Two Day Nav Ride June 22nd and 23rd 2013

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Gatherings Two Day Nav Ride June 22nd and 23rd 2013

This topic contains 325 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Jeffrey Smith 11 years, 9 months ago.

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    here is my spot, and looking at the ride list it will be close to the rear! :blink:

    This will also cover ridedayjunkie.

    p.s how do I change my stoopid screen name?? too many rums and reminiscing creates a stoopid screen name! :whistle:


    Dwayne O
    yz80h-thebeginning wrote:
    here is my spot, and looking at the ride list it will be close to the rear! :blink:

    This will also cover ridedayjunkie.

    No worries mate,,
    Remember, It`s NOT A RACE !!! Just a fun ride to a destination ;)

    Thanx for the link :)


    jim cady
    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    And on an important note,,,
    Make sure to remember to hydrate as you normally would ,,,

    NO, Not at the pubs either :blink:

    It is common to get dehydrated in the cold just as much as in the heat

    Yes mum :laugh: :laugh:


    Dwayne O

    I`ve been there mate,,,, It aint fun :dry:

    You will have plenty available to drink both evenings James :laugh:



    jim cady
    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    I`ve been there mate,,,, It aint fun :dry:

    You will have plenty available to drink both evenings James :laugh:


    I understand Eags,just couldn’t resist ;)


    jim cady

    Just wondering what time people are planning on getting to Lithgow tomorrow :woohoo:

    I don’t think I will be able to hang around home all day too excited and impatient :silly:

    Can see myself arriving early arvo,looking forward to it.



    leaving Dundas around 1.30 and tarring it the whole way via bells , could not get out of a meeting in the morning, should see us getting there around 4pm hopefully, thaw out then off to pub for a lesson in gps loading! :woohoo:


    jim cady

    I am not working tomorrow so I will get away earlier and beat the traffic yz


    Hi james

    If you get bored you can ride to newie in the morning 😆 (leaving about 9 bells) and can ride up with us. Should get in about 3ish :whistle:




    Dejay, Strucky and I will be there about half 12 as I have to meet with the pub lady and she leaves at 1. Be a few quiet ones consumed I reckon. Two of the crew are pre running a section for me in the arvo out of lithgow for a change maybe



    jim cady

    Beers at one sounds good TB,see you at three Linz 😆


    After checking out a few weather sites I’ve decided I like these the best




    simon burke

    Have a good ride guys.
    looking forward to the ride report on this one :cheer:

    Bol :woohoo:


    craig evans

    last 4 days have been great ,sunny, very little wind ,but have had frosts ere till around 10, orange area coldest morning -3

    cheers wolfie



    Ride safe and have a great ride guys.

Viewing 15 posts - 316 through 330 (of 335 total)

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