Two Day Nav Ride June 22nd and 23rd 2013

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Gatherings Two Day Nav Ride June 22nd and 23rd 2013

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  • #243870

    Hey TB,
    Do you know if the Boree track is open or gated off nowdays? Looking at options for Friday when we ride through to St Albans, was thinking of over the wattagans and then onto the boree if Plindz is keen


    MrSquiggle wrote:
    Hey TB,
    Do you know if the Boree track is open or gated off nowdays? Looking at options for Friday when we ride through to St Albans, was thinking of over the wattagans and then onto the boree if Plindz is keen

    Gated mate, give me a leave location and how much time you have and I will knock up a route if you want



    Thanks for the offer TB, I can understand why this forum is so active with support like that :)

    I am really enjoying the route plotting with basecamp at the moment so will just route around it and throw the occasional question your way if that is OK.

    God I hate track closures, NP needs new management :angry:



    No worries what about Yengo to putty rd could do commission loop to putty (110kms) up to putty slab to bells line and back lithgow



    Was looking at coming up wheelbarrow ridge from wisemans but ill go plot that one as well and give it a look tomorrow evening, we can put it to the vote then

    Time for shut eye.


    Dwayne O
    MrSquiggle wrote:
    Was looking at coming up wheelbarrow ridge from wisemans but ill go plot that one as well and give it a look tomorrow evening, we can put it to the vote then

    Time for shut eye.

    Yeah Mr Squiggle,,
    It`s also a bigger shame that Mt Irvine is permanently closed :( as that was our usual run over the top to Lithgow & beyond.
    From your place depending on what time you guys are departing,,,
    I would head up into the Watagans from Paxton end, thru the middle to Letter A then Bucketty and down the dirt to St Albans.
    Wisemans, Webbs Creek to Wheelbarrow Ridge then over the top to ComleroiRd, Mountain Lagoon and come out at Bilpin.
    Time permitting it`s always good to do Blackfellows Hand out to Lidsdale then back down the short tar section into Lithgow.

    I also could supply a GPS ready route if you need one, PLINDZ would most likely know the way anyway (if he is travelling with you guys) as he has done it all before with Mark& co from ORE (recently too out to Hill End).

    Let me know if you need it & I will get your email adress and flick one your way,
    Cheers mate


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    MrSquiggle wrote:
    Was looking at coming up wheelbarrow ridge from wisemans but ill go plot that one as well and give it a look tomorrow evening, we can put it to the vote then

    Time for shut eye.

    Yeah Mr Squiggle,,
    It`s also a bigger shame that Mt Irvine is permanently closed :( as that was our usual run over the top to Lithgow & beyond.
    From your place depending on what time you guys are departing,,,
    I would head up into the Watagans from Paxton end, thru the middle to Letter A then Bucketty and down the dirt to St Albans.
    Wisemans, Webbs Creek to Wheelbarrow Ridge then over the top to ComleroiRd, Mountain Lagoon and come out at Bilpin.
    Time permitting it`s always good to do Blackfellows Hand out to Lidsdale then back down the short tar section into Lithgow.

    I also could supply a GPS ready route if you need one, PLINDZ would most likely know the way anyway (if he is travelling with you guys) as he has done it all before with Mark& co from ORE (recently too out to Hill End).

    Let me know if you need it & I will get your email adress and flick one your way,
    Cheers mate

    Wouldn’t do black fellows hand as you are only 9 Kms from the accommodation there and I can promise you enough riding in the following two days!
    Also the reason I suggested Yango and commission is you will want the easiest shortest dirt route home which is basically what Eags suggested ;)

    Anyway you sort it out, the route through Yengo etc is already done just needs emailing



    Dwayne O

    Your call Mr Squiggle,
    Plenty of help around if you get stuck ;)

    Most of the satisfaction comes from sorting your own route, as it sounds like you are looking at with Basecamp :)

    Have a great ride mate,,, you can`t go wrong with this lot B)



    Could anybody going that has a spot tracker please PM the address or post it up here. I can keep it private if you like.

    It’s handy for us checking on peoples progress




    The “squiggle” crew are sorted for the ride down. Should be a fun ride down to the start. Got a few options to look at. :cheer:

    Not long now :woohoo:


    Dwayne O

    Good onya Lindsay ,
    I knew you would be onto it and have a route sorted ;)

    Have a good one !!!


    Hi eagle

    Shame your sitting this one out ,,,
    Will give Yengo a miss on the way down as the 50 odd k’s at the end kill the fun. Just keen to get to the start in one piece. We will probably head to St Albans via Watagans then up Bicentenary road to Wheelbarrow ridge track to Colo then thru to Mount lagoon. Slab it to Clarence then head in thru Zig Zag to State Mine Gully (scopin’ out for that hill) then down to the Commercial for a coldie or 6. :woohoo:

    Shame about Mount Irvine – just glad i got to go thru before they decided only “walkers” should enjoy the experience :angry:

    Hopefully see you on the next one



    Dwayne O

    No worries Linz,,
    I am planning on doing the next couple if possible and the upcoming Birthday Ride is a “MUST ” ;)
    I do have a job for now (just playing it carefully)

    Mt Irvine will even be hard for “walkers” now the bridge is completelt fenced off , was the week after we rode it on the last 2 Day Nav weekend ;)

    Catch ya soon mate B)


    Dwayne O
    Lefty wrote:
    Trailboss wrote:
    Could anybody going that has a spot tracker please PM the address or post it up here. I can keep it private if you like.

    It’s handy for us checking on peoples progress



    You could always link everyone on TB…. Just a thought, it keeps everyone on the one page instead of changing between spot addresses. I found it useful when you guys did the last ADV ride.
    Just a thought ;)

    Left B)

    I think that is my job Left ;)
    Spoke to TB this arvo and something like that came up :laugh:

    Will get it sorted once the links are in ,,,


    looks like another couple of days “ADV Stalkin`”for me :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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