Two Day Nav Ride June 22nd and 23rd 2013

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Gatherings Two Day Nav Ride June 22nd and 23rd 2013

This topic contains 325 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Jeffrey Smith 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #239948

    Dave Wiggin
    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    :laugh: SHIT A BEAR ????
    That isn`t real fair ????? 😆

    Looks sweet all of that vid,,,,, Thanx a lot :S


    Arw you SURE you’re not coming Eagle?



    Tops previews TB, another rabbit out of the hat mate.

    looking forward to catching up and having a laugh(and a few beers) with OBT. :woohoo:



    Top preview TB

    Cant wait for June




    Steve Parkes

    Can I book a tentative spot?

    As a complete rookie, keen to find out a bit more before disappearing into the bush.

    For starters, any recommendations/links on which GPS to use? Guessing Google Maps on the iPhone is not going to cut it.



    isambard wrote:
    Can I book a tentative spot?

    As a complete rookie, keen to find out a bit more before disappearing into the bush.

    For starters, any recommendations/links on which GPS to use? Guessing Google Maps on the iPhone is not going to cut it.


    Hi Steve and welcome to the site. Sadly mate no the IPhone wont cut it.

    As far a GPS goes what sort of riding do you do? Where do you ride? And what do you ride? It all comes into making a decision around the purchase of a GPS.

    Happy to help and advise, have done a lot of this stuff and it would be good for other lurkers watching to see and read and may encourage them as well



    Steve Parkes
    Trailboss wrote:
    As far a GPS goes what sort of riding do you do? Where do you ride? And what do you ride? It all comes into making a decision around the purchase of a GPS.


    Currently on a DRZ400e. Will be there for at least 12 months before I get off my Ps and go shopping. Not really a preference for trails as still too new at this lark. Enjoyed bashing around the Barrington and Watagans but in both cases staying on/near the recognised trails. Aspirations of heading further, inland, once I get a bike with more than 200km range.

    Have a Garmin eTrex in a cupboard somewhere, but thinking something with a larger/moving map would be better. Else I’ll sit up the night before drawing diagrams on a roll of paper, Dakar style.


    isambard wrote:
    Trailboss wrote:
    As far a GPS goes what sort of riding do you do? Where do you ride? And what do you ride? It all comes into making a decision around the purchase of a GPS.


    Currently on a DRZ400e. Will be there for at least 12 months before I get off my Ps and go shopping. Not really a preference for trails as still too new at this lark. Enjoyed bashing around the Barrington and Watagans but in both cases staying on/near the recognised trails. Aspirations of heading further, inland, once I get a bike with more than 200km range.

    Have a Garmin eTrex in a cupboard somewhere, but thinking something with a larger/moving map would be better. Else I’ll sit up the night before drawing diagrams on a roll of paper, Dakar style.

    With the DR having a battery you could run a Garmin Montana or a Garmin 660 both have big screens. Those two can be used car GPS style to navigate to a address as well.
    If you like hand held GPS I can recommend the Garmin 62s. I have noticed that Ryda car radio have pretty good deals on them all at the moment


    62s hand held


    I can help you with software, mounts and stuff would have to be sorted

    Hope that helps



    jim cady

    Hi isambard,
    Adv Moto has sent you to good place.

    I myself am new to it and am at the tail end of the L and P plate thing thank %$@# :laugh:

    Went on my first adv ride with this lot in Feb and although a real eye opener and steep learning curve had an absolute ball :woohoo:

    Cant wait till the next one in June you should try and make it ,there well worth it

    In regard to the GPS,if your eyes are anything like mine,get the biggest screen you can.I cant read mine very well when riding making it basically useless


    james wrote:
    Hi isambard,
    Adv Moto has sent you to good place.

    I myself am new to it and am at the tail end of the L and P plate thing thank %$@# :laugh:

    Went on my first adv ride with this lot in Feb and although a real eye opener and steep learning curve had an absolute ball :woohoo:

    Cant wait till the next one in June you should try and make it ,there well worth it

    In regard to the GPS,if your eyes are anything like mine,get the biggest screen you can.I cant read mine very well when riding making it basically useless


    Hi Isambard,
    If you would like to tag along to the Lefty School of getting lost on an ADV ride you are more than welcome to come with James and myself on this one. (Oops!! I forgot to ask James :huh: Is that ok James? :dry: ) And maybe one other rider can join us? Wigster…. Have you got a riding Buddy? You are more than welcome to join us for an Awesome Foursome!!
    Just a thought if you are all interested. :blink:
    It will be just a nice steady pace and no pressure at all.

