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December 30, 2011 at 9:28 pm #100881
Hey Guys
Just a heads up to let everyone know I’m doing a lot better than I was this time yesterday, and a big thanks to everyone that rang me or TB with well wishes!
Other than my boyish good looks being damaged( see pic below) I’m otherwise, Ok. I have minor cuts and abrasions from head to toe, a very stiff and sore neck and ribs and a memory loss of about 6-8 hours!
Thanks to the boys I was riding with, TB, Chris(72a) Steve(Adventure Moto), and Jason (the weapon and out and out top bloke) Barrett.
TB and the boys cool heads and quick thinking, along with the Legend phone medic Mal5.1, kept me going and in better shape than I could have been in!
The Kato well that’s another story, ( from what I hear anyway, cause I remember stuff all)
Also from what I’m told I high sided the Kato, and decided to use my helmet as a shovel! Like I said I don’t remember much!
Thanks again to everyone but especially TB, for lending me his neck brace ( as I forgot mine) and possibly according to the Doctors saving me from neck and spine damage, and his cool head and staying with me to some Stuiped hour until I got transferred to Napean Hospital, where I was kept overnight as a precaution, due to blood in my urine apon initial tests! That and my 10 second Tom effort( from 50 first dates), and asking the same questions over and over, which again I don’t remember!
I’m home and walking around, and will be ok in a week or so!So thanks again Old bulls, another reason to love the site and the guys on it, as on many occasion we band together for whatever reason to help each other out, on and off the trail!
I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year and I looking forward to catching up with you all somewhere!Thanks again everyone!
DejayPS sorry about the head shot I’m usually better looking!
December 30, 2011 at 10:13 pm #213851:ohmy: :ohmy: Holy shit dejay…..
That looks like a big one..Hope you are ok.
OBT spirit right there to help out……..well done all involved…
Happy new year mate.Hope your ok.
December 30, 2011 at 10:22 pm #213852Well there goes your modelling career for a few months :laugh:
Glad to see you up and about mate. That photo looks a lot better than the one Chris sent me last night. :ohmy: You were all F@#KED up last night. :laugh:
Rest up and let everything heal properly and when you’re up for a crash site inspection we’ll do a counter lunch somewhere.
Oh and I was happy to help in any way I could mate. That’s what the site is all about.
December 31, 2011 at 1:20 am #213862WTF happened here, for christ sake a bloke looks away for five bloody minutes and there an old bull down, someone better explain what happened here.
Dam your ugly Dejay, :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
December 31, 2011 at 1:31 am #213865Holey shit! You certainly dusted yourself up mate! good to hear that it is all OK. When I first saw the photo, I presumed that you had accidentally strayed into the kill zone behind TB’s 650! Well done to the boys that helped you out in what certainly sounds like a real moment of need.Catch you in the new year champ!
mickDecember 31, 2011 at 10:23 am #213853Bloody hell Dejay that must have been a big off . Pleased your ok . Great to have some cool heads around when you need them .
Just one more reason to be part of OBT.
look after your self
December 31, 2011 at 11:26 am #213854WOW Dejay
Not good mate looks realy bad I hope you are getting better look after yourself mate
December 31, 2011 at 12:01 pm #213855Damn,,,,
You are about as good looking as me and the Mayor now:laugh:
Tb told me about your mishap yestarday mate and I was a tad shocked, but glad you were ok :whistle:
Heads are not meant to cop that much abuse dude :dry:I suppose it saved you from a massive hangover from alcohol this year hey ??? :pinch: :pinch: :pinch:
Take it easy mate, recover well & will catch ya soon for a Rum and a laugh
December 31, 2011 at 2:08 pm #213871Rest up Dejay. It looks like you will need it. You gotta watch those Kato’s mate when they bite , they bite hard. I found a loose nut behind the handlebars caused my highside on the B’day ride!
Serious stuff aside, Chris tell me you got it on video! :silly:
At least you saw 2011 out with a bang!
December 31, 2011 at 2:38 pm #213872Thanks guys for all your kind and not so kind but very funny words!
No footage as I was sweeping, which sucks cause I really want to know what happened!
N E ways, thanks again, Happy new year to all old bulls, good luck with your hangovers and whatever 2012 brings you!
December 31, 2011 at 2:41 pm #213856Good to see you up and about Dejay, Hope your back in the saddle soon mate and a Happy new year.
December 31, 2011 at 5:31 pm #213874Well umm “you have been knocked the f&$k out”!!!!!!!!! Strange happenings it was for sure. We had just regrouped, yes Deejay was sweeping as the pace was on with Jason (I can ride no shit!!) keeping me more than honest :blush: We rode up a little dirt road from Ben Bullen into the garden of stone NP. We had only gone 1.1km from the regroup and I got to the single trail turn off and waited for everyone as there was a bit of dust around. The other four were there whitin 20 seconds but deejay wasn’t. Normally I would wait a min or 2 because they could be fiddling with goggles having a piss etc but for reasons unknown to me I took off straight back. I hate riding against traffic no matter what the reason so it was a unusual move for me. I didn’t speak to anyone of the others, and because it was not my normal behavior Chris followed pretty well straight after me ( he said later it was unusual that I didn’t wait so he thought whats doing ) I rode carefully back up the road only to come around the corner and see the KTM laying seat first into the batter wall ( the small pile of dirt the grader blade leaves along the edge of the road ) straight away I knew he had high sided and being at the end of the straight he would have some speed about him ( even on a shit wreck Kato ) I couldn’t see him and thought he is walking it off. As I got closer I saw him laying face down in the bush. His arms were under his body meaning he had gone in head first and fast because he hadn’t even got his arms in front to protect himself. I ran over yelling his name but he wasn’t responding. I never want to feel what I felt then, it sickens me even typing that, reminding me how I felt there and then. Luckily after about 30 seconds he responded with a yeah! Thank god or whoever you pray to.
