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    Sean Ramsay

    Action MC at Parra had a few ex army drzs, i had a look at them but the one they had there was already sold, they had kick start as well as the electric leg, guards over everything, larger tank, would have been a good deal…………


    Sean Ramsay

    Sorry guys , been a while but i’m back, Coppers caught the grub who stole the bike, but I’d already claimed the insurance and they classed the bike as a stat right off so no longer able to register the bike nor could i buy it back from manheim who had it in their storage yard.

    but just got myself a 2000 DRZ 400e so i’m back in the saddle again, having to replace the headset bearings before i take it out touring or go bush on it, but won’t be long :-)


    Mick D

    I love a happy ending. Trouble is, the scum that stole it will only get a slap on the wrist or some other token punishment.


    Wouldn’t have thought the market value of the bike included rego and CTP so might be worth arguing the point with the insurance company to get the extra bit [and tell them you will take your business elsewhere to insure your replacement bike- got both of mine with QBE, they even pointed out they could give me full comp. on my old 87 KLR650 cheaper than the bomb insurance I asked for, because I already had another bike insured with them and they could discount the second policy, but not if it was only for third party].

    They probably chucked your bike in a ute or trailer, they will rip out the ignition wiring and put in a switch to turn it on and off- then it will only be used as a bush trail bike trailered to and from where they ride [but they do get found again from time to time].

    About three years back 16 bikes where stolen from the suburb I used to live in over two nights [there was a gang targeting bikes that were then put in a container and shipped overseas].

    I sold one of my Beemers to a mate and that was one they tried to steal at the time.
    He heard them in his driveway and bolted out in his jocks, belted one of the culprits across the head with a baseball bat- can’t beat good old fashioned “security”. :whistle:

    Local Honda dealer out near me got a bike back recently that had been among several stolen some years back from their shop.


    Sean Ramsay

    the cops said that they started it with a screw driver, and that the grub was trying to sell it to some kid, the dad saw the damage to the ignition and reported it.

    the bike was taken to the Manheim Fowler holding yards and i was told that i could tender for it, after much to-ing and fro-ing i was told that no i could not buy the bike back, i had to bid for it when it appeared on their online auction.. – it never did, i rang them about it and no-one new about it.

    i was also pointed out to me (eventually) that the new rules in NSW prohibit a stat writeoff from ever being registered again, the whole episode was a debarkle and the only people i thanked or qwould like to thank is the dad who reported it and the coppers who followed it up.

    thre grubs who steal our treasured bike have no idea or don’t care on the impact that it has on us, as a bike is more than a possession but a whole way of life – well it is to me.

    bender wrote:
    the cops said that they started it with a screw driver, and that the grub was trying to sell it to some kid, the dad saw the damage to the ignition and reported it.

    the bike was taken to the Manheim Fowler holding yards and i was told that i could tender for it, after much to-ing and fro-ing i was told that no i could not buy the bike back, i had to bid for it when it appeared on their online auction.. – it never did, i rang them about it and no-one new about it.

    i was also pointed out to me (eventually) that the new rules in NSW prohibit a stat writeoff from ever being registered again, the whole episode was a debarkle and the only people i thanked or qwould like to thank is the dad who reported it and the coppers who followed it up.

    thre grubs who steal our treasured bike have no idea or don’t care on the impact that it has on us, as a bike is more than a possession but a whole way of life – well it is to me.

    All the more reason for “baseball bat justice” to prevail.
    That would deter more thieves than the paltry slap on the wrist they get fro the court system these days. :angry:

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