Two Day Nav Ride June 22nd and 23rd 2013

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Gatherings Two Day Nav Ride June 22nd and 23rd 2013

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    craig evans

    if it ok I mite pop in and say hi and have a chat sat nite



    Bump, and keep reading the first post on page one ;)

    Trailboss wrote:
    The overnight stay on the Saturday night will be at Orange.

    Because of the large number of riders we cant all fit in the one establishment and will need to spread around town a little as such.

    Important tip: To have your maps for Sunday loaded you will need to come to the Hotel Orange at the cnr of Summer and Peisley Streets (324 Summer street) on Saturday evening between 6 and 9pm. Amy, Pete and I will be loading GPSs during that time, you will be able to grab yourself dinner and a drink and share some stories of your days adventure with the other riders. You will also be able to get the hints and riddles to locate the start for the next morning! All will be explained at the riders briefing on Friday night at the Commercial Hotel Motel Lithgow at 9pm ;)

    A few accommodation place I found are below

    For the cabin seekers and the campers ;

    Colour City Caravan Park
    Address: 203 Margaret St, Bowen NSW 2800
    Phone:(02) 6362 7254

    Canobolas Caravan Park
    166 – 172 Bathurst Road, Orange NSW 2800
    Phone 02 6362 7279

    For the Pub accommodation seekers;

    [strike]Hotel Orange 63621786[/strike%5D Booked out

    Great Western Hotel
    Opposite the Railway Station. Corner of Kite Street
    137 Peisley Street, Orange

    The Robin Hood
    30 Burrendong Way, Orange NSW 2800
    TELEPHONE: 02 6363 1999

    Hotel Canobolas
    248 Summer Street,
    Orange 63622444

    Metropolitan Hotel Motel
    107 Byng Street,
    Orange 02 63621353



    Got myself a room at The great Western Hotel for Sat night. :woohoo:

    Still flyin’ solo at this stage – anyone from Newcastle going and looking for someone to ride with let me know. :whistle:


    plindz wrote:
    Got myself a room at The great Western Hotel for Sat night. :woohoo:

    Still flyin’ solo at this stage – anyone from Newcastle going and looking for someone to ride with let me know. :whistle:

    Mate we will hook up on Friday night no problem, see ya there. Can’t wait to see your WR in he flesh actually as I have watched your build



    Look forward to catching up and meeting some of the old bulls – :woohoo:



    OK Adventurers we have two more spots opened up this evening. Cognac you are the first reserve it’s yours mate. I know you wanted 3 mates along but there are only two spots at the moment. Get them to join and post their indentions then at least they are on the list when others drop out. Going on past experience more will drop out. If you don’t want the spot anymore let me know



    Trailboss, two of my boys can’t make it so this is perfect. The two riders will be myself and Henno. We’ll be on a DR650 and a TTR600.




    cognac wrote:
    Trailboss, two of my boys can’t make it so this is perfect. The two riders will be myself and Henno. We’ll be on a DR650 and a TTR600.



    No problem champ get him signed up and posted if he hasn’t

    Thanks look forward to saying hi, stay all over the first post page 1 here on the thread



    G’day Trailboss, I am confirming that I will be going on the two day Nav ride on the 22nd and 23rd June 2013. I will be on a Yamaha TTR600 with Cognac.
    So long as it is still ok and available.



    Henno wrote:
    G’day Trailboss, I am confirming that I will be going on the two day Nav ride on the 22nd and 23rd June 2013. I will be on a Yamaha TTR600 with Cognac.
    So long as it is still ok and available.


    Yes mate your in like Flynn ;) read the first post page one here on the thread get all the info and check your name on the list number 8

    See you there friday night




    Those of us staying at the Hotel Orange just had our accommodation canned :ohmy: they have moved us to a better location for the same cost B) I will notify anyone affected by this change.

    We will still be loading GPSs at Hotel Orange at the cnr of summer and Peisley Streets (324 Summer Street) on Saturday evening. They know we are coming for that and I have told them most will probably have dinner as well.

    Keep reading the first post on page one




    The reserve list is empty again people. We had BarryBussa pull out which allowed Tex in. If you are on the fence get your name down history has shown we have pull outs you will get on




    Route information

    The route has been finalised final pre-run pending so it is subject to change. A few route statistics for your reading pleasure

    Day 1 – 467kms

    Fuel stop distances

    Start to fuel 1 – 70kms Café at this location, recommend breakfast here (Café is a bike friendly establishment)
    Fuel 1 to fuel 2 – 148kms (large town that has most things)
    Fuel 2 to fuel 3 – 90kms (large town that has most things)
    Fuel 3 to Finish – 152kms Orange, would suggest fuelling when you get in, better than running around next morning

    Day 2 – 383kms

    Start to fuel 1 – 72kms Café across the road called “Two Fat Ladies good feed, they will discount for OBT members that weekend can recommend the breakfast there.
    Fuel 1 to fuel 2 – 185kms Major service station with fast food
    Fuel 2 to finish – 122kms

    There are a few private property sections that due respect will need to be shown if we are ever to return. All gates are to be left as found but as a backup, if a yellow ribbon is tied on a gate make sure it is shut please. When passing houses in close proximity to the road please slow down, dust and kids are our concern. Same with all stock (that’s cows, sheep, horses, elephants, goats etc. for our city cousins) please slow down for your safety and theirs. Watch out for wildlife, kangaroos are running rampant at the moment.
    As with any public road keep left, keep an eye out for your ride partner / partners .No bikes to leave the start both days before 8.00am, this is only to give the lead riders enough of a head start should they be needing to put diversions in because of fallen trees or whatever. We have had to put detours in on all previous Navigation rides because of fallen trees, creek depths and property closures.

    Make sure you have a tube (a front will go in both to get you going but carrying a front and rear is better) two tyre levers and a way to pump the tyre up. Tools required to remove both wheels, a spark plug and a plug spanner to fit it. There are no sweep riders as such but there are always a few experienced riders that seem to be last out of bed and last in.

    As usual all of the above is subject to change right up to and including during your ride. The riders briefings after the GPSs have been loaded will be at 9pm both nights. These are most important and all riders are expected to be there. Friday night at the Commercial Hotel Motel Lithgow and Saturday night at the Hotel Orange at the cnr of Summer and Peisley Streets (324 Summer street) on Saturday evening.

    I will be holding a brief GPS school on Friday afternoon between 5 & 6pm at the back of the Commercial Hotel Motel Lithgow.

    Any questions please ask here or there



    David Bull

    I am comming on the ride with with the Old Guy and Dave G. Myself and Dave G will be riding GS1200 ‘s and old Guy is riding a 940KTM.
    Will the route be suitable for these bikes. Dave G and myself ride dirt bikes and the old guy has done a lot of off road riding so we are not new to the dirt but the larger bikes do have there limitations.


    jim cady

    Not to much longer to wait :pinch:

    Looking forward to it,starting to get excited now :woohoo:

    Becomes more of a reality seeing it in print,thanks for posting it TB

    Any idea roughly what time you would expect us to finnish up on day 2 at Lithgow

    Cheers James

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