Two Day Nav Ride 16th & 17th Feb 2013.

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    This is not an organised ride, I am going on another two day navigation ride this one a little over 800km starting in Mittagong south of Sydney finishing in Wisemans Ferry. Navigation is meaning full GPS ride, yes if you want to come must have your own GPS. You need a GPS because like a map from a shop you can follow it if you want. The route will be loaded on your GPS at the Mittagong Hotel on the 15th Friday night only (no GPSs will be loaded Saturday morning I will be long gone) the route I believe will be suitable for all bikes if ridden to the conditions but thats your choice when you get to all if any obstacles. The route I am planning to ride has plenty to see, and will be a cracker if you choose to follow it like a map.
    You need a 300km minimum fuel range just in case (remember a fuel bladder or the likes can be used to extend your range) and must have your own GPS that can have a map loaded on it. No 300km fuel range, no GPS, no ride. There is no support vehicle, no cornermen, no sweeps. People will be required to ride in at least pairs for safety sake. No solo riders this time, I will not be looking for or worrying about someone missing on their own. This time at least pairs or more so they would know if their buddy is missing or down its simple for putting this together its the only thing I ask.
    This ride will have an overnight stay at Woodstock (Central west NSW) well thats where I am staying. The Royal Hotel offers accommodation and they may let you camp in the back yard should you desire. I reckon camping gear is a must should you for whatever reason not make the overnight stay or continue past it on day one.
    This is not a race or a show of how big you think your dick is its not anything, just me riding and sharing a map as such, my map or where I am going finishes at Wisemans Ferry Pub arvo of the 17th.
    Numbers won’t be limited it isn’t an organised ride in anyway shape or form I am offering you a route (like a map) and recommendations (like someone asking out a car window) as to distances between fuel and accommodation etc. Fuel distances later

    Ride Report from the last one if this doesnt wet your appetite yet Check it out here

    Friday night details

    friday night has been sorted, I am staying at the Mittagong Hotel web site and details here good looking rooms and cheaper than other pubs in Mittagong it seems. I will be loading GPSs from 6pm until 9pm

    I have booked a room for Pete, Strucky and myself at this stage (room 11).

    Their rooms are as such


    If you wish to camp (but you will need to come down to the pub to get your GPS loaded before 9.00pm) you can camp @ Mittagong Caravan Park

    It is a 1.7km walk or ride how ever you choose


    Saturday night

    Number for the Royal Hotel Woodstock
    Parkes Street Woodstock NSW 2793
    (02) 6345 0262

    Will post up the pub in Mittagong where I will be staying and loading GPSs on Friday night the 15th after 6pm.

    So who is in?

    Now grouped in the ride groups as I understand it

    1/ TB
    2/ PTW

    3/ Eagle
    4/ Ace

    5/ D-Rally
    6/ Jeffro

    7/ Boulder
    8/ Fish

    9/ Amy
    10/ Wiggy

    11/ farrier
    12/ James

    13/ llewdaert
    14/ triumphrockthrower
    15/ Fergstrom

    16/ Crash
    17/ Kamakazi Rocket

    18/ Lotsa
    19/ Mickp
    20/ Reece

    21/ Wolfman
    22/ P_Payne
    23/ Jason Barrett

    Start to first fuel – 265kms

    First fuel to second fuel – 87kms

    Second fuel to third fuel – 125kms

    Third fuel to Day 1 Finish – 30kms

    Day 1 total – 507kms


    Day 2

    Start to first fuel – 194kms (remember 30 from the end of the previous day)

    First fuel to second fuel – 130kms

    Second fuel to finish – 110kms

    Day 2 total – 434kms




    Consider me in TB. :woohoo:

    Awesome…only 45 sleeps to go :laugh: :laugh:



    Thats 3 then :laugh: Is Chris coming?

    Pete the Wulf



    I’ll call Chris and find out what he is up to? :laugh: :silly: :laugh:


    Pencil me in TB.
    I will just have to check a little closer to the date.

    Lefty B)


    Mark Bunting

    I’m in.

    I’ve even got the green light from the Minister for Sport and Recreation. ;)

    Kram B)


    Dwayne O

    As discused this morning on the Dog & Bone ,,,

    Beautiful country and awsome twin trail down that way, and I only saw a small part of it out of Mittagong ,,

    Give me till mid week of Jan please and I will know :unsure:



    You know I’m in :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:



    jim cady

    I would like to be put on the list of starters too please TB.

    A couple of things may be stopping me though,one I dont have a GPS as yet and two I wouldnt know how to use it even if I did. :huh: :laugh:
    With the ride being six or seven weeks away I would hope I can have this situation sorted. ;)

    Cheers James



    Just booked my room at the Royal in Woodstock.

    If anyone is intersted, they have 3 x rooms left with 2 king singles in each ($40/night) and 2 x family doubles that sleep 6 in each(didn’t get the price on these).

    He also has plenty of space for swags in the beergarden and a little bit of space to lock up half a dozen bikes if required.



    Dwayne O

    I will wait and slab it on the grass if I have to this time :S
    Can`t be a definate starter for a couple of weeks yet


    Count me in TB. The bikes good to go, rooms booked and now just have to do some practice runs using this GPS and I’ll be sweet. Looking forward to it.


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    I will wait and slab it on the grass if I have to this time :S
    Can`t be a definate starter for a coule of weeks yet

    You can bunk in with me if it comes to it Eagle. I don’t think i snore? :laugh:

    Need a riding buddy if you go? ;)


    Dwayne O

    :laugh: So, I`m not too slow to ride with the 800 hey ????

    Pencil me in mate, I had a look at the work schedule today and if this OS trip is still as well planned as the past 3 months, I am just about ready to tell them to shove it :laugh:

    Boss is back after the 7th and I will get some more info then,,, I think he can go in my place , I have some riding to do :P



    I have booked a family room for us Strucky and Dejay if he goes Pete


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