Stihl Chainsaw air filters

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Roy 13 years, 6 months ago.

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    The air filter oil thread reminded me of an issue I have with my chainsaw. I bought a stihl MS 250 chainsaw this winter for cutting firewood. After my first use I did the usual clean down and went to clean the air filter. To my dismay I found that the air filter is a small paper/mesh thing with no oil and the sealing surface between the filter and the machine is plastic on plastic which I reckon doesn’t look like it will seal real well.

    I figure Stihl has been selling these saws basically unchanged for a long time and hence there is either no issues or solutions to the issues are already developed.

    The type of filter I am talking about is here

    Anyone had any problems or overcome them?


    Had a farm boss for twenty years and don’t remember changing or cleaning it. It runs great has worked hard and starts second pull every time.



    Thanks Snowy. The farm bosses are different as the the bigger models and have a proper foam air filter. The MS 250 and smaller are the hobby size (18″ bar and smaller) and to look at have a hobby air filter. My guess is the few times a year I use it for it will be fine but was just wondering.



    All my Stihl’s have the same filter, MS310, MS170 and old 039 just remember to only wash in warm soapy water, mine can also be split in two with a quick twist of a screw driver, good for better cleaning and drying, don’t rub the filter surface too much as you can damage the material easily

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