Two day nav ride report Feb 2013

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    Wow what a funny arvo / evening a great group. All GPSs loaded and we are ready to leave at 6am ( 3 leaders to check the creek crossings not my strong suit :laugh: ) there are a heap of funny pictures to come

    My sport address after 6am

    Check the spots addresses in the bull pit for the others on the ride




    The tracks and trails
    The lost navigators
    The hills
    The swamped bike
    The woo backs
    The over shoots on corners
    The crash on the bitumin on video!!!!
    The flying trailer
    The good fun
    And I was only driving


    Just left Ace at Cooranbong, getting a burger then heading for home.

    Woo, what a ride!!!!


    Dwayne O

    Good work boys ;)

    I was home at 7.20 (sore ass though) :S

    Report and pics etc tomorrow,,,

    Awsome weekend, Thanx to all that attended B)


    Many thanks to TB for this ride. I appreciate the effort you put into this and I enjoyed my self. My RR is as follows,
    I arrived on friday in Mittagong with a sick bike only just able to run, i was ready to withdraw there and than.
    Greg encouraged me to lift the seat and inspect/plug/unplug connectors and see if there was any obvious issues.I suspected fuel injection problems…..After some time I decided to remove an aftermarket gadget that I fitted 4 years ago, and test ride, Bike fixed all good.

    On Saturday I waited for my riding partner to arrive from Canberra and departed at 9am, an hour or hour and a half behind the group. The route commenced up the wombeyan cave road and was tight and slow, I had a nasty fright with an oncoming ute, and was ginger from then on. We exit the road before the caves and it dawned on me that navigating was going to big feature of this ride, it kept dawning on me all day. Perhaps when TB said ‘this was going to be a true Nav ride’ thats what he meant……

    I certainly learned how to use my GPS way better by the days end.

    We threaded up into familiar country for me [up where the TTT rally is held each year] all good so far. My riding partner had a traumatic crossing of the Kowmung years ago on his BMW R100 GS, and was keen not to ever see the Kowmung River ever again. So we took the wet weather diversion, thinking I would be able to rejoin the route relatively easy. Wrong.

    We rode on and I knew the nav route crossed onto bitumen on the Jenolan caves RD, so that was my plan. It was then we tried to creatively go cross country, down a fire trail called Banschea[spelling perhaps wrong?] that the GPS said went to Jenolan Cave. Down Down Down on a fire trail, and I was feeling real joy- knowing I was a genuine adv rider and wilderness dude all rolled into one. then we came to a locked gate and the spectre of going up up up that nasty hill loomed big. I was confident but I was unsure of my partners’ experience. “Stay close and follow my line” I hooted up and thought I should stop and watch my mate just in case. So I realised he was not close behind, and turned back to find him arse up in a rut. Limping, and looking a bit broken, the big Vstrom took 2 of us to lift up and I gave him a demo of how to do it.

    It was 12.30 by this time, so we resolved to go away from the bush and out onto the road, continue to Oberon for fuel and food. Then head to the Jenolan Cave road and rejoin the route.
    Better late then never.
    We rejoined around Edith, and quickly found ourselves back in the area we had been rooting around in previously.
    The navigating skill was improving and we threaded around the back of the jail, and onto the Abercrombie NP.
    This was slow riding for the big bikes and we were finding it tiring. When we exit this section we were riding through plantation, and cleared plantation, in the Shooter Hill area
    , back where we were rooting around earlier in the ride. We kept seeing the same road names over and over.

    By this stage we checked the time and it was 5 pm , and we had not reached the lunch stop. Crap. So we decided to try and abandon the route and get to Woodstock quickest way possible. Consult the Zumo, punch in Woodstock, and away we go. Bastard of a thing took us back into that friggin shooters hill area again, then decided it was lost and stopped navigating altogether.

    When we recovered back to a known road[blue something road?] It was 6 pm, and common sense dictated we get to a pub before dark, before skippy turned nasty.

    I had previously arranged with Wayne that he would be my contact point with the group if anything went pear shaped. I was keen to let him know we were Ok.

