Two Day Nav Ride August 17th & 18th 2013

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Gatherings Two Day Nav Ride August 17th & 18th 2013

This topic contains 316 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Greg 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #244948

    Tractor wrote:
    Hi TB,

    Just officially confirming Bucky’s request to add my name to the list please.

    Thanks, Tractor.

    watch this bloke TB


    huskybloke wrote:
    Tractor wrote:
    Hi TB,

    Just officially confirming Bucky’s request to add my name to the list please.

    Thanks, Tractor.

    watch this bloke TB

    Cheers for the heads up mate, loose unit is he :laugh:




    my older (very old hits 50 this year :P ) brother,


    carl henley

    HI TB,
    I’ve tried clicking on the link for brecken ridge on the first page of this thread you’ve created, but keep getting “page unavailable”.
    Do you have some other contact details?


    Dwayne O

    Try this mate,,

    Lefty also said there was a problem with the website the other day :whistle:

    I couldn`t get hold of them a few weeks ago, so left a message to book a bunk,, hope the message got thru :S



    Here is the phone number its easier

    Breckenridge Farm Stay
    Contact Details
    481-483 Kings Creek Rd
    Wauchope NSW 2446

    (02) 6585 2303



    Remind me to show you a few photos of my frequently “not so upright” brother. Should be good for a few laughs.

    (Remember brother, you started it…:)


    T Foster

    TB! Please include Tfos1 plus one other on the ride list. Thank you! TF


    carl henley

    Hi TB,
    Phone number worked, all booked in to one of the dorms !! Cheers TB.

    Now, I was talking to Shirl, and she mentioned she can provide a buffet breakfast (cereal, toast, bacon and eggs, coffee, tea etc ) for $15 a head on the Saturday morning at a time to suit us.

    If we get some numbers from the other riders, is this something we should organise in advance, or TB do you have alternative intentions?

    Regards, Carl


    live4daride wrote:
    Hi TB,
    Phone number worked, all booked in to one of the dorms !! Cheers TB.

    Now, I was talking to Shirl, and she mentioned she can provide a buffet breakfast (cereal, toast, bacon and eggs, coffee, tea etc ) for $15 a head on the Saturday morning at a time to suit us.

    If we get some numbers from the other riders, is this something we should organise in advance, or TB do you have alternative intentions?

    Regards, Carl

    Look its up to you guys, there is fine or even Cresent head van park is another option, about an hr into the ride. Whatever suits you guys



    Dwayne O

    Sounds good either way to me ,,,

    I can start & manage a list of those interested in brekky at Breckenridge so numbers can be sorted for it early enough ???

    PM me if interested in the Buffet Brekky for the Sat morning, that will keep this ride thread a bit free for ride info etc

    $15 Buffet Breakfast :
    Bacon & Eggs, Toast, Cereal, Tea or Coffee etc


    Dwayne O

    BUMP ???

    Only one taker for the brekky so far (plus me , that makes two) :laugh:


    Dwayne O

    There looks to be some interest in the Buffett Brekky , list is up to 5 so I will give it till end of next week to see if it goes ahead.

    List of names is up to 10 ;)

    I will contact Shirl and see how many numbers we need to make it happen and go from there ;)


    Dwayne O

    Easier said than done,, Shirl never wants to answer MY CALLS :laugh:

    Brekky list is up to 10, so looks like it will go ahead,, I would still like to confirm interested people`s intentions by end of next week so I can give her the heads up on how much food to buy etc

    She will also need to be cooking early to allow the riders to get away at certain time, so I can sort brekky start/finish times etc

    Send the pm`s in guys ;)


    Dwayne O

    BUMP ;)

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