Two Day Nav Ride August 17th & 18th 2013

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Gatherings Two Day Nav Ride August 17th & 18th 2013

This topic contains 316 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #246017

    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Mental note to self :
    Pack plastic bags for keepin socks dry in wet boots on Day 2 ,,,,,, unless there are sililar crossongs on day 2 :whistle:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Eags until we got to the creek in shot I had dry feet and it was very wet in spots. It will be fine




    OK… note to self “Don’t get rear brake lever fixed until AFTER Aug 2 Day NAV ride” ;)


    Mark Bunting

    Accommodation booked.

    I’ll have to wash my bike now.

    Eags could you do it for me :whistle:

    Kram B)



    All booked here as well.

    I will have a spare bed at Nambucca is anyone needs it? Just let me know.



    Dwayne O
    goldfish wrote:
    Accommodation booked.

    I’ll have to wash my bike now.

    Eags could you do it for me :whistle:

    Kram B)

    You ride it down to me and I will clean it Kramo :laugh: There`s a deal for ya :P

    Will be good to catch you Wauchopians on another 2 Dayer , fun & frivolity allround B)


    Dwayne O
    Ace wrote:
    All booked here as well.

    I will have a spare bed at Nambucca is anyone needs it? Just let me know.


    Yeah, Sorry Ace :whistle:

    I had already booked accommodation and added the Left One thinking you would be away mate :pinch:
    Will chat to you soon about any plans to get to Breckenridge for the friday as it comes closer ,,,,

    This will be a great trip this one ;)



    No dramas mate. Yeah looking forward to the Kings loop :)

    wondering whether to trailer it or ride. What are you thinking?


    jim cady

    Save them tyres Ace :whistle:

    Might be slippery going by the Kings report :woohoo: :woohoo:


    Dwayne O
    Ace wrote:
    No dramas mate. Yeah looking forward to the Kings loop :)

    wondering whether to trailer it or ride. What are you thinking?

    James is onto something there :laugh:
    Pm sent mate ;)



    Eags, I stood back and waited for your “FOUR WEEKS TO GO” warning… but I can’t stand by and let your lack of enthusiasm for this ride rob those who must have a count down :ohmy:

    So here it is…

    In just four weeks or 28 days we should be kicking back doing some bench racing after a fine day of riding in the Kings private backyard adventure land.

    Sorry Eags :P


    jim cady
    jtb2879 wrote:
    Eags, I stood back and waited for your “FOUR WEEKS TO GO” warning… but I can’t stand by and let your lack of enthusiasm for this ride rob those who must have a count down :ohmy:

    So here it is…

    In just four weeks or 28 days we should be kicking back doing some bench racing after a fine day of riding in the Kings private backyard adventure land.

    Sorry Eags :P

    Good on ya jtb ,
    Talk it up ,cant wait :woohoo: :woohoo:



    Thanks Jtb.

    Very disappointing Eags…you’ve changed man. It use to be all about OBT??? :P



    Rolled the bike out of the corner today and hit the starter, It fired right up .. Wasn’t expecting that!

    Now to fix all the dodgy wiring, install new duct tape and cable ties :woohoo:


    usi wrote:
    … install new duct tape and cable ties :woohoo:

    That’ll be like new! :laugh:

    These blokes heard about the NAV ride and made a movie about it… I dunno which one is TB and which one is the King though :whistle:

    Tried embedding ( a nice OBT member would refer me to the tutorial that I can’t find), another skill I need to learn… :blush: here’s the link instead: Tip for new players be in your comfy chair with a nice drink!

    NAV RIDE – The Movie!


    Dwayne O
    Ace wrote:
    Thanks Jtb.

    Very disappointing Eags…you’ve changed man. It use to be all about OBT??? :P

    :laugh: Sorry guys,,,
    I do have other stuff to do sometimes :P

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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