The ECKS-Clan

This topic contains 18 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 15 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #96358

    Eric Smith

    The ECKS-Clan is getting larger – and I don’t think it is because of the amount of pies I’ve been scoffing! :laugh:

    Mrs ECKS is pregnant with bub number 2. We had a few dramas and had to have an amniocentesis done to test for (amongst other nasty things) downs syndrome and the results have come back clean – one healthy ECKS-bub! B)

    Due late September or early October (thus the noncommitment to Louee… sorry folks!) and most likely will come via cesaerian since Jilly set that precedent. ;)

    Soon there will be another little ECKS-Clan OBT member tearing around – so look out you lot! We’re gonna take over the world! :cheer: :cheer: 😆 😆 :laugh: :laugh: 😆 😆 :cheer: :cheer:



    Congratulations ECKS clan, good work, watch out when she works out whats causing these pregnancies, very happy for ya buddy



    congratulations ecks good work, you will have to start looking for a pwee 50!!:P



    Great stuff mate, Hope all goes well for you and your other half, but the guys had it wrong you need to start looking for a KTM pro senior:laugh: :laugh:


    Dwayne O

    Nice Work There Ecks;)
    Congrats & gld all seems ok!!!
    You are excused for Louee on that note,,,,I suppose:laugh:


    good on ya ecks-man, and all the ecks clan.

    hope it all runs smooth mate,

    here is some karma for your efforts.:) :) :)



    would just like to reflect what everyone else has said.
    Congrats mate


    thats no excuse to miss louee, is it
    :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


    aaron childs

    congrats ecks:woohoo:
    good one mate another healthy ecks;)
    i know how stressful those tests are my 2nd last had a shitload mostly because the stuffed up!:(
    all is well and the days are numbered! get your sleep while you can my friend :P ………….. its well worth the stress
    especially when they prefer daddy to mumy though watch out for the aftermath of that one!:laugh: :unsure:



    Congratulations Ecks and Mrs Ecks and Baby Ecks. We went through all that stuff too with our last, certainly puts the fear of you know what into you.. Good to hear everything came back good.




    Congrats ECKS and Mrs ECKS. Good to see someone is keeping the population growing.

    Was this part of the ‘Stimulas Package’ :laugh:



    ECKS-Man wrote:

    Due late September or early October (thus the noncommitment to Louee… sorry folks!) and most likely will come via cesaerian since Jilly set that precedent. ;)


    O.K I reckon that there is a perfect competition,
    Guess the date of ecks’s baby birth, however being a ceaser it could be pre-planned, ecks sorry your disqualified. I’ll see what I can dig up for a prize.




    I`m backing the sunday of louee.. yep put me down for that date.


    Eric Smith

    Cheers to you all for your thoughts and well wishes! I will forward them to Mrs ECKS and I am sure they will make her day! We had the 20-week ultrasound this morning and the little ECKS-bub was running around in there fit to burst! So much so that Mrs ECKS has to go back later today so that they can finish the measurements and checks. B)

    At this stage the arrival day is completely unknown, and I’ll happily sit this comp out. I’ll chip in for the prize – as long as people are happy with a bumper sticker or two from my business! Maybe I could stretch that to including a free peg… not the clothes type, the surveying type! :laugh:

    I’ll be at Louee if there is any way possible, believe me! :P


    Mick D

    Congrats ECKS!! 20 weeks already, hang on, wasn’t it twenty weeks ago you were away at Hill End???;) Only Jokin mate.
    All the best too you and Mrs ECKS!!


    Bruce Curtis

    Congrats Mr ECKs, t’is the meaning of life.

    BTW why give HIM karma?, all he did was get jiggy with it, Mrs Ecks is the one left holding the Bub, she’s gunna need all the good Karma she can get.

    But seriously good stuff.


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