Two Day Nav Ride 16th & 17th Feb 2013.

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Gatherings Two Day Nav Ride 16th & 17th Feb 2013.

This topic contains 208 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Jeffrey Smith 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #235222

    Dwayne O
    Ace wrote:
    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    :laugh: Priscilla would be too hard core for BMW`s wouldn`t he/she ???? :P

    Whats your plan for the friday arvo run to Mittagong PTW ???
    I am thinking of leaving aroun 2pm if possible,, long boring run down the F3 and would be good to dodge some of the city traffic :whistle:

    Hey Eags, i will be keen for a run down on Friday arvo if that is the plan? ;)

    I have no other plan mate,,, Pete is maybe driving to Wisemans, but that will take near as much time as riding to Sydney anyway :whistle: 2hrs48 from my joint to Mittagong, 2 hrs from Wisemans to Mittagong I think …It will save him a ride home on Sunday arvo though in the evening or dark :S

    I am keen to be leaving Newy at 2pm at the latest to give time to get down there early enough to load up GPS and settle in for a brew B)
    Will talk closer to the takeoff ,,,,


    simon burke

    Giant “G” ???? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Nice work there Giant G ;)

    Nice bit of OBT PR old cheese :cheer:

    Bol :woohoo:


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Ace wrote:
    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    :laugh: Priscilla would be too hard core for BMW`s wouldn`t he/she ???? :P

    Whats your plan for the friday arvo run to Mittagong PTW ???
    I am thinking of leaving aroun 2pm if possible,, long boring run down the F3 and would be good to dodge some of the city traffic :whistle:

    Hey Eags, i will be keen for a run down on Friday arvo if that is the plan? ;)

    I have no other plan mate,,, Pete is maybe driving to Wisemans, but that will take near as much time as riding to Sydney anyway :whistle: 2hrs48 from my joint to Mittagong, 2 hrs from Wisemans to Mittagong I think …It will save him a ride home on Sunday arvo though in the evening or dark :S

    I am keen to be leaving Newy at 2pm at the latest to give time to get down there early enough to load up GPS and settle in for a brew B)
    Will talk closer to the takeoff ,,,,

    Too easy mate. Talk soon ;)

    KING BOLLOCKS wrote:
    Giant “G” ???? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Nice work there Giant G ;)

    Nice bit of OBT PR old cheese :cheer:

    Bol :woohoo:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Funny shit that Bol :laugh: :laugh:

    Should be a good weekend though ;)



    I need final numbers before the 8th of Febuary, if you or you know of anyone that is planing on attending this ride and their name isn’t on the attendees list on the first page please have them post here and let me know what they are doing. I need the numbers for the pubilcan at Woodstock as soon as I can so he can organise his staff and a band. I need the numbers for the run sheets, like we had last time.
    Anyone that fronts on the Friday night and havent got their name down on the list will be out of luck wont be getting a route, the route kit or hand outs ;)




    Trailboss wrote:
    I need final numbers before the 8th of Febuary, if you or you know of anyone that is planing on attending this ride and their name isn’t on the attendees list on the first page please have them post here and let me know what they are doing. I need the numbers for the pubilcan at Woodstock as soon as I can so he can organise his staff and a band. I need the numbers for the run sheets, like we had last time.
    Anyone that fronts on the Friday night and havent got their name down on the list will be out of luck wont be getting a route, the route kit or hand outs ;)

    1/ TB
    2/ PTW
    3/ Ace
    4/ James
    5/ D-Rally
    6/ Goldfish
    7/ Eagle
    8/ Boulder
    9/ Fish
    10/ Amy
    11/ Wiggy
    12/ ianb
    13/ ianb + 1
    14/ ianb + 2
    15/ farrier
    16/ llewdaert
    17/ triumphrockthrower
    18/ Fergstrom
    19/ Crash
    20/ Lotsa
    21/ Mickp
    22/ Mystery rider (free beer if you guess)
    23/ Jeffro



    Hey guy’s unfortunately I am out of this ride. :( I have just found out that I have the kids rep touch footy competition on the same weekend.

    Have a great ride everyone (I know you will :laugh: ) and stay upright.

    Catch you all on another one soon.

    Cheers Lefty ;)


    Dwayne O

    BUGGER,,,Now we don`t get to see the 640 with the 12 year old on top :laugh:
    I`m pretty sure they are longer in the legs than the 450 :whistle:

    See you on the next one then Mr Left ;)


    Dave Wiggin

    Oh No, another Old Bulls nav ride!

    During my first (Bathhurst) Old Bulls ride, my mental state varied from mild apprehension to outright petrification.

    I was woken at some ungodly hour on Sunday morning by a rum hangover that would have killed a large pig.

    By late Sunday afternoon, I resembled an asthmatic ant with a bag of heavy shopping as I tried to wrestle the Tiger around the trails.

    I was as physically spent as I have been in a long time as I rode home, this was only partially remedied by the consumption of two extra large double shot butterscotch milkshakes at the servo at Kulnura.

    It was pure luck that my brand spanking new unmarked Tiger escaped unscathed.

    So, TB, if you imagine for one second that I’ll be putting my hand up for another ride with you and your lunatic mates……….

    See you at Mittagong!




    Good stuff Wigster

    That Tiger sounded like the kettle was boiling :laugh:



    Alright, ok, ok, ok. I will be there, arm twisted, I am in.



    Put my name down please Tb

    MickP mentioned his interest. I’m sure he’ll post up if he’s serious



    I was speaking with TB tonight and he has been pre running more of the route.

    It’s looking like a great route with some awesome trails and for the just incase scenario TB has said that it would be best if we all could have at least one Spot Tracker in each group, the route will take us to some areas without phone service.

    This is shaping up to be an absolute ripper of a ride :woohoo:

    Just don’t take ” Death Gully” :laugh: :laugh:



    lotsa wrote:
    Put my name down please Tb

    MickP mentioned his interest. I’m sure he’ll post up if he’s serious


    Hey Lotsa sort mick out will you he can then be your ride partner



    Trailboss wrote:
    lotsa wrote:
    Put my name down please Tb

    MickP mentioned his interest. I’m sure he’ll post up if he’s serious


    Hey Lotsa sort mick out will you he can then be your ride partner


    I’ll find out when he’s back from holidays

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