Two Day Nav Ride Nov 30th & Dec 1st 2013

Home Forums The Adventure Moto Riding Forum Adventure Ride Gatherings Two Day Nav Ride Nov 30th & Dec 1st 2013

This topic contains 342 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  John 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #252127
    plindz wrote:
    Hey Squiggle

    Whats the story tomorrow morning ??- I’m heading to Edgie maccas about 7.30am – will meet OFBM at Jerries about 9 bells, Factory is joining us in Lithgow

    Linz :woohoo: :woohoo:

    just found this one,

    We are aiming to catch you in the morning but dont wait as Merlyn might still be packing his toothbrush when I get to his place in the morning. Be good to catch up with Factory again too :)


    I,ll give edgie maccas as a miss and head straight to kulnura. Hopefully see you there




    Have a top ride OBs,ride safe and enjoy.

    PS Anyone not able to attend this ride,a reminder that Long Flat has a bike rally on this weekend,The flat is about 50 klm west of Port macquarie on Oxley HWY



    Can all those attending please make sure your name is on your GPS and can you please clear your GPS if possible



    Trailboss wrote:
    Can all those attending please make sure your name is on your GPS and can you please clear your GPS if possible



    Done and done B)
    Its finally here :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:



    Looks like Lithgow and Oberon area’s are copping a bit of rain at the moment… dust shouldn’t be a problem ;)


    Just knocking off work now, catch you guys for a beer in lithgow before 6 :woohoo:


    Dave Wiggin

    I am so bloody jealous…..

    But I’ll be on the next one. Amazing what industrial quantities of cortisone can do to an ageing body. Arm is coming good, almost tempted to risk it….

    Have a great and safe everyone, looking forward to the ride reports.



    Dwayne O

    I was watching the rain pelt down all morning at work and for a hour or so was glad I was at work,
    instead of riding to Lithgow with the Newy Crew :laugh:

    Enjoy it guys


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    I was watching the rain pelt down all morning at work and for a hour or so was glad I was at work,
    instead of riding to Lithgow with the Newy Crew :laugh:

    Enjoy it guys

    Hasn’t rained two drops here all afternoon Eagle, worst day in the rain on the bike is better than the best day at work :P

    Enjoy work



    Dwayne O

    WORK ???
    No work for me this weekend mate :P Lucky to even have a job after surviving another heap of surprise redundancies yesterday though :unsure:

    Just no riding for me, other stuff on :pinch:



    All these tech savy blokes and not a single ride report on day 1? :pinch:



    Im with you jtb.
    Any news on this ride yet,
    how did they go,


    Dwayne O

    :laugh: You blokes are harsh !!!!

    There is no chance of any mobile service at Woodstock, the pub is lucky to even have a landline :P


    jtb2879 wrote:
    All these tech savy blokes and not a single ride report on day 1? :pinch:

    Not worth comment

    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    :laugh: You blokes are harsh !!!!

    There is no chance of any mobile service at Woodstock, the pub is lucky to even have a landline :P

    Optus has full service ;) no Telstra at the pub


Viewing 15 posts - 331 through 345 (of 348 total)

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