Two Day Nav Ride Nov 30th & Dec 1st 2013

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This topic contains 342 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  John 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #249919

    jtb2879 wrote:
    You did a lot of one handed riding, but your “spare” hand wasn’t on your GPS…

    What route? There is no route! You’re just a poor simple bloke

    One handed riding… One hand on the bars and the other hand on his bar! Poor simple guy can’t even get a route!? Man… How depressing :silly:

    But I do find it refreshing that TB is human after all and can actually fall of his bike :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:


    jtb2879 wrote:
    Are you on drugs? Speed had EVERYTHING to do with it. If you were stationary and fell off it would NOT have been anywhere near as spectacular as it was.

    Ok let me explain, I didn’t fall cause I was going to fast I fell because I tried to do something DUMB :silly: :pinch: :laugh: Honestly was it ever going to work now I look back given the slipping and sliding we had done before that and especially afterwards :blink: hindsight is 20/20 vision :P I should say what was I thinking but clearly I wasn’t at the time :laugh: :laugh: maybe it was the medication :P

    Yeah I crashed Steve :laugh:



    Great Report JTB, very entertaining.

    A rare site of the big guys bike laying down. Not because he doesn’t drop it but because he is usually so quick to pick it up again you don’t normally get a chance to get the camera out.



    Looks the goods.Please put me down TB.(I mean put my name on list)
    Is it more XR ish or Vstrom ish.


    toes wrote:
    Looks the goods.Please put me down TB.(I mean put my name on list)
    Is it more XR ish or Vstrom ish.


    I’ve NEVER ridden a V, but I’ll go so far as to say you are mad to give it a go on anything but the XR.


    toes wrote:
    Looks the goods.Please put me down TB.(I mean put my name on list)
    Is it more XR ish or Vstrom ish.

    Either will be fine, think think you would be more relaxed at the end on the strom (rest of the ride would be fun but :laugh: )

    Dont listen to JTB he tells lies about pine cones :laugh:



    Mark Bunting
    toes wrote:
    Looks the goods.Please put me down TB.(I mean put my name on list)
    Is it more XR ish or Vstrom ish.

    Hey Toes do you want to partner up?? We could travel down together.

    Kram B)


    Mark Bunting
    jtb2879 wrote:
    toes wrote:
    Looks the goods.Please put me down TB.(I mean put my name on list)
    Is it more XR ish or Vstrom ish.


    I’ve NEVER ridden a V, but I’ll go so far as to say you are mad to give it a go on anything but the XR.

    Toes on a Strom is better than most on an XR.

    Kram B)


    goldfish wrote:
    Toes on a Strom is better than most on an XR.

    Kram B)

    So I have since been told… maybe not your Goldwing then? :dry:



    Great report and photos JTB

    Sounds like you had a good day out with some bloke called VD VB or was it with TB

    As you say there is a lot of work goes in to pre running, trying new things and putting it all together.

    Plus behind the seen there are endless hours on the laptop trying to join everything up and hoping it works.

    It is a good day out just exploring the country side and just winging it and coming up with some awesome tracks.

    Well done to you both for yesterday.


    King Strucky



    Thanks your Highness!

    It’s interesting to see where other people ride when riding in “my” ride area… rode some old stuff and some new stuff. I’m a bit sore today though… :whistle:


    jim cady

    Good luck topping that with your ride report jvd, that was funny as ;) You have definitely set the bar high for yourself cant wait to read the real thing.

    Looks like it will be an awesome weekend away on the bikes :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

    Thankyou for the effort in posting that, though after viewing it the time is going to seem to go slower :pinch:




    Ask VD, I only do part of day 1 and go home tired and sore as buggery… seeing as the route “may” have a chair to have a rest on I might actually finish day 1 this time :ohmy: as for day 2? :pinch:


    goldfish wrote:
    toes wrote:
    Looks the goods.Please put me down TB.(I mean put my name on list)
    Is it more XR ish or Vstrom ish.

    Hey Toes do you want to partner up?? We could travel down together.

    Kram B)

    Sounds like a plan Kram man.
    Only problem is.We both own transit vans.
    And both of the pieces of shit don’t go further than seaview.
    Would be an adventure just getting there.
    Maybe we should ride down.what your call Kram.
    Think me big bus will,would ,possibly,mabey make it.



    Mark Bunting
    toes wrote:
    goldfish wrote:
    toes wrote:
    Looks the goods.Please put me down TB.(I mean put my name on list)
    Is it more XR ish or Vstrom ish.

    Hey Toes do you want to partner up?? We could travel down together.

    Kram B)

    Sounds like a plan Kram man.
    Only problem is.We both own transit vans.
    And both of the pieces of shit don’t go further than seaview.
    Would be an adventure just getting there.
    Maybe we should ride down.what your call Kram.
    Think me big bus will,would ,possibly,mabey make it.


    :laugh: :laugh:

    Hmmmm good point.

    We could ride or we could take my van. It would make it ;)

    OR I could take the Disco with a trailer ????

    We’ll have to work on the travel plans :laugh:

    Might see you Sunday if the pumps working.

    Kram B)

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