Two Day Nav Ride Nov 30th & Dec 1st 2013

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Gatherings Two Day Nav Ride Nov 30th & Dec 1st 2013

This topic contains 342 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  John 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #249930
    King Strucky wrote:
    Great report and photos JTB

    Sounds like you had a good day out with some bloke called VD VB or was it with TB

    As you say there is a lot of work goes in to pre running, trying new things and putting it all together.

    Plus behind the seen there are endless hours on the laptop trying to join everything up and hoping it works.

    It is a good day out just exploring the country side and just winging it and coming up with some awesome tracks.

    Well done to you both for yesterday.


    King Strucky

    +1 Yeah great report there to JTB funny stuff :laugh: :laugh:

    Looking forward to the ride.

    Lefty ;)



    Partner/Buddy needed !
    Noob that would really like to join in the fun, TB can you please add my name to the list.



    BB660 wrote:
    Partner/Buddy needed !
    Noob that would really like to join in the fun, TB can you please add my name to the list.


    No worries, I reckon you will have but make sure you read the first post, book some accommodation on the Friday night and prepare to camp the Saturday night. If you can please clear your GPS out

    Oh yeah welcome



    G’day like to register for this Map sharing adventure. Will be on my own, not the fastest of riders but keen to have ago hopefully there will be someone esle happy to plod along with Hopper. I assume you have my email address. Keep up the great work. Regards Hopper



    All done, thanks TB


    grasshopper wrote:
    G’day like to register for this Map sharing adventure. Will be on my own, not the fastest of riders but keen to have ago hopefully there will be someone esle happy to plod along with Hopper. I assume you have my email address Keep up the great work. Regards Hopper

    Hey Hopper, will throw you name down I reckon you will have but make sure you read the first post, book some accommodation on the Friday night and prepare to camp the Saturday night. If you can please clear your GPS out




    Hi Hopper sounds like we are both looking for someone to ride with, so if you have no objections we can buddy up for the ride.



    Put me down for the ride Greg. The dates are finally in my favour, I’ll be coming solo so I’ll need to buddy up.


    stevemerry wrote:
    Put me down for the ride Greg. The dates are finally in my favour, I’ll be coming solo so I’ll need to buddy up.

    Hey Steve will throw you name down I reckon you will have but make sure you read the first post, book some accommodation on the Friday night and prepare to camp the Saturday night. If you can please clear your GPS out




    Nice avatar pic TB ;)


    TB, count me in. Very glad i can make this one. Dutchie is also a starter, and will be his first ride in anger on the 1190R.


    Greg Nippard

    Hi TB
    Count me in please, had to drop out of last one…leg slowly on the mend now.


    Thanks TB,
    All sorted. Did I read correctly… Your riding an 1190 that weekend?


    Rod Minetti

    Hi TB,
    I missed out on the last 2 rides but count me in on that one. It is going to be a great ride….
    Remember a French guy on a KLX250 on his way back to Wiseman Ferry finishing the APC rally?
    Well I will be on a Berg 501 this time. I just need to strap my 8L fuel bladder somehow.


    rr001 wrote:
    TB, count me in. Very glad i can make this one. Dutchie is also a starter, and will be his first ride in anger on the 1190R.

    Welcome champ, Dutchie will have to join and post his intention to attend

    Please read the first post and make sure you know what’s doing


Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 348 total)

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