just so you all know buisness hours are from
monday to friday 8am to 5pm
saturday 6.30 am to 1 pm
ive worked on the bike on friday nights and done something or found i need brake pads or wheel bearings when its to late for a weekend ride so we will open early saturdays.
We are a Sherco/TM/MV Agusta but we are going to stock the expendable parts like wheel bearings, brake pads ,airfilters for the popular brands as well so if your heading north of newcastle early and need something or just want an early opener call in or ring 02 49871000.
I knew the bike was off to Tamworth we never left the shop until about 3 pm boony you should have given us a yell if i knew it was you coming down would have had a spare beer for you , as you are starting to see mate these shercos are good thing and call round anytime eages and have a look