Sticker kit peeling off……

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This topic contains 25 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 16 years, 2 months ago.

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    I think keeping the jet wash away from them helps. It’s what killed the decals on my bike.



    You wash your bike you are kidding when I washed it I had to chain it to the fence it kept running from the water, wasn’t game to try bike shine on it ! lol



    She does like it dirty.


    Mick D

    Moto wrote:

    She does like it dirty.

    Not as dirty as Eagle’s likes it…



    NOBODY likes it dirty like Eagle does :laugh:


    Matt Baker

    Fossil wrote:

    Once they start to go there is no saving them. Peel the bastards off and spend your money on tires, brake pads etc that you need to keep your bike running. Bling sticker kits are for those that have to much money.

    its not a bling sticker kit its the original stickers which protect the plastics! they dont even make bling kits for the 625.



    The decals I had (before they peeled off) did protect the plastics pretty well from scrathes and scrapes and help to keep the bike looking good. I like having a nice clean bike to go ride on.



    You could always use the ballards clearskins over the stickers, this would keep your stickers stuck well and truly, I’m not looking forward to have to pull it off though.




    Surely the pressure washer can wriggle it’s way under there too though Chris? The trick is not to point the pressure washers at the decals I guess :huh:


    Mick D

    One of the Tank stickers came off the XR the other day and riderX gave me some sort of spray on adhesive that worked a treat.It’s name escapes me though. It is something they use in the plastering trade.



    Sweet! I know the stuff you mean :huh:

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