    The left One B)


    jim cady
    Lefty wrote:
    james wrote:
    Hi isambard,
    Adv Moto has sent you to good place.

    I myself am new to it and am at the tail end of the L and P plate thing thank %$@# :laugh:

    Went on my first adv ride with this lot in Feb and although a real eye opener and steep learning curve had an absolute ball :woohoo:

    Cant wait till the next one in June you should try and make it ,there well worth it

    In regard to the GPS,if your eyes are anything like mine,get the biggest screen you can.I cant read mine very well when riding making it basically useless


    Hi Isambard,
    If you would like to tag along to the Lefty School of getting lost on an ADV ride you are more than welcome to come with James and myself on this one. (Oops!! I forgot to ask James :huh: Is that ok James? :dry: ) And maybe one other rider can join us? Wigster…. Have you got a riding Buddy? You are more than welcome to join us for an Awesome Foursome!!
    Just a thought if you are all interested. :blink:
    It will be just a nice steady pace and no pressure at all.

    The left One B)

    More the merrier as far as Im concerned Lefty,

    Gives me more options to follow :blink: 😆

    james wrote:
    Lefty wrote:
    james wrote:
    Hi isambard,
    Adv Moto has sent you to good place.

    I myself am new to it and am at the tail end of the L and P plate thing thank %$@# :laugh:

    Went on my first adv ride with this lot in Feb and although a real eye opener and steep learning curve had an absolute ball :woohoo:

    Cant wait till the next one in June you should try and make it ,there well worth it

    In regard to the GPS,if your eyes are anything like mine,get the biggest screen you can.I cant read mine very well when riding making it basically useless


    Hi Isambard,
    If you would like to tag along to the Lefty School of getting lost on an ADV ride you are more than welcome to come with James and myself on this one. (Oops!! I forgot to ask James :huh: Is that ok James? :dry: ) And maybe one other rider can join us? Wigster…. Have you got a riding Buddy? You are more than welcome to join us for an Awesome Foursome!!
    Just a thought if you are all interested. :blink:
    It will be just a nice steady pace and no pressure at all.

    The left One B)

    More the merrier as far as Im concerned Lefty,

    Gives me more options to follow :blink: 😆

    Awesome mate, bring it on!! :woohoo:


    Steve Parkes

    Sounds great guys. Count me in.

    And will check out those GPS options soonest so I can start on the wiring.

    And good tip on screen size James. Not the most steady if looking down all the time.



    Dave Wiggin
    isambard wrote:
    Sounds great guys. Count me in.

    And will check out those GPS options soonest so I can start on the wiring.

    And good tip on screen size James. Not the most steady if looking down all the time.



    I have a Garmin Nuvi 500. A bit cheaper than some others but seems to work quite well, especially after TB has weaved his magic upon it.

    I have to wear glasses to see it though, but then I am old and have hair growing out of my ears.



    Dave Wiggin
    Lefty wrote:
    james wrote:
    Hi isambard,
    Adv Moto has sent you to good place.

    I myself am new to it and am at the tail end of the L and P plate thing thank %$@# :laugh:

    Went on my first adv ride with this lot in Feb and although a real eye opener and steep learning curve had an absolute ball :woohoo:

    Cant wait till the next one in June you should try and make it ,there well worth it

    In regard to the GPS,if your eyes are anything like mine,get the biggest screen you can.I cant read mine very well when riding making it basically useless


    Hi Isambard,
    If you would like to tag along to the Lefty School of getting lost on an ADV ride you are more than welcome to come with James and myself on this one. (Oops!! I forgot to ask James :huh: Is that ok James? :dry: ) And maybe one other rider can join us? Wigster…. Have you got a riding Buddy? You are more than welcome to join us for an Awesome Foursome!!
    Just a thought if you are all interested. :blink:
    It will be just a nice steady pace and no pressure at all.

    The left One B)

    Hey Lefty,

    Missed you on the last ride Champion. Happy to tag along with your group.

    Did you get your aux fuel tank fixed? Sounds like you might need it for this one.

    Hey Eagle, are you completely and utterley SURE you are not coming?




    Wiggy, and all that time I thought you didn’t have GPS…thats why I always rode in front of you(and got you lost) :laugh: :laugh:

    looking forward to catching up on the 2dayer mate ;)

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