Tour of duty, Birdsville, Cameron Cnr, Flinders

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Reports Tour of duty, Birdsville, Cameron Cnr, Flinders

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    Dwayne O

    Been watching this morning,,
    Great weather for the last leg and although they are slabbing it for the day, it is some terrific country nonetheless. Not sure where Ace & Strucky have planned to part ways, so I bid Strucky a safe trip north cause I won`t be able to see the Spot tracking for him, it wil be with Ace. I`m sure he will call & let us know all is fine on his arrival.

    Their minds would be in a different place right now I think, images & thoughts of the past 9 days running through their heads, I`m sure they would have had some dodgy moments, probably wondered a few times “What the hell am I doing out here”, “Can`t wait to get home”, “How far is the next stop” and the usual “Damn my ass is killing me right now” :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    But in the end they will have the memories for the rest of their lives of a great trip and accomplishments ;)
    One day I will hopefully get to experience the same as you blokes have just done B)

    I for one am hanging for the reports, pics, vids and having a good chat about it over a few beers soon !!!




    I’m home safe and sound, Ace peeled of at Wambo and Strucky and I parted ways at Maitland.
    It’s good to be home but I would be happy to turn around and do that again ( maybe not the slab from Broken Hill to Trangie :ohmy:) best ride I have ever done.



    Alan Roots

    Good to read that you`re home PTW , I`ve been home since Thursday night but have been laid up with a stomach bug , road food I think being the culprit , I`ll prolly lose some more kg`s because of the bug , no harm done :sick: .

    When ya get a new rim give me a yell and I`ll come around , or you can come over here , and I’ll help ya put it together , it`s a lot easier job than most would have ya believe . I `ve built about a dozen or so wheels now , takes me about an hour from start to finish . About the same time it takes to polish off a six pack :whistle: .



    Home safe and well

    A total of 5121km what a trip more to come tomorrow.

    A big thanks to TB for putting it all together



    Great to here that you are home safely Strucky and look forward to seeing your report ;)


    Dwayne O

    I presume Ace made it home ok too,,,
    The spot stopped at Brunkerville and he would have had about half hour to go…

    No messages and I have been out all arvo, left the phone at home :whistle:

    Look forward to the reports to start guys ;)


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    I presume Ace made it home ok too,,,
    The spot stopped at Brunkerville and he would have had about half hour to go…

    No messages and I have been out all arvo, left the phone at home :whistle:

    Look forward to the reports to start guys ;)

    Everyone is in and accounted for


    Dwayne O

    I figured all was good anyway,,, A bit pissed that I left the phone home though (slack of me I know) :laugh:

    I bet all were glad to be back with loved ones B)


    Dwayne O

    Hey you blokes !!

    That`s enough holdin` out on the reports,,,
    Get crackin` will ya`s :laugh:

    We want more pics & stuff !!!!



    Just resizing the pics Eags ;)



    Yeah there is a start all through this thread Eags but stuff takes time especially when you have been away :whistle: and PTW has your pictures :blink: and videos :pinch:

    Thought Strucky would have posted here by now but he loaded his yesterday evening



    Dwayne O

    I`ll have to kick Pete in the ass when he brings my bag back then :laugh:

    Good onya`s



    Well, 5100klm and 10 days after meeting up with Strucky, i arrived back home with some great memories, around 8 hours of video footage including daily diary reports from Strucky and a couple of hundred photos of varying quality :whistle:

    It was amazing to see some of the best countryside you could imagine, taking in the hills of Barrington to the red sand dunes of the far West and South Australia…truly awesome and i can tick off a few of the must see locations that have been on my list for a while ;). A big thank you to TB who kindly gave us the route and assisted with the prep work making sure that i had everything – cheers mate! ;)


    In typical Beemer style we stopped at the cafe in nundle, and after a latte Strucky realised that he had lost his phone somewhere between Gloucester and the cafe


    From there we ventured on and came across the old asbestos mine at Barraba, so while holding our breath for 15 minutes we were able to take a picy of this disused mine…eerie place really

    From there it was onto Narrabri for night one where we used the full complement of camping and cooking gear for the first time…note to self, next time take a chair.


