Tugboat ride, 3 Teneres to toast a Legend Birdsville 2013

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  • #239604
    micknmeld wrote:
    Lefty wrote:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Actually after the Scrapheap ride and the accidents that happened on route to Comeroo I might stick with the 640. It is pretty good on the rough high speed stuff. Just ask Mick :ohmy: :woohoo: After he rode the most intense 100km ever on the NX :laugh: :laugh: Funny stuff that. I looked around to make sure he was still behind me and all was ok, only to see this faint glow, which i thought was his head light 😆 but it was actually his eye balls reflecting the afternoon sun :laugh: :laugh: Funny stuff!!

    Laugh all you like laughing boy! I don’t think I have ever been that scared on a motorbike in my life! That was probably the most unenjoyable 100kms I have ever endured on a bike. I was expecting all manner of wildlife to appear out of your dust and take me out. And you are right, I bet my eyes were popping out of my head, similar to the Toe Cutter’s in Mad Max… :woohoo:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    BTW thanks for the call when you got back from the scrapheap ride too Mick to check if I got back ok ;) It was good to hear from you champ and much appreciated ;)
    Lefty B)



    Long term rain and temp forecast for the trip:



    It’s going to be fresh in the mornings



    ONLY TWO WEEKS TO GO :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:



    pete the wulf wrote:
    ONLY TWO WEEKS TO GO :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


    Hey Pete in two weeks time at 1pm you, Crash and I will be sitting in Hungerford pub having a counter lunch washing the dust down with stubbie and looking forward to the last 160kms for the day into Thargomindah :)




    Well with the weather as crap as it was today and the backyard practically filling up like a swimming pool :S :pinch: i thought i would take the opportunity to do the final preperations to my bike for the up coming Cameron Corner ride.

    This is the finished product:




    I hardwired the GPS:


    Went over every nut and bolt on the bike and added a little loctite where required.

    I decided to use the factory top rack because it is totally waterproof, expandable and lockable.


    All i have to do now is suit up and head for the hills…that is Gloucester for the first night where i meet up with Strucky :woohoo: .

    The only bad thing is that now i am all packed, the next 2 weeks of waiting is going to be a shocker! :pinch:



    jim cady

    Can always unpack and re pack ACE :laugh:



    Already did that twice today James :S :whistle:


    Dwayne O

    Nothing like being well prepared Ace,,

    Hey I recognise that fuel bladder,, still got the rubber bands on it I see :laugh:
    The GPS hardwired is the go too mate,, better to have the backlight on permanantly too I found to see it better on the fly :) Worked well for me on the last two dayer ,, maybe that`s why you got lost a bit :P




    Jeez Eags…one little mistake…hate to see how you held a grudge if i really upset you :laugh: :laugh: :P

    TB has just offered some advise and that was to f%&# off the top case and bring some of the weight forward.

    That good, it gives me something to do tomorrow. :)

    The soft case holds more actually so it will let me get the height down and store more stuff if required.

    As always TB, your advice is appreciated. ;)


    Dwayne O

    This may be of interest while out Birdsville way,,,
    The “Inside Track” is apparently re opened for traffic, It`s a more interesting run I think than the usual track ;)

    See here


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    This may be of interest while out Birdsville way,,,
    The “Inside Track” is apparently re opened for traffic, It`s a more interesting run I think than the usual track ;)

    See here

    You ruin many secrets Eagle :laugh: I think we are going that way from Birdsville to Innamincka been watching a thread elsewhere for the last couple of days. There is one crossing they are chatting about saying the water is a metre deep. Spoke with Innamincka they’re of the opinion it’s all go. Don’t need to have that discussion until Birdville. Watch the spot ;)



    Dwayne O

    Sorry mate :whistle:
    Only trying to help :laugh:

    Sounds like an interesting run through there too

    Good Luck B)



    Packed…Take 2 :laugh: :laugh:




    Nothing to do now except sit and wait :( :pinch:



    This is going to be a very long 7 days :ohmy: :unsure: :blink: :silly: :side: :S :pinch:



    We could leave now Pete, do the route in reverse and meet them at the start?? :whistle: :woohoo:

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