from Newcastle and google maps is telling me to through Fitzroy falls and Kangaroo valley is that the way or would you think Gerringong would be better.


    Matt Baker

    I would go down Mt Ousley and through Gerringong. Too twisty through Kangaroo. Although it may be faster??


    Nick Jackson

    Mike arrived at just after 2pm so I was forced to take the afternoon off work and take him for a nice little 50 km loop of my local !!! Good warm up for the weekend :woohoo:

    See you all Friday !!


    Nickj wrote:
    Mike arrived at just after 2pm so I was forced to take the afternoon off work and take him for a nice little 50 km loop of my local !!! Good warm up for the weekend :woohoo:

    See you all Friday !!


    See you tomorrow for another warm up!



    Matt Baker

    I’m warming up tomorrow by playing golf and drinking schooners.

    Pikey wrote:
    Hey LC,
    I am coming down from Newcastle and google maps is telling me to through Fitzroy falls and Kangaroo valley is that the way or would you think Gerringong would be better.

    Hey Pikey
    We will be travelling down the winding road at Fitzroy Falls/Kangaroo Valley
    I think its the better way, scenic if nothing else B)


    Adrian Gale

    Kangaroo Valley at 10pm no one else in the 4×4 and no one else om the road. Awesomeness.
    Road works at the end.

Viewing 13 posts - 136 through 148 (of 148 total)

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