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July 28, 2013 at 5:06 am #103064
I suppose most of us have had mates that have made poor decisions over the years… well one of my mates has completely lost the plot. The love of his life no longer loves him (he thinks) so he decided to dump her before she dumped him.
My wife watches a lot of Dr Phil and apparently what you do when things happen to your mates and you want to assist you have an “intervention”. I think you’re supposed to kidnap the person, tie them up and only agree to let them go when they see Sense, whoever he is… :blush:
For our intervention we chose the greatest place on earth! It’s a place where our group has met for the last twenty years and had some great times. The date was set, accommodation booked, the “interveners” confirmed and ready to act in the best interests of the victim.
The victim began his relationship with his beloved, whom he now refers to as “the bitch” way back in 2002. I think he was seduced by her Italian heritage, sleek figure and the reports that many an enduro rider had thrown a leg over many of her sisters, who had then taken them to that magical place.Rumour had it that she loved being dirty…
As with any relationship they started of very slowly. But I think “the bitch” liked to be ridden harder than the “victim” allowed… but then the problems happened. I think there were apprehended violence orders involved, the victim lost his temper several times when the bitch didn’t want to do what he wanted her to do.
Gradually over the years they drifted apart though they lived under the same roof. Years ago the victim gave her a chance when he took her for a drive to Adelaide. But that didn’t end well either.
The victim finally decided to dump the bitch before she dumped him. But as his mates we felt he was doing the wrong thing… he swore he’d never have another. That’s just not right, what’s a bloke to do when his mates and their partners go off for a dirty weekend? Sit at home knitting scarves???So three of us decided to intervene. We were set for this weekend…
The luxury accommodation was booked and paid for (at mates rates… thanks FATBOY!), we even opted for the luxury skylight room with ensuite (piss through the floor in the catching pens
I no longer have a suitable trail weapon and was on of the two “sponsored” riders (we used someone else’s bike) for the ride. For ease of story telling I should introduce the participants…
The victim (this is the look he gave when we told him it was an intervention and he wouldn’t be leaving until he decided to keep the bitch)
Bucky – he obviously loves a good intervention…
Fitzy – Mr Moto EX as himself. Lets his bike do the talking, ALWAYS out of control but always in control. And a very suave cool dude, got all the Gucci kit you’d expect a former sponsored A grade moto X’er to have.
Me – Intervention guide and all round good bloke, so I keep telling myself.
Mr Moto EX was so pumped about finally being permitted to attend an intervention that he went out and bought a swag! Only problem is that none of us have ever heard of a blow up swag… while these Moto X guys seem nice, they are used to their pit bunnies and flag marshalls doing everything for them. We wannabe hardened enduro clowns aren’t into the glamour and glitz these Moto blokes are… apparently this is how you blow you swag…
We knew things weren’t right when the victim claimed there was too much chili in the fine meal that my wife had prepared earlier that day and I had reheated and placed on a bed of rice ( a la moto X style, we were trying help Fitzy feel at home!). None the less we tolerated his complaints and assured him that it was fine and he should just shut up and eat up. We then proceeded with the intervention.
As can be seen it went for some time… it should be noted that Mr Moto EX likes his beer in a can (not that there’s anything wrong with that… if that’s what your into) so that evidence is missing
First thing in the morning Mr Moto EX was straight into the kitchen for a protein shake containing four raw eggs ( which caused Bucky to involuntarily dry retch). Seeing as he was in the kitchen we told him, nicely, to cook our breakfast.
I decided to do a perimeter patrol to see if the victim had made any attempts to escape. It appeared that he had got out of the accommodation block unsupervised and in his alcohol induced stupor did this…
Looks like someone was reminiscing on the (g)olden days!
This tap was left on to empty out an old tank…
That IS ice around the tap on the ground. It was -4 when we got up.
When Bucky turned up at 5pm he dropped a bit of ice out of the bag when he was filling his esky. This was still there 14 hours later!
Bucky making use of the rejuvenating cool waters, a side effect of their use is the proliferation grey hair!
July 28, 2013 at 5:37 am #247145More :woohoo:
July 28, 2013 at 5:44 am #247146Since he and the bitch have drifted apart the victim now appears to have a love for this old thing. Who puts a veranda on a truck? Puleeeeeese “No thanks I don’t want to ride with my mates, I’d much rather sit in the shade of my truck veranda and feed my stove…”
There’s only so much support a couple of mates can give so we hit the tracks…
Mr Moto EX is trying to talk me out of helping the victim any more… turns out Mr Moto EX was looking for phone reception so he could put in a bid on a bike on ebay……
After riding for a couple of hours we made our way back to the “pits” as Mr Moto EX called the car park. There as a token of his appreciation the victim fed us VERY well. Apparently he’d much rather slave over a hot stove than be out riding with his mates…
See what is NOT on the back of his rear canopy window as compared to the PIC below???? The memories are obviously too painful…
Bucky showing Mr Moto X his core strength
Bucky was influenced by Mr Moto EX and imitated his every move, right down to the wearing of the sunnies and calling the car park the “pits”!
As you can see Mr Moto EX didn’t like the water…
He wanted to know what would happen if he went into deep water and how he would extricate himself from the said puddle. I’ve always been a fan on bringing new people into the realm of real motor sickle riding so volunteered to enter this thigh deep, freezing cold water where I killed the engine and proceeded to give Mr Moto EX a lesson in how one can get one’s self out of trouble when there are no pit bunnies or flag marshals anywhere to help.
