Tour of duty, Birdsville, Cameron Cnr, Flinders

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Reports Tour of duty, Birdsville, Cameron Cnr, Flinders

This topic contains 300 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #241059
    Trailboss wrote:
    We are in Windorah at the pub. Bladders and tanks are filled, sitting at the pub sucking Rums it’s too farkin hot. 392 Kms tomorrow ;) Crash had a huge near miss today with a Emu. Left a skid mark on the bitumen to see at 120kph

    James can’t do photos Internet is to slow to do photos but I will do some serious updating tomorrow in Birdsville

    More later peeps


    Careful gents!! :huh: Have a cracker night, which i am sure that you will and feel a bit :sick: in the morning! :laugh: :laugh:

    Did you catch up with OFBM? :dry:

    Left B)


    Dwayne O

    I`d say NO,,, OFBM headed west just after Bourke and was at at waterhole near Innamincka last night :whistle:

    OFBM`s Spot link below,,

    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    I`d say NO,,, OFBM headed west just after Bourke and was at at waterhole near Innamincka last night :whistle:

    OFBM`s Spot link below,,

    Thanks Eags, I should have checked that one :whistle: :blush:

    Are Ace and Strucky still heading for Lightning ridge today?? it seems they are a fair way north…..


    It look as though OFBM is in Birdsville already Eags…….


    Dwayne O

    Along with plenty of other eager ADVers I`d say Lefty ;)
    Imagine the cans getting put away there this weekend ???????

    Not to mention all the sore heads :sick:

    :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


    This watching the spots is getting expensive Eags…… I just bought a steering damper and top triple clamp for the 640 while I was on line… :whistle: Don’t tell the Minister though eh ;)

    Oops a little off topic there :dry: Back to the show :laugh: :laugh:

    Left B)



    Just got to Windorah found three teneres laying in the gutter with PTW humping a white one :ohmy: two piss wrecks in the beer garden could be a big night! Where is my brother Ace?

    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Along with plenty of other eager ADVers I`d say Lefty ;)
    Imagine the cans getting put away there this weekend ???????

    Not to mention all the sore heads :sick:

    :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    I reckon it would be good to own the Birdsville Pub right about now :laugh: :laugh: Actually the pub that the 3 wise men are staying in at Windorah would be a good earn tonight too come to think of it. :laugh: :laugh: :sick:


    Dwayne O
    ChrisADV wrote:
    Just got to Windorah found three teneres laying in the gutter with PTW humping a white one :ohmy: two piss wrecks in the beer garden could be a big night! Where is my brother Ace?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Hey Eags,

    Ace and Strucky seemed to have been stopped for a while :huh: Have you heard anything? :dry:

    False alarm all good they have just got going again :woohoo:



    Chrisadv just rode past on his XL250 will be a big night



    craig evans

    have had many a good night in windorah and birdsville pubs when i worked out there ,there some handy drinkers out there 😆 .


    Dwayne O
    Lefty wrote:
    Hey Eags,

    Ace and Strucky seemed to have been stopped for a while :huh: Have you heard anything? :dry:

    False alarm all good they have just got going again :woohoo:

    YEAH, Got an OK message at 4.08pm while I was off having a shower ..
    Would have been an inpromptu rest stop to smell the roses or something :laugh:



    Dwayne O
    Trailboss wrote:
    Chrisadv just rode past on his XL250 will be a big night


    That would explain why Ace & Strucky are hightailin` it back into NSW to get as far away as possible from ACE`s alter ego :laugh: :laugh:
    Ace & Chris together is Bad News for any town :P


    Dwayne O

    Some other news not related to OBT Teams..

    Wizzabren, an ADV member came to grief “Hit a cow 30 klms from Tambo on the Mt Playfair Rd”
    He ia from QLD and safely back home after a longish bus ride with knee ligament damage
    And a written off Tenere apparently :pinch:
    Well wishes go out to him,,,,

    Stay on the lookout out there guys,,
    Was mentioned that Crash had a close call with Bushchook and that is scary :unsure:

    Keep `em upright,,, still a long way to go

    Sounds like there is already quite a crew assembled at Birdsville this evening B) B)

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