Spot Tracker’s Work!!

Home Forums Product Reviews Product Reviews Spot Tracker’s Work!!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Nick Jackson 10 years, 4 months ago.

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    I purchased my SPOT about four years ago and hoped that I would never have to find out whether they worked or not. Today I was out on a solo ride of my local and was waved down over a blind crest on a fire road by another rider. Further down the trail I could see a body laid out.
    He had only gone down in the last few minutes and it looked like he had done a job to his entire left side. Hip, leg and wrist all looked bad. He had good gear on and there was a bit of blood coming through his pants so it may have been a compound. I hit the emergency button on my SPOT and left it next to the injured rider. One of his friends was on the phone to 000 and they were struggling with directions so I left the SPOT and bolted home and met the Ambo in my Navara and drove them back in. The Ambo that responded to the SPOT was there when we got back which is very comforting to know.

    They Work!!!




    Good story Scott. I have never had any doubt about them working but its always great to hear a positive story. Hope ol mate is doing ok



    Nick Jackson

    He’s a lucky bloke that you showed up mate !!

    Thanks for confirming that they work , I’ve carried mine for years and always wondered if needed if they get through to the right local services to respond quickly. It’s great to know its the worthwhile trail kit I thought it was .


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