Spuds Excellent Adventure.

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This topic contains 27 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  murph the surf 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #235309
    mike wrote:
    Bloody hell Spud :ohmy:thats not like you mate, sounds like a lot of injuries as well :(

    Hope its not holding you back,

    Heal quick eh

    Thanks mike..All good mate…

    Ha Nato…I landed on the other sholder.Bugger.. 👿



    You blokes have some great country to ride in

    Loved the video


    awesome video STM bloody get edit :woohoo: :woohoo:
    looks like you blooks had a great day on the trails.
    Can’t wait to get out there again with all of you.
    Shoulder is finally back to normal after the Coffs crash and ready to carve up the north coast terrain :woohoo: :woohoo:


    Nick Jackson

    Spud got a new Gopro for Christmas and this was it’s first outing.

    As he doesn’t have any editing software I offered to use my antiquated MacBook and post up the highlights.

    So here’s Spuds View :)




    Nice edit Jacko!
    Spud knows those singles so well. He is ripping :woohoo:



    Thanks for all your work putting that edit together Nickj.
    Bloody unreal mate ;) Ill try and fix the angle and lift it up a touch for
    next time..


    Hey Spud.
    That camera only has to tilted about an ants dick, bloody close.
    That stick that was thrown up made great footage.
    The things you people will do to win a video compatition. :whistle:
    Great job fella’s

    Murph the surf wrote:
    Hey Spud.
    That camera only has to tilted about an ants dick, bloody close.
    That stick that was thrown up made great footage.
    The things you people will do to win a video compatition. :whistle:
    Great job fella’s

    Cheers Murph.



    Great vids dudes :) ;) :cheer:

    That was very unlucky with that stick…. :(

    great scene capture tho. :huh: ;)

    Heal spud dude. :cheer:


    Nick Jackson
    Murph the surf wrote:
    Hey Spud.
    That camera only has to tilted about an ants dick, bloody close.
    That stick that was thrown up made great footage.
    The things you people will do to win a video compatition. :whistle:
    Great job fella’s

    Your right Murph , the camera angle was near spot on and I reckon for a first attempt at filming with a Gopro Spud did a top job.

    Editing is the easy bit , Spuds the only bloke I know that can ride those singles at that speed to make it a decent movie :)



    Mike Wyeth
    Nickj wrote:
    Murph the surf wrote:
    Hey Spud.
    That camera only has to tilted about an ants dick, bloody close.
    That stick that was thrown up made great footage.
    The things you people will do to win a video compatition. :whistle:
    Great job fella’s

    Your right Murph , the camera angle was near spot on and I reckon for a first attempt at filming with a Gopro Spud did a top job.

    Editing is the easy bit , Spuds the only bloke I know that can ride those singles at that speed to make it a decent movie :)


    He sure was flying before that crash :woohoo: :woohoo:



    Great vid :)

    Ripping thru there nicely, bloody unlucky with that stick.. :pinch:


    Hey Chris-t
    On another note
    Come up and play on the Four Hills and a Footlong ride. :woohoo:

Viewing 13 posts - 16 through 28 (of 28 total)

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