TB’s New XTZ660 Tenere #4

Home Forums Yamaha Bikes Yamaha Bikes TB’s New XTZ660 Tenere #4

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    So I like my Teneres :laugh: And I turn them over a bit. I have sold the old one #3 to Mick D as most know. It has 9750kms on it and is a good jigger. The new one is a new colour as I highlighted to in the “Money or the Box” thread here

    The box thing maybe a gee up :whistle: maybe not :laugh:

    This one will have a few subtle changes from the last 3, some of the changes will include a set of Barrett exhausts (Twin set of course), my new wheel set plus more.

    The conversion and build is being done at GFMS this time, I was offered the facilities at Tekniks as the previous builds have been but decided against it this time as I have more time to do the swap. Thanks to Nick for the offer and Lefty for the use of his shop

    So to the build

    My old one being gutted top side



    Both semi naked top side


    New one stripped top side


    Rear view


    Front view


    All my suspension components will be fitted, I need to build a new front wheel for Mick’s, new rim and spokes to replace one I loaned out. I will service Mick’s, fit new rear brake pads, new cush rubbers, new chain and sprockets, new screen, new standard exhaust, new seat, the standard bars etc.

    I will update this thread as I build it.




    Well that was short lived!

    RIP Tenere #4.

    ;p 😆

    Mick you do know how hard TB is on gear don’t you? :whistle: :p :p

    Looks like fun.

    Note to lefty….. Make sure none of the parts from the race cars get reassigned ! 👿


    Kent Duncan

    Looks frikken awesome but I must ask, have you guys down there got some Mchappy plants growing in the spare room or what??
    Tenere #4, Porsche race car, GT40/ concept car bodywork…WTF??

    I’ll have what he’s having thanks..

    You mob win the lotto or something??


    Zoro wrote:
    Looks frikken awesome but I must ask, have you guys down there got some Mchappy plants growing in the spare room or what??
    Tenere #4, Porsche race car, GT40/ concept car bodywork…WTF??

    I’ll have what he’s having thanks..

    You mob win the lotto or something??

    The Porsche is one of Lefty’s customers race cars, the body work is a customers radical race car. Its a fun play area :laugh:



    Kent Duncan
    TrailBoss wrote:
    Zoro wrote:
    Looks frikken awesome but I must ask, have you guys down there got some Mchappy plants growing in the spare room or what??
    Tenere #4, Porsche race car, GT40/ concept car bodywork…WTF??

    I’ll have what he’s having thanks..

    You mob win the lotto or something??

    The Porsche is one of Lefty’s customers race cars, the body work is a customers radical race car. Its a fun play area :laugh:


    Looks like it, perfect for what you’re doing with the Ten’s too.
    Being #4, is there anything you’re putting on this one that the others didn’t have for which you can’t do without?
    This one being the latest model, do they still need the Kev mod/ variable resistor for the fueling?
    In terms of priority, whats the first mod you recommend needs doing?


    Mick D
    xy-transit wrote:
    Mick you do know how hard TB is on gear don’t you? :whistle: :p :p

    Looks like the cat is out of the bag. Yep I am to be the new owner of the virgin white Tenere.

    Yeah I do have a fair idea what he is like on gear. However I also know how anal he and Lefty are when it comes to builds, so I am pretty sure the bike is in good hands. (although that strap set up, hanging from the rafters looks a tad suss). :huh:

    Looking forward to seeing the finished product in the flesh and getting a run on it, as I have only ever ridden TB’s first Tenere from Wauchope to Port Macquarie on the tar, before TB wanted it back. (can’t blame him, he was riding my old NX).

    Chomping at the bit to get down to the big smoke and pick her up.



    Looks the goods.
    But what is the rubbish bin in between the two bikes for.
    Is it for new bits or old bits.

    Go Mick for a latte sip.


    Zoro wrote:
    TrailBoss wrote:
    Zoro wrote:
    Looks frikken awesome but I must ask, have you guys down there got some Mchappy plants growing in the spare room or what??
    Tenere #4, Porsche race car, GT40/ concept car bodywork…WTF??

    I’ll have what he’s having thanks..

