The Tramp

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  • #99329


    Has anyone built one of them large round trampolines on christmas eve before, :( :( and do you have any tips, :ohmy:
    1, how many beers should be consumed.
    2,just refer back to 1,. ;)

    Santa Boony 😆


    Mick D

    A loop of wire aids in the installation of the springs. Careful with the beers until the job is done. Dont want to loose an eye to a wayward spring.


    Aaron Wilde

    You are advised not to enlist the help of Tracy for the sake of your marriage :laugh: Invite paul (next door neighbor) over for a beer. Burn the instructions and start helping him build it then get someone like me to ring you so you can watch him do it with a beer in your left hand and the phone in your right. Lucky you don’t smoke any more. When it is just about together or you can see a pattern forming and think you could put it together hang up on me and start helping :laugh: You could also make things a bit interesting by saying “you don’t do this type of thing much do you??! When you get off the phone :laugh: When you invite him over for a beer make sure you give one to him and hide the rest so he will piss off quick so you can say you did most of the work yourself!


    simon burke

    When you finally have the bastard of a thing put together…pull it all down again and get rid of the big side net and poles.With the side net the tramp becomes a wind trap.One decent windy day and the tramp will take off down the paddock,probably even beat the super maxys to Hobart :laugh:

    If you are going to keep the sides,chain the tramp to something solid…like one of your goats :)

    Bol :woohoo:


    Adrian Lee

    Any updates on this Boony? Step by step pictures would be good to :laugh:



    aido wrote:

    Any updates on this Boony? Step by step pictures would be good to :laugh:

    way tooo much blood for this site 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆



    aido wrote:

    Any updates on this Boony? Step by step pictures would be good to :laugh:

    Boony would have by now had his 2nd beer and be passed out on the lawn (they dont have a mono rail in Tamworth Aido, unless you count the train that all bar one wheel fell off :laugh: )
    Poor Tracy will be putting it together with the neighbour while the town drunk on his way home from the pub pokes Boony with a stick


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Adam Rodgers

    Sam assembled his 16′ one recently. It buckled up and kinked the pipes :( He ended up having to weld the kinked sections, however ended up putting it back together successfully :) Moral to this story? Assemble it on FLAT ground, follow the instructions and don’t attempt to move it without many hands. Had to tell him I TOLD YOU SO. We OLD bulls are much wiser than those YOUNG bulls :P

    Merry Christmas and good luck 😆




    adam wrote:

    Sam assembled his 16′ one recently. It buckled up and kinked the pipes :( He ended up having to weld the kinked sections, however ended up putting it back together successfully :) Moral to this story? Assemble it on FLAT ground, follow the instructions and don’t attempt to move it without many hands. Had to tell him I TOLD YOU SO. We OLD bulls are much wiser than those YOUNG bulls :P

    Merry Christmas and good luck 😆


    yep ,,,thats the kind of reassurance I need…Thanks Ads…. :( :( :( :( :(


    Adrian Lee

    Trailboss wrote:

    aido wrote:

    Any updates on this Boony? Step by step pictures would be good to :laugh:

    Boony would have by now had his 2nd beer and be passed out on the lawn (they dont have a mono rail in Tamworth Aido, unless you count the train that all bar one wheel fell off :laugh: )
    Poor Tracy will be putting it together with the neighbour while the town drunk on his way home from the pub pokes Boony with a stick


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    What a pissa :laugh: :laugh:



    back a couple of years ago they were the present to give Boony. We had 3 of them to put together on christmas eve mine being the last at 1.30 in the morning and by then i was over it and had had quite a few boubans ( i reckon about a six pack should see you through the job Thats including pre reading plans) so i wacked the compressor on and done it up with the rattler gun neighbour was a bit pissy with the noise but i had that sucker up in 1/2 an hour



    Throw away all the steel bits Boony. Get a backhoe in and dig a big hole the size of the mat. Then get as many star posts as there are springs. Lay the mat over the hole, star posts around the outside, springs attached to holes in star posts and Bobs you’re uncle. :woohoo:

    Grab some stubby holders and cover the top of the posts. Safety first and all ;) . If the kids are falling out on the ground you can upgrade with some ringlock around the star posts to bounce them back in.


    Nick Jackson

    I’m feeling your pain Boony, after laughing through this thread I now have the same mission ahead, but with the added bonus of 70 mm of rain and still flogging down.

    I’m about to suggest that Santa left it still in the box hanging out of the fireplace as it’s ‘fun’ to put together as a family!!! ;)

    I’ll let you know how this pans out :) :D



    Nickj wrote:

    I’m about to suggest that Santa left it still in the box hanging out of the fireplace as it’s ‘fun’ to put together as a family!!! ;)

    Gold :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Mick Pilgrim

    Its the same old story – but about 20 years ago putting a swing set together for the kids with a mate helping (along with too many beers) and finishing about one in the morning (had to wait for the kids to go to bed before starting). The worst part was the sober missus trying to tell us we were doing it all wrong. :S



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