Two Day Nav Ride 16th & 17th Feb 2013.

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Gatherings Two Day Nav Ride 16th & 17th Feb 2013.

This topic contains 208 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Jeffrey Smith 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    i dont think i will be able to get away from work until 3:00, and i was thinking about driving to Wisemans and riding down from there. maybe, i think, :huh:


    Snatched the last room at Woodstock Hotel :cheer: B) Can pack a bit lighter now. :)


    boulder wrote:
    Snatched the last room at Woodstock Hotel :cheer: B) Can pack a bit lighter now. :)

    Who is going in your group Boulder? I need numbers to home give the publican please



    Two at the moment but might have a third , will find out on Tuesday.


    Dwayne O
    boulder wrote:
    Snatched the last room at Woodstock Hotel :cheer: B) Can pack a bit lighter now. :)

    Sounds like the way to go mate, light as possible ;)
    No sleeping bag, tent, cooking gear etc required ,,,



    Dust, dust, dust will be the issue if we don’t get rain the day before. I recommend riding in pairs (remember no single riders) if your in a group bigger than two space out and keep an eye on one another at intersections. Its not a race, leave time between pairs, honestly more time will be lost missing turns than on the trail. It is a real navigation event this one, it has more turns. It will require you to zoom in and zoom out, more GPS skills. I will do a quick school on navigation on the friday evening when I have finished loading the last GPS.



    Dwayne O

    We better get the Rain Dances organised then :laugh:

    Will be a great wekend whatever is dished up,,, always is wherever we go B)


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Will be a great wekend whatever is dished up,,, always is wherever we go B)



    Dwayne O

    Good teaser that one,, one of your best

    C`Mon sign up peeps ;)

    If you don`t have a good time, TB will refund your time :P ,,,,maybe



    I have three people confirmed.

    I note the pubs are booked out so the swag might have to do.


    ianb wrote:
    I have three people confirmed.

    I note the pubs are booked out so the swag might have to do.

    Is that three including you? Or you make 4?

    Either way thats awesome, what about you get them signed up here and do an intro. They will get a warm welcome like yours, everyone knows who they are riding with and I can give confirmed numbers to the publican at Woodstock (even if they are camping its important for catering, a band etc) I also do route packs and last time gave away water proof route note holders / map holders for future use ;)
    Also numbers will help me sign a ride sponsor and get us some give aways, come on its free, easy and all I ask really :laugh:




    Three including myself.

    I will get them to say hello.


    jim cady

    Spoke to my mate today TB

    He said he is in,will join up like you asked,lookout for the farrier

    So thats James plus 1 :cheer:



    Clubby from Trailzone posted this about the ride on FB last night :woohoo:


    Trailzones FB page here



    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    :laugh: Priscilla would be too hard core for BMW`s wouldn`t he/she ???? :P

    Whats your plan for the friday arvo run to Mittagong PTW ???
    I am thinking of leaving aroun 2pm if possible,, long boring run down the F3 and would be good to dodge some of the city traffic :whistle:

    Hey Eags, i will be keen for a run down on Friday arvo if that is the plan? ;)

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