Home Forums Ride Gatherings NSW Rides Sunny Corner Rally OLD BULL TRAILRIDERS

This topic contains 47 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Andrew Robson 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #245723


    Friday Annual leave is booked,better get my entry in to avoid the extra $……………..this time.

    Looking forward to winning the 450,i say that every year :laugh: still no 450. :blink:


    craig evans

    if I come up I wont be bringing the bike but will bring the camera



    Baby sitters booked!!

    Chris you can pick me up I’ll drive :laugh: :laugh:

    oh god I need to ride more. :pinch:



    I am seriously thinking of doing this ride :)

    Oh yeah on my Tenere ;) or a WR250 :whistle:




    I want to see you do it on the tenere….I’ll follow on the wr with the video camera lol


    You should do it TB its a good ride, I might take the XR again this year.

    Personal sweep Old Girl?



    You’d do easy TB. Medogrocket did it years ago on an NX650 with his wife on the back. And did some of the hard section too I believe.


    oldgirl wrote:
    I want to see you do it on the tenere….I’ll follow on the wr with the video camera lol

    Ok if I am not I Perth for work your on



    mal5.1 wrote:
    You’d do easy TB. Medogrocket did it years ago on an NX650 with his wife on the back. And did some of the hard section too I believe.

    Yeah not worried about it Mal, Nickj, the boulder boys and a few others did some of the hard a few years ago on the way back from the high country. Fully dressed adv bikes and passed a few as well just quietly :laugh: my only hold up is if I will still be in Perth for work.



    mal5.1 wrote:
    You’d do easy TB. Medogrocket did it years ago on an NX650 with his wife on the back. And did some of the hard section too I believe.

    4 times with Bron, once on the xl600 and 3 on the NX650, Had a ball, did all the hards the last 2 times so much fun, heaps more traction with the extra body,


    Trailraider wrote:
    You should do it TB its a good ride, I might take the XR again this year.

    Personal sweep Old Girl?

    :huh: Are you offering to be my personal sweep TR, how sweet, sure you can pick the bike up for me every time I drop it no problems :laugh: :laugh:

    Although if you’re doing on the XR then I’m thinking I’ll have to be your bloody sweep ;) But ah you can just forget me even trying to pick up that brick , but I’ll happily video you struggling with it :laugh: :laugh:


    Hi OG,
    Yeh I was offering to be your personal sweep for one of the loops, same as I did for Rach for the Kowen forest ride.
    If you want to take it up I will ride the XR, I rode it for both loops in 2011. ;)

    However, seeing as you are offering to video it how about a challenge?
    I will ride the XR, for every time either one of us drop our bike we have to hit the donate button when we get home :ohmy: so thats $10 per drop!!
    If your up for it I will pickup your bike for you every time you fall off so I can keep count :P
    You don’t have to pick the XR ;)

    My counting is not so good though…. 1,2,6,228,634 :laugh: :laugh: (maybe we can work out an upper limit for the donation)



    $10 !! I’d be broke in 20min :pinch: (single mother of 4 here remember!) !

    I will agree to $2 a drop though- handle bars must touch the ground to be counted ;)

    More than happy to have you as my personal sweep. Rach is a fair bit faster than me so I hope you wont over heat your XR :laugh:


    Sounds good to me OG,
    How bout $2 a drop for you, limited to $20?? Ill still pick your bike up for you ;)
    I’ll pay $10 each for mine

    By the way, Rach didn’t take up the offer, she didn’t end up going to Kowen forest.

    Over heat an XR ???????? :laugh: :laugh:



    Sounds good TR.

    Hey don’t laugh it could happen :laugh: well maybe it wont overheat but you might be able to fry eggs on it by the end of the first lap.

    oh damn I really really have to get in some more riding.

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