TB’s Fiddy goes motard

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This topic contains 63 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 15 years, 4 months ago.

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    80k in first, are you sure you didnt put the front sprocket on the back by mistake TB. :laugh: :laugh:

    your trusty test pilot looks well impressed.

    the guard does look super phat mate.

    i want to ride it!!!!!!!!!!! even if it is a honda!!!


    Looks great TB.

    I wonder if dan liked it lol ;)



    Cheers Menace and Corey I am super happy with it, I have had some other things changed on it this week and between that and the whole motard thing (that I haven’t ridden yet :S ) I am itching but will continue to do the right thing




    micknmeld wrote:

    Is that just a cut down XR650R front guard? If so, is there vents cut into the back of the guard?

    You are right the guard does look good.

    Nah Mick its an Acerbis front motard guard which the vented bottom rear section that Mal @ Sutto’s sourced for me and did me a sweeeeeeet deal on, and those are the set of mini OBT stickers on the front guard


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