Two day nav ride report Feb 2013

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    Last Video from me.

    The 3 Tenners over Mt Irvine. Sadly I ran out of memory 3/4 of the way through and missed some of the rougher sections.

    Thanks again to all that made it happen, can’t wait to do it all again.


    jim cady
    Trailboss wrote:
    Mt Irvine as of this arvo, like I said on Sunday “last time you will ever do it”


    Sad day, and the only decent run over the mountains gone


    I don’t know about that TB,from what I saw on the weekend I reckon you lot would get over that easy :woohoo: ;)



    Well what can i say that hasn’t already been said ? The whole weekend was an absolute blast and its not hard to see why we were all so excited and keen for friday to hurry up, after the last 2 day nav we all wanted in on this one and it didn’t disappoint.
    The weather and country side was perfect and put that together with a top bunch of nutters and you have an OBT gem. The route was top notch and TB has once again out done himself, and as i had the pleasure of trying to keep up with TB and Amy all weekend i was brought undone when my ambitions out weighed my capabilities. :ohmy: :laugh: :laugh:
    Everyone seemed to have smiles on there faces and they would have stayed well after the ride finished i reckon. As always its great to catch up with the regular old bulls ( that means you now Wigster :P B) ) and of course meeting some new ones is always good.

    These two knuckle heads kept me laughing all weekend, can’t wait to ride with you two again.

    some great views

    a quick stop

    more great views

    Amy was testing the bridge

    did i mention the views


    some fun in the pines

    and then theres the views

    it is definitely a shame about this trail, I’m just glad i go to ride it a couple of times.

    one of the new guys and his new bike. :laugh: B) I’m looking forward to May mate.

    The publican at woodstock was a great bloke and i recommend the place for sure.

    Thanks to all involved, and thanks to Chicken for the lift down mate. Thanks to Amy for being mean and beating me up, i thought you were nice but i was wrong. :laugh: :P :laugh:
    Thanks TB you put together another great weekend.

    A truly first class weekend and bring on the next one :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:



    Mark Bunting

    Looks like everyone had a top ride.

    Wish I could’ve been there…..but can’t do everthing.

    Congrats TB for putting together another cracking route.

    Kram B)


    Amy Harburg
    Trailboss wrote:
    Mt Irvine as of this arvo, like I said on Sunday “last time you will ever do it”


    Sad day, and the only decent run over the mountains gone


    NOoooooo what a shame!! :angry:

    TB, I can’t believe how correct you were when you said they were going to close it on the following Monday. Like everybody else I’m just so glad we got to ride one last time.


    Amy Harburg

    Perhaps some photos of Mt Irvine from the second day of the nav ride is fitting.

    TB actually said we needed to stop and get photos because it was probably going to be the last time we would ride it.


    And this one just for fun………….my my is that PTW picking up his bike 😆 :whistle: Pete, what are you going under that tree??

    Flying Fish


    jim cady

    Looks like a softer place to land than the one I saw :laugh: ;)


    Flying Fish wrote:
    And this one just for fun………….my my is that PTW picking up his bike 😆 :whistle: Pete, what are you going under that tree??

    Flying Fish

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Thats gold FF, but my favorite this old chestnut :laugh: :laugh:



    Watch him go now :laugh:



    :( my heart has broken in half :( thanks guys, i thought we were friends :(

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Game on :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    pete the wulf wrote:
    :( my heart has broken in half :( thanks guys, i thought we were friends :(

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Game on :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I am your fellow Tenere riding friend Pete you remember that buddy, but that Amy is bad news :laugh: broke my heart as well just to post that picture :whistle: :whistle:

    TB :P


    Trailboss wrote:
    pete the wulf wrote:
    :( my heart has broken in half :( thanks guys, i thought we were friends :(

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Game on :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I am your fellow Tenere riding friend Pete you remember that buddy, but that Amy is bad news :laugh: broke my heart as well just to post that picture :whistle: :whistle:

    TB :P

    Fellow Tenere riding friend ? you were riding a TIGER 800. You’ve changed man :P :laugh:


    pete the wulf wrote:
    Trailboss wrote:
    pete the wulf wrote:
    :( my heart has broken in half :( thanks guys, i thought we were friends :(

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Game on :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I am your fellow Tenere riding friend Pete you remember that buddy, but that Amy is bad news :laugh: broke my heart as well just to post that picture :whistle: :whistle:

    TB :P

    Fellow Tenere riding friend ? you were riding a TIGER 800. You’ve changed man :P :laugh:

    Oh yeah :pinch: :laugh: :laugh: fark you then your on your own :P

    Looking forward to being back on the Tenere soon enough. The Tiger is a fun thing for a change but it isnt a Tenere ;)




    I’ve been a tad busy since coming back from the 2 day to finish my report but i just wanted to say a massive thanks to TB who tirelessly organises these rides and makes sure that everyone has a great time. Top effort mate, i don’t know how you do it? :S ;)

    Also, thanks to my riding buddies Eagle and Wiggy for sharing the adventure…even though i did mess up your route on day two and made us miss the best part of the ride…is that right Eagle?? :P :whistle:

    Finally to Chicken and the sweeps for coming through and making sure that everyone got home safely.

    Great to catch up with all of the olbull gang and see some new faces. This thing is only going to get bigger TB :woohoo: :S :S

    Top effort all and count me in for installment three.



    Clive Carre

    Wow what a ride.Was great to catch up with all the old bulls new and old.Sorry guys as usual didn’t take my camera !! so no pic’s.Just want to say a big thank you to TB another great ride mate,you really know how to link all those tracks together,also to Chicken for being our support did an amazing job mate,big thanks to Crash for sweeping the first day which allowed me and Boulder to let our hair down a bit.
    The country we rode through changed so much from green grass and full dams, to being two hours west where the grass was brown and the dams empty!!.
    In answer to James report mate it was a pleasure riding with you and they were packets of 25 and we still had plenty when we pulled up at the end of the day,you rode really well for your first big adventure ride mate hope to see you on the next one.
    In the words from the great man Tony Kirby, “We do this stuff searching for adventure because it makes us feel truly alive”.
    Cheers Fish



    Ya Boys… and GAL!! What a cracker of a ride. It is rides like these that I remember why I do this shit. Riding at your own pace with a couple of mates at you side, knowing that strung out in front and behind are “cluster-f@cks”… oops I mean… Clusters or small groups of riders managing their own ride.

    TB, the NAV ride’s are the future old mate. I don’t care if I never do another corner man ride again after this weekend. Well done mate and hats off to everyone elase who came along. Jim for taking on such a ride for his first big Adventure Ride, Aaron for being Jim’s wingman. Peter Payne and Jason barrett for being part of an Industry that supports this sort of thing and actually “being there”… Amy who is the best Adventure Gal since Annie Oakley. And lastly Chicken for being support as you never know when you are going to need the truck and trailer and I know what it is like to be driving when I could be riding :(

    Can’t wait for the next one and looking forward to catching some of you guys on the Scrapheap.


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