    We thought about Oberon for the night[it was show weekend and looked busy earlier], perhaps Hartly instead, or Trunkey creek, or even Bathurst. In the end we headed for Oberon, but came to an intersection that put Taralga 75km away and changed our minds to there.

    It was closer for my mate to get home, closer for me to pick up my ute, trailer, and new bike [at Wingello] so the decision was easy.

    I tried to contact Wayne and ended up sending a text from my mates phone as I had no service. Turns out he had no service in Woodstock and had sent a message from his mates phone to my phone that I could not receive…shit.

    We had a feed and good night at Taralga, and rode the next day over to Marulan through Swallowtail Pass, its a good little section. There looks to be more country in that area worth checking out, and over the other side of the Hume highway is the Bungonia gorge and general holeshaven area.

    Thats my RR I hope you liked it.



    Just want to re-iterate what Scott said and say thanks to TB for organising the ride. I have no idea how the hell he discoved all those roads and tracks but I’m bloody glad he did. Also thanks to Pete and Amy for being the masters of the yellow tape.

    And thanks to Big Jeffro for being a bloody good ride partner. Cant wait for the next ride.

    Cheers Dave



    To say it was an awesome weekend would be an understatement!

    RR and 150 scenic photos to follow…but not tonight ;) :side:



    Tremendous effort TB.
    As Wolfie said this arvo, the areas we covered varied so much, you could be forgiven for thinking you’d just ridin through about 4 or more different countries!
    I’m sure I’m just one of many that really appreciate what you put into it.
    Thanks again


    Dwayne O

    Out of interest,,

    Did anyone happen to see a small zippered black nylon bag in the Beer Garden on Pub ???
    I have lost it with my phone , Scala & I Pod charger stuff :pinch:

    Left a message on the pubs phone, so hope to hear back tomorrow maybe ,,,,, :whistle:


    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Out of interest,,

    Did anyone happen to see a small zippered black nylon bag in the Beer Garden on Pub ???
    I have lost it with my phone , Scala & I Pod charger stuff :pinch:

    Left a message on the pubs phone, so hope to hear back tomorrow maybe ,,,,, :whistle:

    Thought I saw someone walking around with one at the tables near the road asking if anyone had lost it. Maybe Amy, not sure. Maybe they handed it in to the pub.


    jim cady

    Well where do I start,what a weekend :ohmy: :woohoo: :pinch: :blush: B)

    My weekend finally got underway around 4.30 Friday arvo after roughly 2 months of nervous anticipation
    for the big ride.Did I say big I meant BIG.

    The weather gods didn’t look to be smileing upon us though as I headed towards Mcgrahs Hill to meet
    my ride buddy the Farrier.Fortunatey for me the rain held of,which led to a fairly uneventful but enjoyable enough trip down to Mittagong despite the peak hour traffic :angry:

    On arrival at the pub we were confronted by a carpark full of adv bikes B) .Looked like we must be the last to arrive,unfortunately this would not be the last occasion where we would be the last home for the weekend :ohmy:

    So off the bikes and into the pub for a bit of meet and greet.Both the Farrier and myself had never met any of the other Oldbulls beside Steve [adv moto] so it was good to be able to match faces to names.I have got to say we were made to feel as if we belonged straight from the get go which was great.

    A few beers,meal and idle chit chat had me feeling right at home and confident about the impending ride.It wasn’t until TB sat us down to talk all things GPS that I heard that little voice of self doubt from within, a voice which would accompany me along the steepest,dustiest,rockiest,most rutted and longest ride I have, in my short bike life ridden :woohoo:Lucky the Farrier was absorbing TBs pearls of wisdom on all things GPS as my understanding on the topic would not have enabled me to even find my room in the pub let alone Woodstock had he punched in a map to get to room 12 😆

    Day 1 began with the engine noise of bikes leaving before first light,for some not the Farrier and I though as we got of to quite a late departure,probably last not sure.I cant really remember much of the first part of the ride other than it was really steep and I mean steep.Had trouble not focussing over the edge and if you had gone over it was all over :ohmy: .

