Tour of duty, Birdsville, Cameron Cnr, Flinders

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This topic contains 300 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #241020

    The three Wise Men :dry: Are back into it and are nearly at Yowah. ;)

    While Ace and Strucky must be having a lay in as they are still in Narrabri :blink: :whistle:

    What The!! Get on it boys!! :woohoo:


    Dwayne O

    That was part of the plan Lefty,,,
    A few late morning starts here & there :laugh:

    I was a fan of that also when I was on the starters list , going hard from sunrise to sunset and beyond is a tad beyond me & my aspirations too :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    It`s gonna be another long day watching the trackers on the hour as well as working in the backyard :whistle:


    Dwayne O

    Ace & Strucky are headed for Lightning Ridge today , so they have about 600k to do :whistle:
    May be another run into town in the dark :laugh:
    I have a full copy of the itinery they have planned out,klms, fuel stops, contact numbers for accomodation, caravan parks, pubs, even local boys in blue ;) That`s my job `cause I pulled the pin on the trip :S 😆

    Unsure where TB and the Wooducks are thinking of staying tonite, there plan is more “on the fly” I think ;)




    Just stopped for breakfast at Toompine pub.


    Big feed of bacon eggs spaghetti and toast



    Thanks Eags ;)


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    That was part of the plan Lefty,,,
    A few late morning starts here & there :laugh:


    I was a fan of that also when I was on the starters list , going hard from sunrise to sunset and beyond is a tad beyond me & my aspirations too :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Soft Eags

    It`s gonna be another long day watching the trackers on the hour as well as working in the backyard :whistle:

    Long Farking day on the bike I reckon


    Dwayne O

    ME,,, SOFT ????????

    You betcha :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Looks like a good time is being had by all.

    Hey Eag’s, you do realise you can zoom in on web pages to readthe small writing don’t you? :D


    Dwayne O

    Yeah mate,,, but some of my laptops keyboard buttons are playing up :S
    Time time upgrade do my typing errors and edits can be reduced :laugh:


    Let me know your departure date so I can get to share a beer or two with ya please

    Now,, Back to the Adventure Watch Station for me B)


    jim cady

    Hey Eagle,
    Seeing as your commanding the adventure watch station do you think you could persuade the troops to send back a bit of footage :whistle: :laugh: .
    I understand they are busy :woohoo: :woohoo: B) :sick: :whistle: But the three pieces of communication they have given us unfortunates back home isn’t up to the usual standard of some of the best in the business,hint hint 😆

    Cheers James


    Dwayne O

    I know them too well mate,,,
    And sadly,,, You will get what you get till they return :laugh: :silly:

    I feel your pain James,,, more so `cause I was supposed to be with Ace & Strucky :(


    Dwayne O

    Looks like all is going well for both teams :)

    Ace & Strucky are just getting into the “CUBBY STATION” run,,,
    That will be a real treat in the afternoon sun :woohoo:

    Go Boys Go !!!



    We are in Windorah at the pub. Bladders and tanks are filled, sitting at the pub sucking Rums it’s too farkin hot. 392 Kms tomorrow ;) Crash had a huge near miss today with a Emu. Left a skid mark on the bitumen to see at 120kph

    James can’t do photos Internet is to slow to do photos but I will do some serious updating tomorrow in Birdsville

    More later peeps



    Dwayne O

    Fair chance that the 3 Amigos have settled in at the Pub at Windorah :whistle:
    Plenty of time to get to Big Red Monday 😆

    Just hope there are no problems,,,, no messages to hint that from the Spot Tracker, so my bets they`re on the Black cans :laugh:

    Stay tuned


    Dwayne O

    :laugh: :laugh: As I suspected and was typing exactly that,,, you post up the inevitable :P


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