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September 21, 2012 at 10:23 am #101872
Well now that I have the tenere, I have been thinking about all these rides that I’ve always wanted to do and the longest day is one of them.
I like the challenge of it and I have considered thinking about the talk of maybe having a crack. :huh:
It could work out to be about 1200 klms in about 14 hrs so I wouldn’t call it a walk in the park, your average speed needs to be good, you have the added challenge of dodgy roads, and we can’t forget the wild life, just ask BB as his attempt last year had us all on the edge of our seats, a legendary effort as he was one of two that made it last year.Anyone else have this on there list of crazy shite to do before they park up for good ?
Here’s a link to Badbowie’s ride last year, it was a nail biter.
September 21, 2012 at 10:54 am #229764Nice one Pete , the Tenere will be great on that ride and you’d make the perfect pilot , I’d be with you but 6 oil changes on the Crf 250x in those k’s might make it hard !!!
Good luck mate , you’ll smash it !!!
September 21, 2012 at 10:54 am #229765Matter of fact Pete, yes
Correcty me if I’m wrong but the goal is to ride the furthest distance in the longest day of the year, sun up to sun set.
This would be a personal challenge due to differing conditions for other attempts.
Since BB’s ride this year it has crossed my mind a few times as the days get longer, although riding straight roads for a day doesn’t seem that appealing to me.
BB left from around Penrith way which gives a clear straight run west. If your planning from the coast it would take a couple of hours to get faster roads, so comparitively I’d be a couple of hours behind and slower average speed.
It would be a good one to tick off the list though. You’d want to have the iPod full of songs.
September 21, 2012 at 11:11 am #229766Umm I have been thinking about it on and off since last year. I have planned and cancelled my plans a dozen times. Dejay and I even thought about having a crack in June on the shortest day for shits and giggles :laugh: . I had my interest sparked by Lefty doing it this year. He has even had an aborted pre-run recently :blink:
Last week or the week before I actually rang BB and spoke with him for a while about it, got his thoughts and asked him some questions and left the call not doing it. Now the funny thing last night driving up from Melbourne I realised how much I like the challenge of doing the big miles in the shortest time possible and thought about it again :laugh:
Chicken and I were on the orginal email list when Tom Foster put it all together. The real longest day ride started from Sawtell near Coffs as you may or may not know but if you are keen and want to retrace BB’s effort I am in this year why notSure its a lot of kms on your bike and there is some bitumen but like I said if you want to retrace BB’s from the mountains here giddy up lets crack on :laugh: Love a beer at Camerons :woohoo:
September 21, 2012 at 11:41 am #229791Your on TB, a beer at the corner it is.
It’s on. :woohoo:
I’ve run it by the wife and the all clear has been given, I just have to check with work and all will be good.
No longer thinking about this, will be doing.
How many shoo roos can I fit on the front of the bike :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
September 21, 2012 at 11:42 am #229792So 21st December 2012?
September 21, 2012 at 11:50 am #229795Yeah mate 21st of December.
I’m usually working on the 21st then it’s the work Christmas party on the 22nd and I’m as hungover as 40 bastards on the 23rd.
So I won’t be missed around work or home :laugh: :laugh:
September 21, 2012 at 10:21 pm #229794pete the wulf wrote:How many shoo roos can I fit on the front of the bike :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:PTW
Boony will have an answer for that Pete :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
September 22, 2012 at 10:11 am #229806Ok so after some phone calls today this is on eh Pete :woohoo: you have booked a room at the corner for us thanks. I have a route that I put together a few months ago I will start trimming, I will start getting some local knowledge for a few areas that can be improved I have been told tonight.
As you suggested and I agree it is every man for himself on the day this reliefs pressure of the individual to keep up with others if they want to stop and have a rest, fuel, etc. We should make sure we all have a spot tracker but so safety is maintained.I will start tracking down some different rear sprockets, maybe we need a strategy meeting at St Aburns pub :laugh: Although Wisemans or Brooklyn would be better for internet access with planning
September 22, 2012 at 11:40 pm #229813Yep, strategy meeting at wisemans would be the go mate.
This is not a ride I would want to hit unprepared, getting stuck between Burke and bugger all at the wrong time of day wouldn’t be pleasant. :pinch:Just a thought, maybe do the strategy meeting on the Friday night of the 2 day nav ride.
