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This topic contains 8 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Stuart 12 years, 2 months ago.
January 14, 2013 at 8:55 am #102292
Thanks to the Central Coast boys for showing a little bit more of the Wato’s
Started from home at 7:00 and worked my way out to the starting point doing only the singles I had to.
Arrived at said destination at 7:50, wasn’t sure this was the true starting point until I spoke to local lady closing a gate. By the time I turned around and rode back a couple of hundred metres the boys were already unloading.
Introductions out of the way we were off.
The conditions were perfect if not a tadd too damp. 👿 :woohoo:
First down hill was pretty steep and I began to wonder if I was out of my league. :unsure:
Michael was leading and made a meal of the first uphill. :S
I took a different track to the right which hadn’t been used for some time but it proved itself when everybody also took it.
Some very nice singles followed with the ocassional rocky hill thrown in to keep us on our toes.
Only came to know where we were when we hit a particurely snotty uphill at the base of Muirs Lookout.
Sussed a single close by but it headed in the wrong direction, so we all turned around (a little tricky)
and heade back out. I hope I have a piccy of Adam falling down the side of the hill??
Followed the old singles up to the Pines
Did all of the singles down to the Basin intersection. :woohoo:
Then I led down some old unused singles heading towards the Leter A, Michael led the last section.
Lunch and fuel was had at Jerry’s (a bloody long way on the black top for a dirt bike) Probably never go there again.
After a feed we headed back to the singles. :woohoo:
Followed the left side and did a nasty down hill and then up the the other side of the gully.
Waited for Stuart but he didn’t show or reply to our calls
I rode back down to see Stu fitting a new plug to his machine.
This did not help and then he found that his choke had somehow jammed on. Was sweet to find the fault, because it would of been a bit of an effort to get him out of the gully from hell. :huh:
Rode up some rocky stuff before heading down the singles leading to the Basin
Did concrete hill and followed some of the snotty singles until everybody had had enough. :blink:
Rode the mains back to where I left the boys, knowing I had at least another 1 and a 1/2 hours of dirt to get home.
All done now, had a great time again with some great blokes
188kms covered by me and I feel Knackerd
Thanks again Dudes
Don’t forget about our ride on Saturday, fella’s
I’m sure you would all make it. :woohoo:
MurphP.S. hope to have a couple of pics to post later
January 14, 2013 at 9:35 am #235537Some pics of the said cancelled ride, that never happened. :laugh:
For all those who missed out. 👿 :woohoo: :pinch:
The ghost of misses Muirs Lookout. :laugh:
Man down
StuartJanuary 14, 2013 at 9:39 am #235543
Man almost down. :woohoo:
Running man.
Tree hugging man :cheer:
Adam getting his own back on the hill. 👿January 14, 2013 at 9:44 am #235547
Stuart, showing how it done.
No sympathy (spell check please) for the devilHad a great day out
Easing the pain with Turkeys, as usual. :whistle: :laugh: :laugh:
Tomorrow. :sick: :sick: Oh well.
MurphJanuary 14, 2013 at 10:06 am #235548Thank’s Murph,Adam and Stu.
Exellent ride report and pics,good to ride with you all and new tracks to me too.
Cheers Michael.January 14, 2013 at 10:15 am #235558Sorry pics won’t download
January 14, 2013 at 10:15 am #235559January 14, 2013 at 6:52 pm #235561Nice writeup and pics Murph,
Was a top day and had a ball.
Hope to ride again with you someday and learn some more
CheersJanuary 14, 2013 at 10:34 pm #235538Great write up Murph
Thanks Stuart for putting it together
and for Michael and Murph for their contributions for various tracks
The tracks were superb with no dust :woohoo:
I recognized a couple of the singles, and some I hadn’t ridden for in ages have changed :huh:
The tree I hugged was to make up for the one I took out trying to turn around on the single :whistle: :laugh: :laugh:
I was cramping up there towards the end :pinch: and was relieved to see the cars :whistle:
I was even more relieved when Stuart handed over a beer :woohoo:
Got home had a shower and sat on the lounge for a snooze before work however the phone wasn’t letting that happen with a call to say we’re starting earlier
Feeling it now :blush:
Top day thanks fellas.
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