Two day nav ride report Feb 2013

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This topic contains 82 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Andrew 12 years ago.

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    jim cady
    fish wrote:
    Wow what a ride.Was great to catch up with all the old bulls new and old.Sorry guys as usual didn’t take my camera !! so no pic’s.Just want to say a big thank you to TB another great ride mate,you really know how to link all those tracks together,also to Chicken for being our support did an amazing job mate,big thanks to Crash for sweeping the first day which allowed me and Boulder to let our hair down a bit.
    The country we rode through changed so much from green grass and full dams, to being two hours west where the grass was brown and the dams empty!!.
    In answer to James report mate it was a pleasure riding with you and they were packets of 25 and we still had plenty when we pulled up at the end of the day,you rode really well for your first big adventure ride mate hope to see you on the next one.
    In the words from the great man Tony Kirby, “We do this stuff searching for adventure because it makes us feel truly alive”.
    Cheers Fish

    Thankyou Fish for the kind words of encouragement.

    Alive indeed,and yes you will see me on the next one ;) .


    jim cady
    Wolfman wrote:
    Ya Boys… and GAL!! What a cracker of a ride. It is rides like these that I remember why I do this shit. Riding at your own pace with a couple of mates at you side, knowing that strung out in front and behind are “cluster-f@cks”… oops I mean… Clusters or small groups of riders managing their own ride.

    TB, the NAV ride’s are the future old mate. I don’t care if I never do another corner man ride again after this weekend. Well done mate and hats off to everyone elase who came along. Jim for taking on such a ride for his first big Adventure Ride, Aaron for being Jim’s wingman. Peter Payne and Jason barrett for being part of an Industry that supports this sort of thing and actually “being there”… Amy who is the best Adventure Gal since Annie Oakley. And lastly Chicken for being support as you never know when you are going to need the truck and trailer and I know what it is like to be driving when I could be riding :(

    Can’t wait for the next one and looking forward to catching some of you guys on the Scrapheap.


    Too true Steve,couldnt have done it without him.I am certain he must have been stinging to charge a bit harder on the journey,still I know he thoroughly enjoyed the ride and company of some new mates in the OBT ranks.

    By the way his name is Erin,I know red hair and a girls name poor buggar :laugh:

    A lot of people were calling him that on the trip he usually just goes by the name Ez.

    See you soon for tyres.

    Cheers James


    Dwayne O
    Ace wrote:
    I’ve been a tad busy since coming back from the 2 day to finish my report but i just wanted to say a massive thanks to TB who tirelessly organises these rides and makes sure that everyone has a great time. Top effort mate, i don’t know how you do it? :S ;)

    Also, thanks to my riding buddies Eagle and Wiggy for sharing the adventure…even though i did mess up your route on day two and made us miss the best part of the ride…is that right Eagle?? :P :whistle:

    YEP :laugh:

    Finally to Chicken and the sweeps for coming through and making sure that everyone got home safely.

    Great to catch up with all of the olbull gang and see some new faces. This thing is only going to get bigger TB :woohoo: :S :S

    Top effort all and count me in for installment three.


    Hey Ace, Sux being too busy mate.
    How did your pics and vids come out ? Noticed you had a decent camera onboard,,, :whistle:

    Hint hint ;)



    Part 1, thanks to Crash for some footage, watch it in 720HD heaps better

    more later



    Dave Wiggin

    Great footage TB. It’s a pity you weren’t looking over your right shoulder a bit more when PTW had his lie down. We missed the finer details. Oil on the road indeed!

    When’s the next one? :)



    Wigster wrote:
    Great footage TB. It’s a pity you weren’t looking over your right shoulder a bit more when PTW had his lie down. We missed the finer details. Oil on the road indeed!

    When’s the next one? :)


    Two or Three day in June, towards the end



    Dave Wiggin

    I forgot to thank the guys who helped me get the Tiger back upright on Mt Irvine. Farrier and James. I think it was you, so thanks!



    jim cady
    Wigster wrote:
    I forgot to thank the guys who helped me get the Tiger back upright on Mt Irvine. Farrier and James. I think it was you, so thanks!


    Just returning the favour Wigster,Im sure Ace was there to ;) .

    I binned my bike on that little section also :laugh: but embarrassment saw her upright quicksmart :P :blush:


    jim cady
    Trailboss wrote:
    Wigster wrote:
    Great footage TB. It’s a pity you weren’t looking over your right shoulder a bit more when PTW had his lie down. We missed the finer details. Oil on the road indeed!

    When’s the next one? :)


    Two or Three day in June, towards the end


    Awesome TB,gives me something to look forward too :woohoo:

    Im going to get in extra early and ask to be put on the list of starters please.


    Dwayne O

    I see we`ve managed to get another one hooked on the ADV scene ,,,,,
    Good onya James, there`s many more great times to be had mate …

    See you again then ;)


    jim cady
    EAGLE`02 wrote:
    I see we`ve managed to get another one hooked on the ADV scene ,,,,,
    Good onya James, there`s many more great times to be had mate …

    See you again then ;)

    That you will Eagle,wonder what he has got in store for us this time B)



    Hey James, you will have to come up and go for a spin over barrington tops, that will keep you keen till the next Nav ride.



    jim cady

    Sounds like a plan PTW,did you get your bike back yet :unsure:



    Na mate, my bike is getting juiced up ready for the simpson ride, when i get it i will do a ride for sure, i will let you know.




    Great ride!!!

    Thanks to TB and all involved who made it run so smoothly. My first adventure ride with the GPS and i really enjoyed this aspect, Obviously a lot of work but as Woulfy said it beats corner man, Thanks to everyone for makeing James and i feel welcome.

    Looking forward to the next one! :)

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