Steel Quoits

This topic contains 20 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  dennis da menace 15 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #129246

    haw haw haw….

    your a bit quirky tonight micko, have you been self lubricating again.

    and yes, i had a titanium quoit installed after “the incident”, i brought it from “steve austin”….he had the technology!;)


    Mick D

    menace wrote:

    haw haw haw….

    your a bit quirky tonight micko, have you been self lubricating again.

    and yes, i had a titanium quoit installed after “the incident”, i brought it from “steve austin”….he had the technology!;)

    Yes, we can rebuild him. Jeeez that bought back some memories. Ant actually had a Steve Austin action figure when we were kids.


    ha ha and when he gets his shoulder fixed, he will BE steve austin

    da na na na na (cue car being thrown over building) da na na na na


    Jenny Meyers

    menace wrote:

    hey mrs tiny, there are some on ebay, theyre from the states though, and the price might give you a pain in the quoit:laugh:

    ebay item number #260354409773

    type that number into the ebay search bar and …presto:)

    Menace that’s a lot cheaper than the other place from the states, i have a friend actually looking into making a set up for me so hopefully he will be able to bodge something up. Or Tiny ends up paying about $300.00 for a set 👿 :laugh: 👿 :laugh: 👿 :laugh:



    Tinys biarch wrote:

    Number disconnected Tb, thanks anyway :)

    OMG it was a Gee up, I made it all up, so you rang it, a shop all about Quoits ha ha only at Penrith lol :laugh: :laugh:

    Hey watching your team go around, 2009 year of the eels, they are gone for all money lol :laugh:



    john morgan

    heres a real answer.
    I tried to find a set a couple of years back only to find they are as rare as hens teeth.
    most are hand made by blacksmith or boilermaker.Anyway,I gave up and bought a set of horseshoes instead.
    try ebay,secondhand stores and even camping shops.My uncle was lucky enough to find a set at a local camping shop, they were handmade by an old blacksmith.I had no luck.

    If you find a set or two let me know as Im still looking for them.

    Not much of a help,good luck


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