Tamworth to Lightning Ridge and back.

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Gatherings Tamworth to Lightning Ridge and back.

This topic contains 61 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Jeffrey Smith 13 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #200862
    Krusty wrote:
    Hi Bol,

    What is the estimate time of return Sunday? Just determining if I need to take Monday off as well..

    Check the first post Krusty. Day 4 home around mid morning, lunch time at the latest. ;)


    simon burke
    Krusty wrote:
    Hi Bol,

    What is the estimate time of return Sunday? Just determining if I need to take Monday off as well..

    I will probably want to bunk at your place Wednesday night as I would trailer to you.. Maybe Sunday night as well depending on return time?

    Put me on the list please……….

    back about 11.00 am sunday Krusty.

    but ditto on Micks post Krusty :blink: :huh:
    unless you have an evil twin :huh:



    awe crap!!! and I even read TB’s post in the lunch thread that talked about the conflict. hahahaha :laugh: :laugh:

    sorry Bol disregard……………..


    simon burke
    Krusty wrote:
    awe crap!!! and I even read TB’s post in the lunch thread that talked about the conflict. hahahaha :laugh: :laugh:

    sorry Bol disregard……………..

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: no worries you mad Sepo ;)


    Definitely out now, just got back from the specialist and I have torn the rotator cuff from the bone in my shoulder. Surgery on the 15th of June and even being the optimist that I am, I can’t see me being ready for this one.


    Dwayne O
    Jeffro wrote:
    Definitely out now, just got back from the specialist and I have torn the rotator cuff from the bone in my shoulder. Surgery on the 15th of June and even being the optimist that I am, I can’t see me being ready for this one.

    :dry: Yikes,,,,
    Sounds like a nasty one mate:unsure:

    SO,,,, You riding Shotgun on the Birthday Ride then ?????
    No need to take a trailer, so we can borrow TB`s or something????

    Or are you being a silly bugger & still riding (can`t do much more damage I suppose till the OP :whistle:


    Still looking at riding mate, will just have to control myself when we get to the testing sections. According to the Doc I will be in a sling for 6 weeks and recovery will take 3 to 6 months so I gotta ride while I can. Might sell both the bikes once the op is done and start fresh when I am healed with something new ;)


    simon burke

    ahh bugger Cheif :(
    Next time ;)
    Good luck with the Op…make sure they cut into the right one.
    Bol :woohoo:


    Dwayne O

    Yeah, Shoulder Op recovery is the worst :whistle:

    Ok, we will have a chat to shore up the final plans next week then. The trailer will be handy for carting the BBQ if I have to lug it I suppose (better than in the car)
    Will Talk soon ;)



    Meeting in Melbourne has been moved until July when I return from the states I was informed today so I am 100% go for launch Bolls ol mate ;)

    Heard maybe Boulder and Fish are looking to see how work goes as they are keen :)



    simon burke

    cool ;)


    sounds like a fun ride Bol’s…..

    dont think im SOFT enough to make it though :laugh: :laugh:


    Bollocks, I see your new adventure rider outfit arrived at Cycletune.

    :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:


    Hey boll’s, I would have been in on this mate but its my daughters 21st birthday on the 25th so I will be out.
    You guys have a ball and make sure you tie those swags down mate!! B)


    simon burke

    That is so wrong on so many levels :ohmy:
    You must have some seriously dubious “favorites” on your website list.

    Damn shame Boulder :(
    I’ll make sure everything is tied down ;)

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