The great state of Victoria

Home Forums Ride Gatherings Victoria Tasmania The great state of Victoria

This topic contains 7 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Adrian Lee 15 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #96386

    Adrian Lee

    Anyone riding in our great state this weekend ?


    na, i cant. bloody family commitments!!

    looking at a ride in june around glenmaggie area though. staying at a caravan park. some sik riding round there…

    will let you know more when i do!!


    PS- also have a gander at the AMTRA website, they do a heap of rides on around vic.


    Adrian Lee

    Make sure you let me know,I hope i wont slow you down.


    Adrian Lee

    There has to be someone in Vic riding this weekend , I dont want to go by myself.


    your in the loop mate. i might ask TB to make a thread especially for us mexicans, cause i forget whos from where sometimes.

    ive gone oldschool and written your name on a piece of paper, with a pen even:laugh: :laugh:

    soon we will unite and ride and drink!!!


    Adrian Lee

    Sounds good.:laugh: But hanging for a ride this weekend !



    Yeah, but nar too.

    Sorry Adrian, i just spent my allowance:blush:

    but i get paid in another two weeks though:woohoo:

    so if i get a few days notice i can be down your way for a ride.

    have you ridden Mt Disappointment/ Wandong area?

    Wombat is a bit out of the way for me.

    by the way, pleased to meet you’re acquaintance Adrian!B)


    Adrian Lee

    I have mates that used to ride Dissa regulary but now prefer Wombat,plus i hear Dissa got burnt pretty badly.Nice to meet you to and would enjoy catching up for a ride soon.

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