Thermo Fan – blown fuse

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  murph the surf 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    Ok my thermo fan stopped working out on the track .. check it out and its a blown fuse … replaced the fuse (10amp) … all good lasted another month or so then blown fuse again. Replace and keeps blowing. Someone suggested to put a 15amp fuse in there and see if that helps .. good idea/bad idea?

    Sooooo wise ones …what do i do now? what do i check? Advice please :blush:


    Aaron Wilde

    We run 15 amp fuses in our scraper aircon 24volt condenser fans and they are much bigger than anything you would see on a bike. Whenever they start blowing fuses the brushes are stuffed or they are totally cactus. So in my experience if something starts blowing fuses something is wrong with the motor. Like a bearing is on its way out or similar. Just so you know I’m no expert on this but I have replaced heaps of motors brushes etc for blown fuses like your having to.



    I agree with what Aaron said but the thing that interests me is the time frame to blow

    Check if the fane spins free, does it do it on a wet ride only, thinking that water is causing the short?

    Anything else you can think of that seems to happen around the same time?



    Matt Baker

    PM Adam or Murph the Surf they both have plenty of experience with thermo fan problems on the same bike.


    Adam Rodgers


    Also check that the fan is clear of the radiator, or no sticks or leaves are stopping the blades from turning.

    My Jaycar computer fan sometimes gets stuck with debris however it is a low current fan and won’t blow the fuse when the blades jam.

    Check the wires associated with the fan aren’t worn through and rubbing the chassis anywhere too.

    Ride fast and you don’t need a fan ;)




    Well it sure as hell was muddy and wet on Sunday which was when i had the problem. I replaced the fuse before the ride and made sure it was working again, which it was so i guess it could be something (mud etc) that jammed the fan.

    I will check it out and make sure there is nothing that has gotten caught in there and wires etc.

    Gees Adam you should have mentioned the go faster and you wont need a fan tip earlier …. to think i have just been holding back to check out the scenery :whistle: :S


    Adam Rodgers


    I also just checked the manual and noticed you have two fuses for the fan (if they set your fan up as per the owners manual)

    You have one under the tank inline with the fan wires and the fuse under the seat.

    The fuse under the seat also runs the horn, brake light and turn signals.

    If it’s the under seat fuse you may have a fault in one of the above circuits.

    Food for thought.

    Let me know how you go. Happy to help out before a ride.




    Thanks Adam, I know the other fuse you are talking about i checked it out last time and it was fine but forgot to check that one this time. Might take you up on the help offer will check it all out again tomoz night and see how i go.

    Thanks for the tips all.


    Sorry no help here.
    Never had a blown fuse just faulty thermo sensors.
    The boys have mentioned it all anyways.
    Good luck, Rach



    Just an update in case anyone else has the same issue at some stage. Nothing was caught in the fan, checked all wires etc all ok. Put a 15amp fuse in and seems to be doing the trick.

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