The 2013 OBT Birthday ride report

Home Forums Ride Reports The 2013 OBT Birthday ride report

This topic contains 92 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Shane Cosgrove 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #245713

    jtb2879 wrote:
    You REALLY need to wear that lid! I’d pay good money for the same thing and wear it… it’s absobloodylutely AWESOME! YOU deserve it with all the work that goes on in here…

    I agree that helmet looks too good to go in a case,maybe after a year or two.



    Dwayne O
    ted 300 wrote:
    Thanks TB & Chris for a great weekend and OBT ride was great meeting you all.and Eagle how do ride five laps of that sloppy mud / grass track and not get mud on the Kato cus mine like pile of sh#t now.

    That my friend is why I keep it clean after every ride and use the products I do to assist in keeping it slick ;)
    Actually most of the mud & grass fell off in the shape under the guards while I drove out to the Freeway, then I just threw it out of the trailer while having a break and a cool drink :laugh:

    Spent an hour this arvo with the bikewash & hose and she`s all clean ready to go again :)

    Maybe you should have bid on my Bike Clean kit at the auction :silly: :P


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    ted 300 wrote:
    Thanks TB & Chris for a great weekend and OBT ride was great meeting you all.and Eagle how do ride five laps of that sloppy mud / grass track and not get mud on the Kato cus mine like pile of sh#t now.

    That my friend is why I keep it clean after every ride and use the products I do to assist in keeping it slick ;)
    Actually most of the mud & grass fell off in the shape under the guards while I drove out to the Freeway, then I just threw it out of the trailer while having a break and a cool drink :laugh:

    Spent an hour this arvo with the bikewash & hose and she`s all clean ready to go again :)

    Maybe you should have bid on my Bike Clean kit at the auction :silly: :P

    You must be on to something there Eags,,,The mud stuck to mine like shit to a blanket .


    Dwayne O

    I gave all under guard areas and bashplate a sprsy with Silicone friday morning before I left home ;)
    Even if it doesn`t fall off, it is damn easier to clean ,,,

    Absolutely buggered this evening now after the riding, shenanigans and the cleanup and pack up this arvo :laugh:
    Struggled thru work all day !!

    Now sitting back enjoying a cold beer waiting for the crash vids :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Cheers All


    Great Weekend, the boys and I had a ball.

    The squiggle crew got up there Friday night and setup in the dark so we were good to go Saturday morning. Had a couple of minor issues with the young blokes suspension that we fixed during the lunch break on Saturday and after some playing with his clickers he was able to keep the thing in a straight line :)

    The rear brake on my 300 was set to goon mode thanks to some 2 smoker wheelie practice from a few month previous I forgot about so I couldnt stand up and use the rear brake at the same time for all of saturday, killer over 5 laps of that downhill. Finally got it adjusted Sunday morning. By then my arse felt like jailbait :)

    Great trails and the auction was a real highlight, great nights entertainment watching Bollocks work his magic and it might have been the alcohol but that whole night was funny as hell.

    My young bloke is still complaining about sore legs etc so the riding was great too. Great event and looking forward the the next one.

    Riding with two teenagers was excellent fun and we had our own catch phrase for making a pass for the weekend.

    Here are some highlights of how to deal with cocky teenagers on the trail. Language warning … sorry (again). We had great fun putting this footage together last night so hopefully someone gets a kick out of it.

    Make sure you run it in 720 or 1080P



    Yeh! neet vid there Mr Squiggle,,,It must be great to be able to have a rip and a laugh with yu yong blokes. :cheer:
    My bloke rides as well,,,but lives 4000 k’s away. :(
    Good stuff.
    Cheers Teza.


    Dwayne O

    Some of my pics,,

    Camp Eagle

    Looking down the camping area

    Wauchopian`s Shower setup

    They did it tough down on the river


    Great area for the auction

    Ferknerkels VOLCANO Heater,, Thanx for the sharing Mr.Nerkel

    more later ;)


    Dwayne O

    Last of my pics,,

    Waiting to ride

    Great country

    Looking up the valley

    Poker Run Pit area 06072013631_zpsfad3e20e.jpg

    The crew assembling



    The Red Piglet that couldn`t ,,, Well she made one lap !!!




    Roll that Dice mate


    This is where some good spills happened, it was slippery as !!!


    That`s where most headed ,,, Ha ha ha


    The Piglet replacement,, Thanx to Trailraider

    Me & the King prior to my lap



    Nice pics Eags! It looks like a great place to ride and camp, with the Adventure crowd covered I think I’ll have to scope out coming along next year ;)


    Mick D

    Great Vid Squiggle, I to have a teenage son that rounds me up now. He was there on the weekend and had a ball. It is a great location were we can legally do some trail riding with our young blokes.



    Thanks for a great weekend guys. Was great to finally put some faces to the names, thanks for making me feel welcome :)

    Was such a beautiful location . Big thanks to all the guys that kept that fire going cause it was BLOODY cold .

    Now that I’ve seen the vids of the hard track I’m kicking myself that I didn’t give it a go. Maybe next time. At least the weekend got me back in the mood to start riding more again.

    Great work guys. Looking forward to next year already.

    micknmeld wrote:
    Great Vid Squiggle, I to have a teenage son that rounds me up now. He was there on the weekend and had a ball. It is a great location were we can legally do some trail riding with our young blokes.

    Thank mick, its good to keep em keen and we are starting to make noises about sunny corner already :)

    I have been informed by the powers at be that my roosts are simply not good enough so this may be another opportunity to work on that technique, I think the young bloke has some slightly different ideas. Good luck to him I say!

    Next year we might have to setup some generation relays and see if these young blokes are any good, now where is my tool kit 👿

    teza h wrote:
    Yeh! neet vid there Mr Squiggle,,,It must be great to be able to have a rip and a laugh with yu yong blokes. :cheer:
    My bloke rides as well,,,but lives 4000 k’s away. :(
    Good stuff.
    Cheers Teza.

    Thats no good at all Teza, Ill have to shout you a beer at the next one in sympathy. Old Bulls makes a pretty good surrogate if you ask me so at least you have a top bunch of like minded hooligans and bogans to ride with and make you feel better. I am trying to sort through the alchohol induced fog that is my memory of the weekend but pretty sure we didnt catch up. Next time.


    Dwayne O
    white rocket wrote:
    how was camp drunk as fl**k eagle did they live up to there name

    Sorry Rocket,,
    I just saw your post mate :whistle:

    You would have to ask LC :silly: :sick:

    Of course, he upheld his part of the tradition 😆
    Hope he made it home ok yesterday,, he had a long way to travel solo



    STM after his lap, hopefully Pete can upload the pictures he has of STM pushing the piglet up the hills :laugh: :laugh:












    Bollocks (Frame that people he is upright :P ) He is roosting Adam is you look closely :laugh:



    Ash, on it as always




    and more Corey, as I look there is way to much Corey :sick: :laugh: :laugh:


    Dickie on the pipe


    PTW on the 530 loaner


    Oh hang on Bollocks is back to his old self :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    More later


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