Tour of duty, Birdsville, Cameron Cnr, Flinders

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    It looks like the lads had an early start from Birdsville as they said they would, heading south for the Corner. Another cracker day for riding I suspect ;)


    Ace and Strucky are at the Corner about 1hr ago :woohoo: Well done gents!! Say Hi to Fen & Cheryl for me please. ;)

    TB, Crash and Pete are still on there way but all looking good so far. I think it will be another big night of stories eh :cheer:


    Looking at TB’s pace on to the Corner I think the 3 wise men :unsure: maybe a little thirsty again :whistle:
    :laugh: :laugh:


    It look as though the Spot site is down at the moment :huh: I assume that TB,Crash and Pete got to the Corner ok? :blink:

    Have you heard anything Eags? Or anyone?


    Just got off the phone to TB they are all at the corner after a big day and having a couple of cleansing ale’s. ;)
    TB mentioned that they came down through Walkers Crossing from Birdsville and reckons it was one of the best tracks that he has ridden on an ADV bike :woohoo: Another one that will get added to the bucket list ;)

    Stay upright gents and enjoy the remainder of your Adventure!

    Left B)

    PS; Thanks for the call Eags ;)


    Clive Carre

    Great pics and story guys wish I was there Bugger :(
    Stay safe cheers Fish


    Dwayne O
    Lefty wrote:
    Just got off the phone to TB they are all at the corner after a big day and having a couple of cleansing ale’s. ;)
    TB mentioned that they came down through Walkers Crossing from Birdsville and reckons it was one of the best tracks that he has ridden on an ADV bike :woohoo: Another one that will get added to the bucket list ;)

    Stay upright gents and enjoy the remainder of your Adventure!

    Left B)

    PS; Thanks for the call Eags ;)

    No worries Lefty,
    I was monitoring all day again but as I said on the phone, I was in a prick of a location away from my pc all day and can`t login from my phone :dry:

    Ace & Strucky mad it to the Corner before midday and TB & co were not that far off just before the Spot site went into maintenance :pinch: As described on the Spot site, all SOS emergency calls will still operate in maintenance mode, just not the tracking functions etc

    I like the idea of the Flytrace backup, there is also another one callled Spotwalla that is also free and tracks well. Maybe we should utilise these in future ;)

    I just got home from work, taht`s why I called you this arvo mate B)
    My next couple of days will e just as busy, so not much updating from me,,, but, I WILL BE WATCHING THEM HOURLY !!!!



    Amy Harburg

    Great pictures guys.

    It’s really awesome that the two teams have joined up at the corner………i hope the OBT sticker I put on the old Bowser is still there. Also from memory they do an OK burger…..or perhaps I was just hungry…but all the same it’s was cool to be at the corner.

    Again top work team, stay safe and have fun.

    TB said a section of today was the best hour or so of riding he has done and he was ‘at one’ with his bike today. He rambled on about the suspension on his bike was just perfect ( well done Nick).

    I’m sure many drinks are being downed and the Emu’s and pigs are getting bigger by the hour. Again well done guy’s you deserve it.



    Dwayne O

    The assembled Crew are doing fine today, taking in some spectacular views today of the Gammon & Flinders Ranges area of S.A

    Crash has backed off the pace & looks like he is riding sweep with Ace & Strucky , maybe he has had enough of TB in his ear on the Bluetooth :P

    Sucks to be these guys today :whistle: :S :pinch: NOT :laugh:


    Dwayne O

    Safe at Arkaroola this evening at 4.50pm.

    That is a beautiful place and the boys will be stoked ;)


    jim cady

    Been watching the tour with interest and envy and would possibly like to do something similar one day.My line of work does make it a bit hard to get large blocks of days off in a row though unfortunately,but I am curious as to how much a trip like this would cost.

    I know its hard to quantify as accommodation, food,fuel, and the biggy beer intake would vary from person to person but a rough estimate from either those on tour or others that have done similar would be helpful.

    May not have been the appropriate place to post this but I figured the people in the know would be watching.


    Dwayne O
    james wrote:
    Been watching the tour with interest and envy and would possibly like to do something similar one day.My line of work does make it a bit hard to get large blocks of days off in a row though unfortunately,but I am curious as to how much a trip like this would cost.

    I know its hard to quantify as accommodation, food,fuel, and the biggy beer intake would vary from person to person but a rough estimate from either those on tour or others that have done similar would be helpful.

    May not have been the appropriate place to post this but I figured the people in the know would be watching.

    I worked out that I needed to spend about $850-$900 finalising prep on my 690 (that included another bigger tank that I had sourced second hand) then the cost of the trip on top of that.
    I figured it was gona cost me close to $4G all up maybe

    But I haven`t actually done a big trip like this yet , so it hard to really put an accurate figure on it without experience,,,,
    My workplace sorted the decision for me in the end with anual leave stuffarounds :laugh:

    Hoping to start a separate bank (maybe a fixed term one) account soon that I will put $$$ away bit by bit to hopefully get out there next season with a little less hassle ;)


    If you have everything you need then the cost is not that great compared to a “normal” holiday.

    If you were to camp out most nights then accommodation isn’t a great cost. The guys on this trip are doing some big km days so maybe 2 tanks of fuel a day, then food and drink. Bike prep and maintenance costs would come into it but generally that is money you would have spent anyway if you maintain your bike properly.

    Like you said James, there are a lot of variables from person to person but you would be looking at probably around $200 a day.

    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    james wrote:
    Been watching the tour with interest and envy and would possibly like to do something similar one day.My line of work does make it a bit hard to get large blocks of days off in a row though unfortunately,but I am curious as to how much a trip like this would cost.

    I know its hard to quantify as accommodation, food,fuel, and the biggy beer intake would vary from person to person but a rough estimate from either those on tour or others that have done similar would be helpful.

    May not have been the appropriate place to post this but I figured the people in the know would be watching.

    I worked out that I needed to spend about $850-$900 finalising prep on my 690 (that included another bigger tank that I had sourced second hand) then the cost of the trip on top of that.
    I figured it was gona cost me close to $4G all up maybe

    But I haven`t actually done a big trip like this yet , so it hard to really put an accurate figure on it without experience,,,,
    My workplace sorted the decision for me in the end with anual leave stuffarounds :laugh:

    Hoping to start a separate bank (maybe a fixed term one) account soon that I will put $$$ away bit by bit to hopefully get out there next season with a little less hassle ;)

    Yeah that sounds like a good idea Eags ;)

    Did you check out the Flytrace link below?

    I have been switching between the Spot and Flytrace but it is good for group Spots and as a backup ;)


    Left B)


    jim cady

    Buggar Eags, :pinch:
    4 grand :ohmy: don’t think I could justify spending that much on a holiday for myself :(
    leaving the family behind to do the daily grind.
    Well emotionally I could :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: but financially not just at the moment.
    Never know what the future holds though, might have to start up a secret savings plan of my own :whistle: :laugh:
    Would just like too see it for myself one day.

    Hey Jeffro,
    I don’t mind the sound of that too much say 1400 for the week,thats more achievable for me ;) Although like Eagle I would need some upgrades on my bike,damper,luggage racks etc etc oh no its starting to look unlikely again :laugh: :laugh:

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