sunny coast ride

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This topic contains 114 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  scott bocking 12 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #222427

    Mike Wyeth

    Whilst out riding with Damo last weekend we went over to an area named Boulder Top because of these massive rocks that just seem to of been deliberatly placed in an area that is not that rocky :S

    so i rode up it :silly: :ohmy: :laugh: :laugh:

    As this is my first attempt at putting a photo on a post :blush: i hope it works :whistle:


    Mike Wyeth
    mike wrote:
    Whilst out riding with Damo last weekend we went over to an area named Boulder Top because of these massive rocks that just seem to of been deliberatly placed in an area that is not that rocky :S

    so i rode up it :silly: :ohmy: :laugh: :laugh:

    As this is my first attempt at putting a photo on a post :blush: i hope it works :whistle:

    Bugger that did’nt work 😆 😆


    Mike Wyeth

    see if that works


    Nick Jackson

    Epic Fail :D

    Got to use photobucket mate ;)


    Mike Wyeth
    Nickj wrote:
    Epic Fail :D

    Got to use photobucket mate ;)

    Thanks Nick, will try again when Tommo is in to guide me through it :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Old age eh its no good :angry:


    Nick Jackson

    Sorry it took a while to post Mike , had trouble getting them onto a format I could see so I hope this works :D






    Nick Jackson

    Can we watch you ride that rock as part of next weekends ride ???


    Steve Wyeth

    Is that the one we stopped next to when I was up there earlier this year? It’s after a rocky trail with tall grass so you can’t see the rocks?

    It then drops down a hill that I chased your bike shop mate down? That’s a good effort getting up, the first bit is quite steep from memory, I bet you didn’t jump down the other side though :D


    That looks unreal mike….
    Are we riding in that area…. :woohoo: :woohoo:



    Mike Wyeth

    Nickj- Thanks a lot for getting them onto the post ;) they were taken on my phone so they are’nt the best quality :blush:

    Moto- Yes thats the ones mate and you dont want to be going any further than where I am :ohmy: :ohmy: it’s a big drop off on that side :ohmy: :S

    Spud-Its a long way from where we are staying so fuel would be an issue mate,but don’t worry Spud i’v got a few good bits up my sleeve 😆 😆

    A bit of good news is its been RAINING today with more forecast for early next week :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: then a perfect weekend ;)

    mike wrote:
    Nickj- Thanks a lot for getting them onto the post ;) they were taken on my phone so they are’nt the best quality :blush:

    Moto- Yes thats the ones mate and you dont want to be going any further than where I am :ohmy: :ohmy: it’s a big drop off on that side :ohmy: :S

    Spud-Its a long way from where we are staying so fuel would be an issue mate,but don’t worry Spud i’v got a few good bits up my sleeve 😆 😆

    A bit of good news is its been RAINING today with more forecast for early next week :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: then a perfect weekend ;)

    We all knew it would or perfect mate B)



    Mike Wyeth

    Ok guys here’s some directions (if needed).
    Follow the Bruce Highway towards Gympie and look for a big sign on the left hand side for Borumba Deer Park then take left down Kenilworth/Skyring Creek Road heading for Imbil,follow for approx 5ks then take right hand turn up Tuchekoi Road(still signposted Imbil).
    Follow until you get to T junction then turn left up Gympie / Brooloo Road for about 5ks then take right hand turn at Yabba Creek Road, stay on this road through the village of Imbil for about 8ks and Borumba Deer Park is on the left.
    Borumba Deer Park
    Yabba Creek Road

    Think we are looking at riding on the friday around 1ish.
    We can head up to the pub on Saturday after the ride for something to eat, but bring some snacks/bbq stuff for Friday night.
    There is fuel in Imbil and a shop but they only sell 95 octane , so if you want 98 you will need to fill up at a servo on the highway.
    Saturday we will stop for fuel/something to eat, part way round
    Think thats all except BRING IT ON :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    mike wrote:
    Ok guys here’s some directions (if needed).
    Follow the Bruce Highway towards Gympie and look for a big sign on the left hand side for Borumba Deer Park then take left down Kenilworth/Skyring Creek Road heading for Imbil,follow for approx 5ks then take right hand turn up Tuchekoi Road(still signposted Imbil).
    Follow until you get to T junction then turn left up Gympie / Brooloo Road for about 5ks then take right hand turn at Yabba Creek Road, stay on this road through the village of Imbil for about 8ks and Borumba Deer Park is on the left.
    Borumba Deer Park
    Yabba Creek Road

    Think we are looking at riding on the friday around 1ish.
    We can head up to the pub on Saturday after the ride for something to eat, but bring some snacks/bbq stuff for Friday night.
    There is fuel in Imbil and a shop but they only sell 95 octane , so if you want 98 you will need to fill up at a servo on the highway.
    Saturday we will stop for fuel/something to eat, part way round
    Think thats all except BRING IT ON :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Thanks Mike…lets hope i make it…will be leaviing here about 3am..fri…



    Nick Jackson

    Mike , if the riding is anything like last year it will be great , it was up their with Coffs as far as terrain and with the change of location and new faces I can’t wait !!!

    Will the guy who rode the KTM last year be their ?? Top bloke , I hope so !



    It should only be about a 6 hour drive for your place Spud.


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