Two Day Nav Ride August 17th & 18th 2013

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Gatherings Two Day Nav Ride August 17th & 18th 2013

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    This is not an organised ride, it’s a map sharing exercise that is free. I am going on another two day navigation ride this one a little over 600km starting and finishing in Wauchope 20 mins west of Port Macquarie. Overnight stay is at Nambucca Heads.
    Navigation means it’s a full GPS ride, yes if you want to come must have your own GPS. You need a GPS because there is no cornerman, no sweeps etc. The route can be loaded on your GPS at the Brecken Ridge Farm Stay, Brecken Ridge have accommodation for 40+ riders and have been used by Old Bull Trailriders many a time before and is a great place and cars can be parked there all weekend. They have limited cabins and bunk house style accommodation. To book your accommodation go to their web site check it out and speak with Barry or Shirl (02) 6585 2303

    GPS’s will only be loaded at Brecken Ridge Friday night the 16th of August between 6pm and 9pm, you must be there at 9pm for the riders briefing (no GPSs will be loaded Saturday morning I will be long gone) the route I believe will be suitable for all bikes if ridden to the conditions but that’s your choice when you get to all if any obstacles. This is not an organised ride, it’s a map sharing exercise same as getting a map from the NRMA or whoever you can follow it if you want, that’s your choice when you get to all if any obstacles. The route I am planning to ride has plenty to see, and will be a cracker if you choose to follow it like a map. This rides overnight stay will be at the Nambucca Resort, Nambucca. They have offered us a special deal this weekend. We can just about have the whole place to our self it is on the river so bike security wont be a problem. It has a fully licensed restaurant and Melanie said we can set up the lap top in the restaurant she will give us what ever table we need for Saturday night GPS loading. It will be $80 per room that allows 2 people and a extra person will be $18 there after. They can do a bay Marie style breakfast on sunday morning let her know when your booking. For bookings check out

    The ride will be slightly shorter than the previous rides as we have lost the benefit of daylight savings. The ride has been advertised elsewhere and we have had a fair amount of media around the Nav rides so it may fill faster than before I recommend you get your name down ASAP as I don’t want anyone missing out. You need a 280km minimum fuel range just in case (remember a fuel bladder or the likes can be used to extend your range) and must have your own GPS that can have a map loaded on it. No 280km fuel range, no GPS, no ride. There is no support vehicle, no cornermen, no sweeps. People will be required to ride in at least pairs for safety sake. No solo riders this time, I will not be looking for or worrying about someone missing on their own. This time at least pairs or more so they would know if their buddy is missing or down it’s the only thing I ask. This is not a race or a show of how big you think your dick is it’s not anything, just me riding and sharing a map as such, my map or where I am going finishes in Wauchope on the afternoon of the 18th. Numbers will be limited I am offering you a route (like a map) and recommendations (like someone asking out a car window) as to distances between fuel and accommodation etc. Fuel distances later

    Numbers will be limited if required

    With thanks to Yamaha and Adventure Moto supporting these unofficial rides and me so I can find and ride these routes. This means I can share them with you. ;)

    1/ TB
    2/ Flying Fish (FF nav newbies)
    3/ Strucky
    4/ Pete The Wulf
    5/ Trailraider (FF nav newbies)
    6/ Puddles
    7/ jtb2879
    8/ Bucky
    9/ James
    10/ Tractor
    11/ Allmech
    12/ Eagle
    13/ Fossil
    14/ Awayonmybike
    15/ MrSquiggle
    16/ Clean
    17/ Geez
    18/ SC
    19/ busy223
    20/ Wigster
    21/ Skyrider
    22/ Usi
    23/ Lefty
    24/ D-Rally
    25/ Fuchey
    26/ Farrier
    27/ Moose
    28/ Kram
    29/ Toes
    30/ Gavb
    31/ Stevep
    32/ Mickp
    33/ Tryhard
    34/ WhoDaFuxDis
    35/ Wookie
    36/ Ace
    37/ Live4daride
    38/ Val
    39/ Gregyver (FF nav newbies)
    40/ Tfos1
    41/ Badbowie
    42/ SOC
    43/ Chaser of the Chook
    44/ trailwing
    45/ Neil56
    46/ Brownie
    47/ Micknmeld


    Extra details

    Longest fuel distance day 1 – 228kms

    No food available between the first fuel stop around 9.30 / 10 in the morning until the end of day one

    Longest fuel distance day 2 – 147kms

    Food is available on day two in a few spots, a very famous pub and an awesome pie shop to name but a few decent stops


    Brecken Ridge isn’t licensed you will need to bring your own. Dinner is the same deal. Remember you need to be there between 6pm and 9pm to have your GPS loaded. The riders briefing is at 9pm and you must attend

    Bottle shops in Wauchope

    The Bottle-O
    4 High Street, Wauchope

    Hastings Hotel
    12 High St

    Takeaway deliveries

    Yummy Thai at Wauchope
    10 Young St Wauchope NSW 2446
    (02) 6585 2177

    Crave Pizza – Wauchope
    1/21 Bransdon Street Wauchope
    (02) 6585 2744


    Flying Fish’s Navigation Newbies

    For the first timers or those not sure on the whole navigation thing Flying Fish as offered to help out.

    Named “Flying Fish’s Navigation Newbies” FF has chosen to leave the lead duties to Stucky and I and she will help out in the pack. FF will help with GPS setup, mapping and general GPS hints and tricks. She will make sure you don’t take a wrong turn and end up in Broome WA :laugh:

    Just post up if you would like to ride with FF and get any assistance during the ride, you can do both days or even just one if you want.




    could you please put my name on the list

    Thanks Puddles


    Hi TB,
    Could you please out me on the list for this ride.
    I don’t have a ride partner, this will be my first adv so if there is a learners group again I would be happy to go with them or also happy to hang at the back with strucky and co.
    bring it on!!



    Make sure you book your accommodation where required people please



    Hi TB,

    I’d love to tag along for my first Old Bulls Nav ride please.

    I know John ( JTB2879 ) is keen as too.



    Accommodation booked and booked :)



    accommodation booked


    jim cady

    Could I please be placed on the list TB,hope to drag the Farrier along on this one also but will of course get him to make his own intensions clear ;)

    Cheers James


    Hi TB,

    Could I please add my mate “Tractor” to the list. He’s overseas at the moment, but we spoke about this ride before he left & he’s very keen to come along.





    Confirming what Bucky said I’m in please. Accommodation booked.



    add my name to the list please TB.

    Accommodation booked :)



    Dwayne O

    Need I say anything else but,,,





    Ahhhhhhh……… yep book me in!
    Will do accom. tonight.


    yz80h-thebeginning wrote:

    Ahhhhhhh……… yep book me in!
    Will do accom. tonight.

    Y zinger,

    Good to see there was no queue jumping! :P

    I’ll look out for you up there!


    TB, Please book me in – after the fun I had on the last one there is no way I’m going to miss this one. riding with allmech who has already booked in.

    Many thanks

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