    You mob win the lotto or something??

    The Porsche is one of Lefty’s customers race cars, the body work is a customers radical race car. Its a fun play area :laugh:


    Looks like it, perfect for what you’re doing with the Ten’s too.
    Being #4, is there anything you’re putting on this one that the others didn’t have for which you can’t do without?
    This one being the latest model, do they still need the Kev mod/ variable resistor for the fueling?
    In terms of priority, whats the first mod you recommend needs doing?

    Suspension is the most important and best mod for any rider on a Tenere wth out a doubt.
    Yes one difference with this one is I am going to the Barrett exhaust. As for the Kev mod my first one had one. In real world back to back testing it made so little difference it isn’t worth the time and cost. I have seen first hand dyno results to prove it. (Never discount the power of the mind :laugh: ) they aren’t the sort of engine that extra fuel hellps. They are by standards a low compression slow reving engine. Mine had pipes. DNA filter cover Kev mod etc and it was all sank in the end, 2 hp! Besides these things go forever why stress it? If you want to go fast on a Tenere get the suspension done, brake late, flow the bike corner to corner, use the torque and learn to ride. Oh yeah its only my opinion from the last 80+ thousand klms I have done on them (oh and facts from testing :whistle: )



    Kent Duncan

    Guessing its the same with most bikes then, suspension first and take it from there.
    I think I saw on one of your earlier bikes with the Kev mod under the seat, have not seen it since though, hence the reason I asked.
    As far as I’m aware the Ten gets its ecu/maps from France where as the 660R gets everything from the usual source. I’m sure I read somewhere the Ten is built/ based in France, you will most likely know I’m sure. Think this is the reason the Kev mod is not as effective as it is with the R due to the different maps.

    Are you planning on keeping this one for longer than 10K or are you going to keep updating regularly like you have been?
    Loving that new color, this one should be a keeper.


    Zoro wrote:
    Guessing its the same with most bikes then, suspension first and take it from there.
    I think I saw on one of your earlier bikes with the Kev mod under the seat, have not seen it since though, hence the reason I asked.
    As far as I’m aware the Ten gets its ecu/maps from France where as the 660R gets everything from the usual source. I’m sure I read somewhere the Ten is built/ based in France, you will most likely know I’m sure. Think this is the reason the Kev mod is not as effective as it is with the R due to the different maps.

    Are you planning on keeping this one for longer than 10K or are you going to keep updating regularly like you have been?
    Loving that new colour, this one should be a keeper.

    Yes you are 100% about everything you typed mate. Yes France, yes the maps are different as is the ECU. Also regarding my 1st Tenere and the trial of the Kev mod, it is actually still on the bike (Chicken owns it) Funny thing about the Kev mod is its biggest benefit was better fuel consumption in the 4 knob positions we tried it.
    No the plan is to turn this one over in 10k or there abouts



    Kent Duncan

    Best you get back to those bikes, seems Mick is hanging out to get his hands on that white one. Hanging around in here is only going to hold up progress….
    Don’t forget, more pics..



    Finally slipped the chain this arvo and spent a few hrs sucking a few coldies and screwing the Teneres together (More on Mick’s the more I drank :P )

    Mine with my Bars, damper and high ride setup


    Lefty’s just turned up, drinking now more later



    Dave Wiggin

    Lefty’s garage looks cleaner than my lounge room.



    Actually I spent some time there on my own with my new Tenere. I call it quality time as we get an understanding. Remember Days of Thunder when Harry spoke with Cole’s (Tom Cruise) car well I did the same. Remember it in Days of Thunder

    “Harry Hogge: I’m settin’ you up for cool weather… but if that sun breaks, after you’re out on the track, you’re liable to get real loose real quick. Now I don’t wanna worry you or nothin, but, Cole’s not ready for that… he’s changed, see, he’s changed. You cannot get out of control and expect him to bring you right back. He’s liable to hurt you, you’re liable to hurt him, and… I couldn’t handle that, so, ah, you’ve gotta take care of him… see… you gotta take care of him”

    That was me with my new bike this arvo, Good times ;)




    MMMM! Used too much Methinole in the fuel again eh! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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