With the scrapheap adventure ride miles away :ohmy: :pinch: I thought it best I actually take the scrappa for a blat. Despite my issues with getting the thing started(working on the technique) it ran like clock work all except for a noisy speedo (which went away when the cable fell out) :laugh: I clocked up about 50 ks on the single trails and fire trails on a private property we ride on and made a few discoveries that would need addressing,ie the thing turned off every time I turned hard left,, Apparently you cant run the decomp cable where it hits the tank when you turn the bars. there was a small issue of the rear brake locked on,(fixed that sucker). i blew the rear tail light so it LED I go. There was some minor wiring problems that only need the wires move around the regulator not over it,
All in all the bloody thing went good. I recon that once I fix up the few minor props its all go for a run to the back of bourke.