I’m always ready to take a bullet so a team member can learn! I also learnt not to do that again in the middle of winter…
Mr Moto EX was so grateful to me for showing him how NOT to do things that he kicked and kicked the TE until it came to life…
Bucky led the way to the little 300m single track loop we found…
We spent about 30mins lapping this little track and having an absolute blast, going around and around in circles. Mr Moto EX was worried that if he dropped the bike Bucky or I might run him down because there were no flag marshals. We assured him he would be fine.
There are no more photo’s of riding because we were having such a great time we forget to take more!
Mr Moto EX adapted very well to the accommodation and it’s requirements. Lighting this fire on our return
They say the bigger the fire the bigger the fool… well all of us were fools for being in Sunny Corner in the middle of winter so it WAS a fire for all of us!
We got back to the fine accommodation and had a debrief… in the wash up it was decided we already hurt enough, my boots were too wet, we had broken no gear, body or bike so why not end on a high? We cancelled a snappy ride in the pines that was planned in preference to a get up when you get up, bacon and eggs (or protein shake) for breakfast and wander home…
What happened to the victim? After he fed us lunch in the “pits” he escaped for home to allegedly take his bride out for dinner while his son wore a skirt and played the bag pipes… I dunno.
Catch up with mates 10/10Riding 9.5/10 (0.5 deducted because that water was so cold it hurt!)
Intervention 0/10 (bike is still on ebay and sale ends in a couple of hours) :pinch:
But we’ll be back next year to do it all again! :woohoo:
July 28, 2013 at 6:59 am #247154Great report! Good to see the cold didn’t stop you. :S
A picture tells a thousand words doesn’t it. I am usually the one stopping every 5 mins for a photo. :whistle: Just ask anyone I usually ride with. :laugh: :laugh:
July 28, 2013 at 7:08 am #247155Great ride report JTB.
I had a ball. So much so that the old KTM (that thinks its a Yamaha) is not for sale, & will continue to keep the Tenere company in the shed, ready for next one.
Watching “Mr MX” sliding the WR around like its a speedway bike was something I’m not used to seeing (unless it’s on the telly). The bloke CAN ride.
Top weekend away !
BuckyJuly 28, 2013 at 7:48 am #247147I’m not sure I agree will this intervention. I have seen first hand the grief the “victim” gets from this Italian super model. As pretty as she is, clearly she is a right super bitch. Maybe the “victim” would be happier with a love from orient descent as I believe was his previous love.
BTW Mr Moto X is back on a blue bike. Last time I saw he was on Yellow.
July 28, 2013 at 8:22 am #247148Pretty sure te said “Bitch” is a GONER !!!
That waterhole looks a tad familiar, wonder if it is the same one that captured Dejay and FF on serarate trips ??? If it is it is a lot shallower than it once was :laugh:
Nice report JTB,, keep `em coming
July 28, 2013 at 8:26 am #247162EAGLE`02 wrote:That waterhole looks a tad familiar, wonder if it is the same one that captured Dejay and FF on serarate trips ??? If it is it is a lot shallower than it once was :laugh:It isnt even close Eags, separated by two major roads and I would say 30kms as the crow flies. Also he is in a puddle the crossing known as ______’s hole is about 35m long :whistle:
July 28, 2013 at 8:29 am #247149Was just wondering ,,,
Still a similar result ,,, and wet feetJuly 28, 2013 at 8:56 am #247166EAGLE`02 wrote:Was just wondering ,,,
Still a similar result ,,, and wet feetWet and cold is wet and cold, whether it’s a puddle or the ocean!
July 28, 2013 at 8:57 am #247150:laugh: nice report there. Shame the intervention didn’t work out as planned but looks like some great riding.
July 28, 2013 at 9:00 am #247161Scotty wrote:I’m not sure I agree will this intervention. I have seen first hand the grief the “victim” gets from this Italian super model. As pretty as she is, clearly she is a right super bitch. Maybe the “victim” would be happier with a love from orient descent as I believe was his previous love.BTW Mr Moto X is back on a blue bike. Last time I saw he was on Yellow.
Mr Moto EX was sponsored this weekend, his Yellow bike is for sale. He wants to become an enduro rider again… he rode my sponsored bike (TE450) and really tore up the single on it too.
The victim used to ride red. He was VERY happy riding red. He has sworn off riding FOR LIFE and that’s a long time.
July 28, 2013 at 10:44 am #247160Bucky wrote:Great ride report JTB.Watching “Mr MX” sliding the WR around like its a speedway bike was something I’m not used to seeing (unless it’s on the telly). The bloke CAN ride.
Given that you normally follow me around I take it you think I can’t ride :ohmy:
You always were a good judge of riding ability, you told everyone that Chad REED bloke would go places, and no one listened… :silly:
July 28, 2013 at 10:12 pm #247174I used to think you were a good rider JTB.
However……..after following Mr Moto X around for a day, I’ve come to the following conclusions –
* You are merely an average rider
* I’m shite :laugh: !
July 29, 2013 at 2:11 am #247156jtb2879 wrote:Since he and the bitch have drifted apart the victim now appears to have a love for this old thing. Who puts a veranda on a truck? Puleeeeeese “No thanks I don’t want to ride with my mates, I’d much rather sit in the shade of my truck veranda and feed my stove…”You sure you didn’t get their names back to front?
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