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This topic contains 300 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Greg 11 years, 4 months ago.
May 16, 2013 at 9:52 am #241862
We left CC early, yeah got Strucky and Ace moving early and off we went. Now remember the bull dust hole on the top of the dune I mentioned earlier? Yes well it was about 15 to 20 m long and was bull dust proper. It had three for want of a better word triple jumps in it and Pete nailed to dead square. This same hole claimed a few on ADV rider, serious crashes!. Pete rode it out, I was beside him and I just clipped the edge of it but witnessed the whole thing. Pete’s rear wheel was at least a metre in the air at one stage he handled it well. Now for a bloke that doesn’t shut up on the blue tooth he couldn’t say a word, he may have actually shit himself (I only watched it and I nearly did!!!!) I tried to stop and turn around and race back up the road to warn Crash but was to slow, with shock I think. Crash hit it the same as Pete and got through. I waved Strucky and Ace down and we just stared at it!. I firmly believe the only thing that saved the guys was their quick reactions and the fact they both have had their suspension done by Nick at Tekniks.
We continued on and found the short cut track, no yellow bus but? Rememebr I mentioned it before? Well it seems the dead shit arseholes of the world have done it again (thanks scum!) They successfully left enough rubbish around and kept camping on the private proptery even though signs say not to, enough that the station owners dragged the bus away and dug a hole. The bus got put in and filled over, thanks again &^$$%^s!
We stopped on the Strez for a cuppa soup (ADV riders breakfast on this trip, missed our eggs FF) From there to the Montecollma Bore. Pete was dead keen to see it and swim but sorry girls no Pete swimming photos
From there we bolted down the Strez and found the track to Arkaroola just before Mt Hopeless. What a track, open fast, tight corners, dry creek beds, channels it rocked. We stopped in a dry creek bed and cooked up a dry meal for lunch.
Random shots of the Gammon Ranges coming up
We turned hard left and headed the last 30kms into Akaroola. We found a faint track to a hill and rode up, was a little steep and maybe not then smartest move but we made it
We sent Pete up to a lookout while Crash and I checked on Strucky and Ace taking pictures it turned up. Pete has photos of us riding up to the lookout (could have warned about the lack of run off !!)
From the lockout towards Arkaroola
The view from our camp that night
We had some beers, and setup camp at Arkaroola that night, a place worth visiting
More later
May 16, 2013 at 10:32 am #240880Part Two
From the Corner our next stop would be Arkarool. This was one of the most scenic rides – Hard to explain but approching the Flinders Ranges was a experience I will never forget.The Flinders Ranges just went forever along with great weather for riding. Once we arrived at Arkarool it was still early so we checked into our campsite and enjoyed a few beers with the perfect back drop being the ranges. Ace convinced me too sleep under the stars and whilst I was a little hesitate at first I was glad I agreed. All in all a good day.
The boys getting ready
Some random shots as we left the Flinders Ranges behind us.
Crustys House – 30k out of Yunta.
We arrived at Yunta where we met up with the boys for beer. The decision was made to continue on to Broken Hill which would mean a 200k ride in the dark.
The next day Ace and I went to Silverton to see where Mad Max and Razorback was filmed. Then back to Broken Hill to meet up with the rest of the boys.
We headed then to Menindee. It was not long before Ptw had a problem whith his front rim, which meant he and Tb had to turn back to Broken Hill.
Ace, Crash and I pushed on to Menindee. It was hard yards riding on the sand dunes but it was well worth the effort. We spent the night on Meindee lake.
Well our trip was nearing to a end with only two days left.
Part Three to followMay 16, 2013 at 10:34 am #241938May 16, 2013 at 11:40 am #241829Randoms I love from the trip
Crash on the extra hard run (far left next to the hard run on big red)
Praying to the sand gods?
Pete’s version of paying homage to the sand gods I think?
Pete saying “up you sand gods I did the hard option”
Pete sing “are your mcleans showing”
Words fail me
May 16, 2013 at 12:10 pm #241949My only dear diary entry, it was the last day. Mother’s Day Sunday morning after a fair night out in Trangie
May 16, 2013 at 10:42 pm #241957great report & photo’s. makes me feel like I was out there & probably the only way I will ever get to see that country.
May 17, 2013 at 6:16 am #241950Trailboss wrote:Randoms I love from the tripPete’s version of paying homage to the sand gods I think?
Looks like PTW is about to get pecked on the forehead or shat on by an Eagle :laugh:
May 17, 2013 at 11:02 am #241958Trailboss wrote:My only dear diary entry, it was the last day. Mother’s Day Sunday morning after a fair night out in TrangieTB
May 17, 2013 at 10:06 pm #242021Great final dear diary :laugh: :laugh:
May 18, 2013 at 12:50 am #241943Now this post outta revive the good old Caption Contests :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
May 19, 2013 at 7:54 am #240881Part Three
We left Menindee early and made our way to Ivanhoe for breakfast and fuel. It was going to be a another big day on the bikes.
The riding was great as we followed the railroad line. when you are out this far you have to share the road with others, like this coming towards you.
All was going to plan that was until Crash got a flat, fuel was getting low and daylight was fast fading. We made the decision to change the route.
We did the last 100 plus k’s in the dark into Trangie trying to avoid all the wild life (AGAIN). It was a great feeling to finally arrive. We were greated by TB and PTW.
A quick shower and a manaic mini bus driver had us in town for a great chinese meal. We met up with Tbs sister Emma who gave us a lift home, which by the way Ace and I had to ride in the boot.
We finshed the night sitting beside a log fire, drinking plenty. It was a very relaxing night.
A big thank you to Tb for putting this together which was a great experience for me. Thanks to Crash and Ptw for plenty of laughs and good company.
Ace, thanks mate, it was great with so many good memories.
Thanks to Eagle and Lefty for keeping a eye on us.
It was great to be back home and see the water, after being out there so long.
This one is for you Crash
May 19, 2013 at 8:09 am #242063:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Thats gold Strucky, great stuff mate and thanks for sharing
Eags and I were only too glad to keep an eye on all of you blokes out there. That’s the OBT spirit champ
LeftMay 19, 2013 at 8:17 am #240882Cheers Strucky,
Thanx for the report and pics mate..That surf would have looked inviting after 10 days of sand & dust :laugh:
I rode some sandy stuff today and thought to myself,, “Damn, the guys did this out there in the desert for days on end” :S
I was knackered after an hour of it 😆May 19, 2013 at 9:41 am #242066Strucky……….your a Unit!
I wore my thongs IN the shower mate………i wasn’t advertising my wishes like some! TB kept leaving his ‘G’ bangers crossed outside his shower! I don’t think he understood?Mate, if that’s the view you look at every day………it’s good that you saw some of the driest prick of a country to remind you how lucky you really are!
You & Ace were great company. I look forward to our next adventure!
Ps. I’ll get to my report soon.May 22, 2013 at 10:32 am #2420761
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