    The next day we got up and it took over 1.5 hours to pack our gear up…seriously and not only that but when i had everything packed and went to start the bike i realised that my bike key was still in my tent in one of those handy(i wont loose this) pockets.

    The trip from Narrabri to Lightning Ridge was brilliant as we made our way around the back of Cubbie Station and saw some amazing wildlife including a heap of pigs, goats, emus and kangaroos. Cubbie is a great station and is well worth a look if you are up that way.


    I wont go into detail but i think this picture tells the story about me bogging the Beemer :whistle:


    I had to twist Struckys arm to get him to stop at the Hebel pub which has a few memories for me from my younger days so we stayed for a couple of beers and then on local advice, made a dash to Lightning Ridge where Strucky was to unveil the giant emu outside of town.

    On the way, i missed hitting a pig that shot across the road by no more than 2mtrs…that would have ended the trip but thanks to Struckys ‘eagle eye’ night time vision, he was able to warn me so i could avoid it. Actually it was luck that i avoided it, there was nothing i could do at that late stage.

    We had a great night at the mayors house in Lightning Ridge drinking wine and eating cheese(how is the gout Strucky) in typical adventure riding style. :laugh:

    The next day was big. 650 klm of sand and ruts that had us on the pace all day. The payoff however was the change in scenery. We were now in country that i had never seen before and i loved it. TB had us diverting around the back of properties and through paddocks as much as possible.



    We pulled up at Thargomindah and settled the nerves with some refreshing beverages while Strucky won the heart of the lady publican with his charm and wit. Anyone that has been there will know what i mean ;)

    The next day we were into it early again with Innamincka being the destination. Once again some great tracks and at one stage we ended up in the middle of a property where the track just disappeared. We follwed the GPS religiously which had us going over barbed wire fences, through lignum and old creek beds :S. I headed to the homestead and left Strucky in the middle of the paddock(low on fuel) to perish while i tried to find our way out. It turns out the property was 2.2 million acres and we were right, there was no track anymore. From there we made it to Noccundra and had some more beer there while talking to the publican.(Are you starting to see a theme on this trip?)




    We took in the dig tree which is a must see and made our way to town where we missed the fuel by 5 mins. Oh well, better have some more beer.



    While we were there, Strucky managed to find a cheap replacement engine for the DR. :laugh:


    So it was fianlly off to our primary destination, Cameron Corner. Full of anticipation, we headed off early wondering what festivities we would be met with upon arrival…would there be streamers and balloons? Would TB have organised special guests for our arrival? How many beers would come out to great us when we arrived? All would be revealed in a couple of short hours :woohoo: .

    On the way, due to ever increasing expenses, Strucky managed to get a gig towing some trailers into one of the gas fields. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Well, we arrived and……………………………….nothing!? Not a single person there! Not a noise!? No TB, Crash or PTW!? Where were the festivities that we had anticipated? Oh thats right, we were in the middle of bloody nowhere and the locals didn’t give a shite about our epic journey because all they see are tourists :( :unsure:


    But for me and Strucky it was a great achievment and we did it after months of planning. It wasn’t long before we had a few more beers and got talking with the locals who were coming in in dribs and drabs. They were great, especially Struckys new BFF Phylis the dog fence maintainer who was quite the character.




    A couple of hours later we heard the destinctive rumblings of the self proclaimed Tenere Legends and it was great to see them all turn up safe and without major incident. I real success in my eyes.

    This was only half the journey but for me it was the destination. It was a great few days afterwards but i will do a RR on that a little later.

    A massive thank you to Eagle and Lefty for keeping an eye on us throughout the trip. ;)

    Thanks to TB for your tireless efforts that make these trips possible for newbys like me and also Crash and PTW for the excellent company. ;)

    And how can i forget my riding buddy Strucky…thanks for the company mate we made a good team i reckon and should start thinking of the next adventure?! ;)



    jim cady

    Looks like there are plenty of good memories you will have for years to come there Ace ;)

    Cheers James



    You bet James, i definately have the bug and loved every minute of it! ;)

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