*#@#@* #&%*@ Spring is a #@*^%

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    chris72a wrote:

    Had a ryobi shitter that use to be like that, I think I ended up polevolting over the fence and smashed it. The homelite starts 2-3 pull everytime.


    I think we should make it a Aussie sport,because mine has flown over the fence a few times also



    Next old bull christmas party we have a new competition, whipper snipper throw off, see who can throw it the furthest a bit like the javelin throw.




    I’ll supply the whipper snipper


    Mick D

    iflovr wrote:


    Just get the wife to go get a new one. You probably owe her a present for Christmas (perhaps you should have gotten a salt AND a pepper mill!) After all she does the mowing and snipping doesnt she……tsk tsk
    I bought a new Victa yesterday for less than $200 started first pull. ( no inference to masterbation please)

    So she slagged me out over the pepper mill did she???There is more to that story BTW.
    She only mows, she is scared of the whipper snipper, it is a bit cranky,so is the whipper snipper…LOL.



    I had a few beers yesterday and decided that Matt needed to see the new snipper at it’s claimed 12,000RPM. I ended up whipper snipping a bucket into about 1 million pieces and shreddeding the crap out of a cardboard box.

    They should make that a new sport for us mature types :P



    I am in, lets see how quick someone can destroy something with a whipper snipper, next party its a definite consideration, I have been in training for years for this without even knowing it:woohoo:



    How about we set the whipper snipper cord alight and see if we can destroy a full petrol can?



    Moto you are the Man, but we would have to make sure they are Honda whipper snippers



    Ktmrat wrote:

    Moto you are the Man, but we would have to make sure they are Honda whipper snippers


    Of course, I couldn’t see any Orange burn B)


    Mick D

    AS it turns out the end of the spring that holds the spring in place was snapped off. That is why I couldn’t get the $&@#*&^#$@ thing to stay there. The new spring was $42!!!! Must be something to do with the whipper snipper being ORANGE.



    micknmeld wrote:

    The new spring was $42!!!! Must be something to do with the whipper snipper being ORANGE.

    Bingo! Orange expensive!



    Nick Again

    Now this is a subject that warms me heart. well the bigger bro’s of whippersnippers anyway..the BRUSHCUTTER. Rule 1. never buy Stihl brushcutters. They just cant hack it. There is Only TWO that are worth a buck. 1.) Shindiawa rule. 2.) if you cant get a Shidiawa, go the HONDA 4 banga. The Shindiawa 430 is the BOMB. throw a 24 tooth Tungsten tipped blade on it, nothing stands in it’s way. I have dropped trees from Bloodwood,Wattle And Gums with them. TREES, not frking little sticks. You can take out a tree at 16″ at the base!! This was work for me for a while, I ran a team of 11 lads, we fkn killed EVERYTHING that resembled plant life.1000 acres in a week and a half!! 9 machines 2 axes, and many drums of poison….NOt very Environmentally friendly…but the Cockey wants it done, you do it. I wouldnt touch a Stihl unless its a chainsaw and then only if I couldn’t find a Husky dealer. The Honda’s Ive only watched in use, they seem capable but I know nothing of its reliability. The Shindiawa’s just go and Go. Ive had them with the carby slide screw threaded, when the slide lifts up and out, the shindiawa screams…strangely though, they loose vibration?? But REV!!! today i have a MTD for the yard..i does it’s job..


    Mick D

    In the stihls defence I have to say it has been a top unit.It is 25 years old and this is the first part that has needed to be replaced.
    My Brother Tripper is in the property and Garden maintainence business and he swears by the Shindiawa brushcutters too and he ought to know as he has been swinging of whipper snippers for years.



    A spring that holds a spring in? $42! That’s a third of the price of my whipper snipper! I’ll see how my snipper last though, I’m thinking it won’t be as long if I keep using to destruct garden buckets into a million pieces!


    Mick D

    THe Stihl has been such a good unit,when this one dies I will certainly look at another.
    They are “weapons of grass destruction”…………hahahahah I crack myself up sometimes.

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