Deejay is our first aid guy I was thinking and now he is laying on the ground F&$K!! How selfish if him :laugh: No seriously it was scary, anyway we went through the normally stuff, he wanted his helmet off etc that wasn’t happening for a while. Once everything moved didn’t tingle etc the helmet was removed and we washed his face and eyes out a rescue plan was put it action. When I got back from getting the car Chris said he had asked maybe 40 times what had happened! He turned at one stage having not seen his bike for maybe 2 mins and said “shit!” what happened to my bike! Funny now scary shit then. He didn’t want to go to the hospital, I ended up giving him a serious sit down talk about his injuries and hospital ( waste of time as he forgot in 25 seconds :laugh: ) we sent Mal a picture and then rang him, deejay heard first hand on the blue tooth in the car how concerned Mal easel he said he would go. Once at the hospital he seemed to get a little stressed with where he was and with so many people working on him, it wasn’t good at that time as they were very worried about his neck and eye socket. I then realized I would have to ring Lauren his girl, who is lovely but HATES bikes and me because I am always dragging him off riding and speeding money :laugh: That wasn’t a good call, she was worried as you can imagine but quickly got sorted and was on her way up to the hospital at Katomba.
They did ct scans and xrays of his neck etc he was cleared of breaks and other things but kept failing the memory tests they do before they will release you. Then the blood in the urine thing and they said they would transfer him to Penrith. That didn’t happen until nearly midnight, I stayed until they put him in the ambulance.I hope nobody ever has to ride around the corner and see what I did, it was scary and made me question what I do for a while at the hospital. It’s dangerous but we know that, he had all the gear on and it all ended well.
He didnt have his neck brace with him when we left my place, I hadn’t used mine yet so I said wear mine before I send it up to Snowy for his paper, you have a Leatt you normally wear you can do a back to back test. Deejay I didn’t mean for you to test it like tha mate, if you don’t understand instructions ask little buddy :laugh:
Chris has photos of the crash site but here are some facts
The bike was in 4th gear when it was picked up!
From the end of the skid mark to the first impact mark on the dirt road was around 4 metres
From the first impact mark to the second mark is around 3 metres, nothing in between meaning the bike bounced!!
From the second impact mark to where the bike stopped is around 7 to 8 metres.
Deejay had gone over the high side and was 5 to 6 metres from the bike, his helmet is broken, and he ploughed a trench nearly a metre long with his head (arms under the body remember )
If he didn’t have any neck brace on I don’t know what would have happened.
Get better little mate
December 31, 2011 at 5:51 pm #213879No good at all DJ , when you were texting me from hospital I could see you still had your sense of humor but the picture you sent told a really nasty story
You were very lucky and it’s a real wake up call to what we love to do and the risks we take .Glad to see your home mate and I hope you have a really speedy recovery
My head has none of the visable marks yours does but feels like it should after last night !!
Get well
December 31, 2011 at 5:54 pm #213880That’s pretty scary reading I was alert an talking and I remember nothing at all! Just got off the phone with TB, and I’ve lost about an hour and a half before I decided to dig a trench as well!
Not cool, I know I’m a really fresh and green rider, I’ve only been riding 12 months and there’s guys on Old Bulls that have been riding longer than I’ve been alive, But please take care out there! Reading what TB went through, I hate myself for putting Him and the rest of the Guys on the trail with us and my friends and family through it all, and I would hate to see n e 1 go through it!
Again Please take care on and off the bike, thanks again for your well wishes and jokes( even though it hurts to breath let alone laugh)!!
December 31, 2011 at 7:45 pm #213886Good stuff Deej, glad your on the mend, don’t worry about everyone else Im sure you would have done the same if it was any other one of us,
DJ: What happened.
Chris: Looks like you highsided and got spat off into the bush.
DJ: Oh Ok
20 Seconds Pass
DJ: What happened.
Chris: Looks like you highsided and got spat off into the bush.
DJ: Oh Ok
20 Seconds Pass
DJ: What happened.
Chris: Looks like you highsided and got spat off into the bush.
DJ: Oh Ok
20 Seconds Pass
DJ: What happened.
Chris: Looks like you highsided and got spat off into the bush.
DJ: Oh Ok
20 Seconds Pass
DJ: What happened.
Chris: Looks like you highsided and got spat off into the bush.
DJ: Oh Ok
20 Seconds Pass
DJ: What happened.
Chris: Looks like you highsided and got spat off into the bush.
DJ: Oh Ok
20 Seconds Pass
and on and on, a few sorry if I’ve asked this befores thrown in for good measure.
The funniest thing was loading DJ’s Bike without a front fender, and DJ asking, What Happened to my fender,
He had lost that about 2 hours earlier when a tree jumped out from nowhere and stole it from his bike.Pics a bit later tonight.
Chris. -
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