September 29, 2012 at 8:15 am #229815Just been fiddling with the route for this ride and comparing my route against Lefty’s and there is less than 4 kms difference in bitumen and 5 kms total in the overall distance :ohmy: :ohmy: I have a remote fuel dump option lined up if I want and sourced some serious local knowledge. I am actually aiming to get to the yellow bus 131kms west of Camerons to put my peg in the ground :S (oh yeah we have decided to make OBT pegs to put in the ground at our final finish point)
PTW, Dejay and I will be starting at a different location now rather than where BB started, its further in distance but a better location. Not sure what Lefty is up to pretty sure he is organised as he has been working on this longer than us.
Getting pumped for this ride big time :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
September 29, 2012 at 10:26 am #230024I started the Longest Day ride back in 09 with Boris and Tom Foster and the Hartleys from Sawtell headland , I only made it as far as Bourke , my big end on the 640 Adv was making a severe racket so I pulled the pin , that was at about 3.30 pm so I reckon I would have made the corner by dark ( had the bike played the game ) no wuckers . John Liddel was my riding partner , his rear shock had blown around Narrabri so he pulled the pin in Bourke too . Luckily his other half Annette was at Nyngan with the ute and Trailer so we Limped the 200 km down the bitchy to Nyngan the next day , the 640 kept running but I was expecting it to go bang at any second .
I learned a few lessons that day .
Take plenty of water and drink as much as you can , the wind and heat dry you out more than you would believe .
Make sure your wheels are balanced perfectly , John’s rear shock died from excessive rear wheel bounce caused by an unbalanced back wheel .
Stopping for fuel at the bowser is MUCH quicker than filling from a jerry can unless you have a quick fill set up .
Eat as you ride , any long straight run gives you a chance to eat and drink.
The Roo’s west of Bourke are big fookers and think they own the road , there are some big Brown snakes out there too ,if there looks to be a big stick on the road , avoid it at all costs as it is likely to be a King Brown . 👿
I wouldn’t mind joining you guys but I think I have other commitments then .
Cheers Alan
September 29, 2012 at 11:05 am #230026Oldfatbeerman wrote:I started the Longest Day ride back in 09 with Boris and Tom Foster and the Hartleys from Sawtell headland , I only made it as far as Bourke , my big end on the 640 Adv was making a severe racket so I pulled the pin , that was at about 3.30 pm so I reckon I would have made the corner by dark ( had the bike played the game ) no wuckers . John Liddel was my riding partner , his rear shock had blown around Narrabri so he pulled the pin in Bourke too . Luckily his other half Annette was at Nyngan with the ute and Trailer so we Limped the 200 km down the bitchy to Nyngan the next day , the 640 kept running but I was expecting it to go bang at any second .I learned a few lessons that day .
Take plenty of water and drink as much as you can , the wind and heat dry you out more than you would believe .
Make sure your wheels are balanced perfectly , John’s rear shock died from excessive rear wheel bounce caused by an unbalanced back wheel .
Stopping for fuel at the bowser is MUCH quicker than filling from a jerry can unless you have a quick fill set up .
Eat as you ride , any long straight run gives you a chance to eat and drink.
The Roo’s west of Bourke are big fookers and think they own the road , there are some big Brown snakes out there too ,if there looks to be a big stick on the road , avoid it at all costs as it is likely to be a King Brown . 👿
I wouldn’t mind joining you guys but I think I have other commitments then .
Cheers Alan
Cheers for the tips Al
, pretty well had all them covered expect for the King Browns :blink: The remote fuel stop can be done with fast fills but even with Jerrys it cuts our fuel stops and I reckon that will save time. Dejay and I have already discussed what we can eat all day and other bits and bobs. Wheels are always balanced
cheers again
October 28, 2012 at 11:38 am #230027Well unless it rains the week before the below will be my rear tyre for this ride
Thanks Owl02 it was the factory rear that came on his DR650
December 7, 2012 at 9:51 am #231573Are you guys still having a go at this 21 Dec :unsure:
I dont think i have noticed anymore talk on the planning of the challenge,and kickoffs only two weeks away :ohmy:
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