the sites up and running again its good to see

Home Forums General Bike Talk the sites up and running again its good to see

This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  ian 8 years, 1 month ago.

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    :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: its a bit hot for riding at the moment its great oldbulls is going again


    It is good to see rocket, I thought it was gone for good :S


    Good to see the Bulls up and running again, just hope we haven’t lost any riders.
    As Rocket said it has been way too hot for riding. On saying that we have snuck a couple in on the cooler days with DBW.
    Looking forward to cooler weather



    been into the skiing of late cause its just to hot but I am going for burn on sunday to blow the cobwebs out since its been November last year since last ride , I was wondering what was going on with ldbulls good to see it back and now im back on a regod bike intend to doa few rides on here this season



    i see you got a new boat huskybloke looks alright


    white rocket wrote:
    i see you got a new boat huskybloke looks alright

    yes we did Rocket a Skicraft Excel 21 , we used old Redline a fair bit and with the boys the age they are I thought we would upgrade seeing we get the use out of it

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