    After a while the country wasn’t quite so steep and I settled in to more of a rhythm and just bumbled along, my job was made easier by the fact I just followed my ride buddy.

    Later that day was when I experienced the OBT help your mate attitude first hand as I had a flat tyre just before arriving at one of the fuel stops cant remember which one.Quite a few of the other boys were there eating lunch as we rolled in.I fuelled my bike went in to pay and ordered a hamburger,by the time I was coming out the OBT pit crew had swarmed on my bike and were changing the tyre.PTW,TB,ACE,CRASH,WIGSTER,EAGLE I think that was everyone sorry if I have missed someone :unsure: .Really appreciate it fellas was very embarrassed not being prepared and all thankyou ;)

    As the day progressed and the sun started to drop in the sky I began to look forward to getting to the pub.Up until that point the day had just been me following the Farrier or should I say his dust when I could see it.I would just follow the trail till I caught him up then he would take of again till the next intersection.
    Now I am not sure how many times this took place over the course of the day but it was a lot.So when I came to the last T intersection of the day and there was no farrier I first thought he was taking the piss outta me :pinch:
    I just headed to Cowra on the bitumen and as it turns out I should have gone to the right needless to say I stumbled on to the pub minus the Farrier.By this time everybody else is back safe and sound enjoying a drink or two and a feed.I then have to tell TB sorry to be a pain in the arse but by the way the Farriers missing :blush:
    I never really thought he had crashed or anything but it was worrying me that after all those other intersections he wasn’t there waiting.
    TB said give him an hour and shore enough right on cue he turned up in the dark thank @!#$%@ turns out he rode an extra 90 ks backtracking looking for me.So after an eventful day it was dinner and a few beers.

    Day 2 later



    Thats a shame LLewdaert, I am sure I passed you and Gary heading towards Jenowlan caves on the tar not long after I got onto the road, I was in a hurry so that maybe why you missed me and Crash on a dash to Burraga, well its all a learning curve, you will be better next time.
    It was my first time using my GPS but at least I could kick back in the ute and watch the thing, and not worry about riding as well.

    It was great seeing everyone enjoying the test, and not just playing follow the leader.

    I did have a school at TB’s about two weeks earlier on how to plot the tracks and couldn’t believe how time consuming and frustrating it is.
    But sitting at his kitchen table and actually using it on the go is two very different things!!!

    Thanks TB for everything, over and above AS USUAL!!!!!! ;) ;) ;)


    P.S. get the ute serviced and repair the tyre.


    Great ride reports fellas. I wish that I was on the ride it sounds like it was an awesome ride. Catch up on the next one I hope. Well done again to TB for the organisation and to the sweeps and everyone else that helped out.
    Cheers Lefty B)


    lotsa wrote:
    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Out of interest,,

    Did anyone happen to see a small zippered black nylon bag in the Beer Garden on Pub ???
    I have lost it with my phone , Scala & I Pod charger stuff :pinch:

    Left a message on the pubs phone, so hope to hear back tomorrow maybe ,,,,, :whistle:

    Thought I saw someone walking around with one at the tables near the road asking if anyone had lost it. Maybe Amy, not sure. Maybe they handed it in to the pub.

    Eagle, KR was trying to find the owner of a Scala? He didn’t have anything else though. I think he gave it to TB


    Ace wrote:
    lotsa wrote:
    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    Out of interest,,

    Did anyone happen to see a small zippered black nylon bag in the Beer Garden on Pub ???
    I have lost it with my phone , Scala & I Pod charger stuff :pinch:

    Left a message on the pubs phone, so hope to hear back tomorrow maybe ,,,,, :whistle:

    Thought I saw someone walking around with one at the tables near the road asking if anyone had lost it. Maybe Amy, not sure. Maybe they handed it in to the pub.

    Eagle, KR was trying to find the owner of a Scala? He didn’t have anything else though. I think he gave it to TB

    Pretty sure he didn’t give it to me, I certainly don’t remember getting it. I will be sorting through gear later of to get scans on my ankle this morning :pinch:


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